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Will Paris Hilton's jail time make her more famous?

Plus, she wants to kick it all in the bucket now, according to press reports (Barbara Walters phone interview).

I can completely understand that.

Currently, she's in a bad situation, and even if she apparently has plans to increase her charity efforts, I can see her concentrating on her business career, after this ordeal is over. If the work environment is right, then work can even be a great stress reliever. If people don't understand her and her motives, she should withdraw all those activities that would bring her media attention. Perhaps she even told her talent agency goodbye herself, and the media made it appear like she was dropped. She can also operate charities without being personally involved too often (people like Bill Gates are doing it like that -- how many people know that Bill Gates is a great sponsor of charities?).

Being labelled a "socialite" by the media is a big insult to her, since it implies that all she does is socializing. But that's not true. She told Letterman a year ago, that she only rarely gets around to hang out in clubs anymore. And of course she's maturing, and people expect her to busy herself with so-called "mature" activities.

Being a so-called "mature" person myself, I notice all the expectations that are thrown at people my age, and I guess I have to comply. I'll be 40 in 3 years, so I'm not supposed to behave like a kid anymore. But I'd lie if I'd tell you there's no space for that anymore. We all have our "child" side and carry it around with us all the time. So, I think Paris doesn't deserve to get **** for that.

Do you know what the saddest thing is? When I was in America a number of times, I noticed how the term "adult movies" was associated with porn. So, when we're adults, all that is expected from us is to work, have sex, have children, and die?
Lil'Jeffery34 said:
I wouldn't have the nerves to be a celebrity.

neither would i. it takes a pretty brave person to be able to handle that day in and day out :ut-oh:

how nerve-wracking.
I would handle the press differently: If I were of such fame and had a house, I would set up tents and a daily press conference shack. Reporters would be able to sit down, and I'd give them food and drinks for free. I'd hold a press conference every day or put up signs when the next conference is scheduled. This way, the reporters wouldn't have to stand around all day waiting to take some photos or ask some questions. ;)

I would also set up a mailing list that people from the press could subscribe to, and (e-)mail them all they want to know, and they could post questions there. This way, they'd never have to leave their desk even! ;)

I almost became a journalist in my late teen age, which was one of my career options. But I chose computer programming instead.

Both sides, the celebrity, and the paparazzi, have to have courage to face one another. But it's a part of the entertainment industry. We rarely think about the hardships that those people go thru. Every job has it's downside, and yeah, I guess, we're witnessing some of that now.
I would handle the press differently: If I were of such fame and had a house, I would set up tents and a daily press conference shack. Reporters would be able to sit down, and I'd give them food and drinks for free. I'd hold a press conference every day or put up signs when the next conference is scheduled. This way, the reporters wouldn't have to stand around all day waiting to take some photos or ask some questions. ;)

I would also set up a mailing list that people from the press could subscribe to, and (e-)mail them all they want to know, and they could post questions there. This way, they'd never have to leave their desk even! ;)

I almost became a journalist in my late teen age, which was one of my career options. But I chose computer programming instead.

Both sides, the celebrity, and the paparazzi, have to have courage to face one another. But it's a part of the entertainment industry. We rarely think about the hardships that those people go thru. Every job has it's downside, and yeah, I guess, we're witnessing some of that now.

That's all well and good and to be honest that might possibly work.

But what stops some newspapers or magazines snooping around your house trying to get a shot of when you do something wrong? Or snapping pictures of you when you get too thin or fat?

The world revolves around images of celebrities and questions are going to be turned and twisted so they'll sell. :ut-oh:
What I don't understand is, why especially American citizens are so enraged about her.

I mean, she's not even from a particularly rich family. Her family got a little hotel business with hotels in some countries, and I'm sure there are managers in the US who make much more than her dad ever did.

Are you ****ing kidding me? Her dad's a BILLIONAIRE, ****.
Paris also contributes her part to the world -- everone does. For example, as an entrepreneur she was involved in the creation of her own line of beauty products and an album with music. This gives people jobs in the beauty and music industry. So, Paris does more than the average Joe or Jane: She gives people jobs! -- Our current times would not be that hard for people if there were more entrepreneurs!

I never understood why people have to judge other people. Why do that when you haven't even talked to them?

I know from my own experience that it can be quite hurtful to notice when people are talking about you behind your back, just assuming things about you instead of talking to you directly. My impression was that those people wanted to live in their own fantasy world and did not want to be confronted with reality.

So, when people are talking **** about Paris Hilton for instance, they do not want to know her personally. They just want to say something to entertain their immediate environment. But why say something bad? You might as well say something good! :nod:

You are brainwashed, and clearly blinded from the truth, Paris Hilton does not give a **** about anyone else other then herself. And no, she is under average joe or jane, she gave no one jobs. Give me proof that she give 1 person a job, and I will stop bashing on Paris Hilton, if not. Then you my friend are a complete total **** with no nollege of this spoiled ****.
You're mean.

Did you know that Paris did a lot of charity work? She often donated all money she received as a party guest to charity, and must've given far over a million to charity so far. Furthermore, she donated clothes, and did other charity work (see link in post above).

Paris is also one of the few "celebrities" who hangs around with regular people on a daily basis.

To me that doesn't make her "high and mighty." In fact, that seems quite down to earth, if you ask me.

Paris' friends also say she has a big heart.

To me, she comes across as a nice an amicable person.

Just because she wasn't properly informed about her probation terms doesn't mean she wilfully ignored them.

We can only hope that she doesn't come out of jail as a bitter person. She used to be so nice.

This is a complete joke, Paris Hilton's friends are also spoiled idiots, stupid. And as for Paris being one of the few celebrities hanging around normal people, that's complete bull****. You have to pay like 200,000 dollars just for her to show up in a club. And I hope she dies in jail, like I said in one of your previous Obsession of Paris Hilton threads.
Moisey said:
Are you ****ing kidding me? Her dad's a BILLIONAIRE, ****.

Does it sound like much to you, a billion? They're probably all fixed assets, like real estate. And you're probably summing up estimated resale values. But you would have to look at each asset individually to see if it's really worth that much.

It's easy to throw around numbers.

I've been an enterpreneur myself.

Moisey said:
she is under average joe or jane, she gave no one jobs

Just buy a product that she sells and you have the proof in your hand. This sustains the jobs of many people, like salespeople, merchants, factory workers, and so on. And in the media industry: editors, cutters, journalists, presenters, and so on.

Moisey said:
You have to pay like 200,000 dollars just for her to show up in a club.

Often, she gave that money straight to charity. In fact, a couple of years ago, she said she only ever visits a club if she can raise money for a charity. And the club owners obviously know about that. It's tax deductible. But I'm not sure how the process works in the US.

If she's as rich as you say, what would she do with 200,000 dollars? It's for the petty cash. So it makes more sense she's really giving it to charity right away.

She recently mentioned in the Larry King interview that she regularly attends board meetings, so she's a member of boards of supervisors in one or more companies.