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Good morning Ripley.....wow....all three of us sitting in front of our computers what are the odds on that...
Good morning Ripley...how are you today?
I'm doing fine thanks...bet Stoney is freaked out as well...lmaooooooooooo
I always knew, deep down inside that Stoney was a freaky freak! :tongue:
Well if he is then he is an adorable freaky freak...and such a gentleman as well..will always open a door for a lady, thats the type of man our Stoney is. :nod:
I believe thats true Rosey....well, time to get my butt to work...have a good day!
Take care Ripley, have a great day. Yes I also have to feed the animals and get ready for girl scout camp as well....(hugs and smooches) Ripley.
Oh, wasn't I a naughty chap?!

I posted and I left; that's out of character for me. Normally I'm such a fine, upstanding Gentleman! I don't find it freaky that we were all sat at our PC's at the same time; I find it strangely exciting and wonderful fun!

I wonder how exciting it would be if we were all sat at MY computer? I doubt we'd get much computing done... it's in the spare bedroom!
Awww Stoney sorry you missed all the fun.

And in response to your statement. I can guarantee that with us girls in the same room with you, I doubt very much if we would do much typing....in fact we with one computer who would be typing? See the dilemma?
ROTLFMAO........Ripley...Ohh come on Ripley don't be too hard on him..
Mmmmmmm, spanking...... ggglllgglggglgggggggllgghhhggghggghhhhhggg
lmaooooooooooooooooooooo Stoney..Oh I know you would love that too much.

By the way where is my Lobo....Stoney did you do something to him? If you did I want him back.
Thats why we are good friends Ripley. We can joke and tease with one another and just have fun.
not to mention, taking the win away from each other...which I just did! :tongue:
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