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Would you kill?


Mastermind Talker
PF Member
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Would you? Either to save your life, to save your gf/bf.. anything.. would you?

I would and i don't really need a reason to do it. I don't think I have any problem with it really.
I just don't kill because it's cool or I feel like it. I would kill because someone was pointing a gun at me or was doing something really serious.

I also believe those people who say the wouldn't kill anyone, They just didn't go through it well enough. EVERYONE would kill someone out of panic, adrenaline, rush, fear... You name it. Adrenaline and fear combined have a power over you and you don't control your body anymore. All your beliefs and morality are gone when you actually face a dangerous situation.

It's like running. Some of you may not run much/not being capable of running for long. But if your life is at stake, you will run and gain strengh that you didnt know you have. That is similar: fear and adrenaline.
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If it's to protect someone I care about, then yes, I certainly would.
I moved to the debates section; seem more appropriately to me. *shrug*

In answer to the question, it's a difficult one. I guess I can't fully appreciate/understand how I would feel in a situation where I was in danger, but I lean more towards yes, I would kill someone to protect myself or the one's I love. I would never kill someone out of hatred/spite/for enjoyment though, just purely in self-defense.
I guess I would...
But it would probably scar me for a really long time. I don't know if it would be worth it.
Not for the pure thrill of it but definitely if I had to in defence. If someone was threatening your life (i.e. coming at you with a knife) and you had a means to fight back by say, hitting them with a bat, then adrenaline and your survival instincts would take over and you'd do anything to stay alive - even if that means killing them.
Theoretically, everyone would but some people just wouldn't have the gall pull the trigger/murder someone, even in defence. There's no saying I would or would not unless I was actually in that situation, but personally I believe I would. ;_;
Instinctively, if my life were in danger at the hands of another person, I would most likely kill them. As would most people in the same situation.
I would never kill someone because I wanted to, because that's the last thing I want. If it was a "Kirk dies" or "random murderer dies" then I would kill the person trying to kill Kirk.
I would kill someone if it meant saving my family too, or even saving my friends.

It becomes more difficult if the situation was, "Kill this innocent person or I'll kill your Loved One" I feel that I'd probably shamefully do it but it would become much more selfish.
Hard to say. Really depends on the situation. And I'm not going to think up hypotheticals. But I know what ever I do it'll be in reason.
Depends on the circumstances, but if I had to kill to save a loved one, I'd probably do it.
I wouldn't kill for the sake of it, but I'd do it if there was no other way.
I won't say what year, but one of my family's children was abducted and held to ransom in an Eastern European country. I tracked her abductors, located and killed them. And brought her back to safety. Its not the first I've killed. Years ago in Murmansk I killed but in self-defence. I had and have no conscience neither remorse. I did what needed to be done. In the case of self-defence it was either their survival or mine.

Consequently, the child's abduction caused my family to employ close protection officers. The circumstances is because of the work we are in, one of which is oil and petrochemicals. Such high risk jobs sometimes attracts bad people. Ones who are intent on getting money in exchange for ransom.

Since then and years before when I lived rough in my country, my health and fitness has deteriorated. Now I and my family have bodyguards. It is the state of our world and having to live with What Is, is not always easy.

Slighlty off-topic though still relevant, it would be in everyone's benefit to learn Situational Awareness and be sufficient in close combat. Could save your life.
I think in all of us is that instinct to kill, especially when it comes to protecting someone we love or even ourselves. Its hard to comprehend but when pushed too far anyone can have the ability to kill. Even if it wasn't their intention to kill but in the heat of the moment out of shear adrenaline it can happen. However, I could never ever kill someone in cold blood, even killing them in self defense would probably be hard for me to handle, and in this case it would be my life or theirs but it still would be hard to deal with in the long run.
I would only kill if it's a matter of life and death, and I much prefer living. I'd kill to save my loved ones. With that said, I would avoid killing at all costs. If a robber held me at gunpoint, I would try to knock him/her out or something. I could never live with myself if I knew I caused the death of another human being, no matter how messed up he/she was.
If I needed to it wouldn't even cross my mind not to kill.
Depends on how I feel that day to be honest. I wouldn't have a problem killing someone; I doubt I would feel much of anything.