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Working out!


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How many of us work out on a daily basis? What are your routines? Do you have a diet to accompany your regime?

Personally, I run. I'll do about 5-7 miles a day and then static stretch. After that, I do core- 50 sit ups, 30 push ups and a few fish hooks. Some days, I'll lift weights.
I recently found out that I am pregnant so have to take things easier, but I am still walking and swimming when I can. I am also trying to eat healthily which is easier since I totally went off red meat!
I recently found out that I am pregnant so have to take things easier, but I am still walking and swimming when I can. I am also trying to eat healthily which is easier since I totally went off red meat!


Personally, I work out every other day alternating which parts of my body I should focus more on. On average I work out 3-4 times a week. Some days I focus on my lower extremities; other days I focus on my arms, chest, back, and shoulders.
I lift weights on a four day split.

Monday - Chest and Triceps
Tuesday - Back and Biceps
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Legs

Saturday I usually play basketball with friends. My goal is to dunk at 5'9", I'm very close but can't quite do it with a ball. Only can get my hands around the rim.
I work out twice a day 5 days a week and once on Saturdays. In the mornings I do calisthenics and in the afternoons I do cardio, either running or swimming, and I alternate sprints and long distance.
I guess I workout 7 days a week. I used to be into it hardcore but have changed my goals recently. So right now I do...

Monday - Chest, Upper Back
Tuesday - Rock Climb
Wednesday - Arms, Lower Back
Thursday - Rock Climb
Friday - Legs, Shoulders
Saturday - Rock CLimb
Sunday - Cardio
I work out 3 times a week.
Tuesday - Legs and Lower back.
Thursday - Arms and chest
Saturday - Activity (Hockey, Football, Racquetball, etc)

My diet dosen't exactly "fit" my routine either. I'm sure if i wanted to get serious about gaining muscle and cut out all the crap i'd be seeing better results than i do.
I got the gym bug last year, got pretty fit and was keeping up with my routine, then I got married and it all went downhill, yeah pretty sad, trying to get back into it. It is always nice to see progress.
I work on my arms and upper body way too often but it shows and I'm pretty happy about that. I'm currently the biggest I've been in my life, muscle-wise. Right now I'm about 165 but like 5 years ago I was a hefty 200. I've worked hard to get my weight off and I've been able to maintain it. I tend to eat healthy and of course consume loads of protein.
I try to go to gym 5 times a week, and do some basic cardio over the weekend. I follow a self made weight lifting routine.
Well I don't diet because my weight is absolutely fine, but I do go to the gym at work 5 days a week. I only do that to stay toned and to keep my heart pumping though. No heavy weights for me.

30-40 mins of cardio

20 reps crunches

20 reps squats

20 reps bicep curls etc

If I miss a day, I don't really feel guilty or try any harder the next day. Pulled too many muscles too often and got far too obsessed in the past so just trying to take it easy.
I've been planning to get a routine, but I need to get motivated. Easier said than done, but I've heard once you get going, it's easier to keep it up.
I could do with a good workout plan..

When you guys/gals do weights, how many reps to do you do? I want to mainly focus on increasing my strength rather than size/tone. Any advice?

I always have trouble with my triceps and chest, do you guys have any good exercise with free weights??
I could do with a good workout plan..

When you guys/gals do weights, how many reps to do you do? I want to mainly focus on increasing my strength rather than size/tone. Any advice?

I always have trouble with my triceps and chest, do you guys have any good exercise with free weights??

When i lift, I do three sets 10 reps, small break, 8 reps, small break. 6 reps.
A good core workout that i've been doing for a while and seeing some massive results with is.
you get an inclined bench and a medicine ball, i usually go for the 25 or 30 pounds. and you lay on the bench on a reverse incline, meaning your head is closer to the ground then your legs.
you take the ball from over your head and bring it to your chest while doing a crunch. then you can either throw the ball to a second person or just hold it out in front of you, then the person either throws it back to you or you go back down and put the ball above your head.
M - Cardio and Callisthenics
T - Raquetball
W - Cardio and Callisthenics
Th - Racquetball
F - Cardio and Callisthenics
S - Rest
Su - Rest
I could do with a good workout plan..

When you guys/gals do weights, how many reps to do you do? I want to mainly focus on increasing my strength rather than size/tone. Any advice?

I always have trouble with my triceps and chest, do you guys have any good exercise with free weights??

It's not really 100% possible to increase your strength WITHOUT increasing your size, because as muscles get stronger they tend to get bigger as well. However, I would say to do reps with heavy weights in the 3-5 rep range if you mainly want to increase strength.

Also, for chest, just take two dumbbells and lay down on a flat bench, and imitate the motion of the bench press, but with the dumbbells. You can also do this on a bench with a slight incline as well, but don't make the incline too steep, because the steeper the incline, the less it works your chest and the more it works your shoulders.

For triceps there are MANY free-weight exercises. Tricep kickbacks, overhead extensions, and skull-crushers are just a few. Let me know if you have anymore questions!
STX Alex - with your reps do you increase the weight. i.e. say 10 reps 12 kg 8 reps 14 kg?? I will try the medicine ball routine, that sounds like a winner !

Thank you for the advice Nick, I try that out tomorrow on my bench and look into the tricep exercises too. I know that you will naturally increase the size but I don't want to look silly ;)
Thank you for the advice Nick, I try that out tomorrow on my bench and look into the tricep exercises too. I know that you will naturally increase the size but I don't want to look silly ;)

No worries :) if you'd be willing to give up some of your free-weight training and try something new, I'd suggest calisthenics ;P I've been posting a few things about them lately, but only because of how much I love them! Calisthenics won't get you HUGE, but they will definitely give you an "athletes" body, along with building tremendous strength that you can better utilize. Anyways, if you have access to a bar, you should give pull-ups and pushups a try :)
I have never heard of Calisthenics to be honest Nick. Does sound interesting as I would like a sporty body. i will have a look at your posts about it.

I'm useless at push ups - I should really set a goal and just keep increasing day by day. I struggle on the down bit bizarrely rather than the up bit!