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Writer's Block

Dreek Lass

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I hate getting writer's block. It is the worst thing ever; when you are in the flow and the words are just flowing and every word brings a character or a scene alive, and then you just slam into a brick wall and you find that you really aren't going to go much further without a little bit of difficulty.

I have perhaps only ever finished one story i my entire life, because of writer's block.

I find that there are cures for it. These cures don't work every time, but they are worth a shot. Smoking Marijuana is one of them, becoming aroused before writing, and going out and sitting amongst people whilst writing.

When you get writer's block, what do you do to get rid of it?
I rarely, if ever, get writers block but when I do I try for a little bit, leave it and then come back when I really feel like writing.
I'm currently stuck in art block :P
Usually when I have writers block, I start reading news websites and blog sites to see if I can break away from it. Music also helps me become more creative and I usually don't go through writer's block all that often. It sucks when it happens though.
When I have writer's block, I've found that stepping away from my work and returning to it later usually helps. Or showering. I get lots of great ideas in the shower. The first time I did that, I forgot my great idea once I stepped out of the shower. Since then, I've been bringing in a notebook and pen and just leaving it on the toilet. That helps a lot.
When you get writer's block, what do you do to get rid of it?

Lemme tell you about the informational black hole of the Internet that me and so many others like to call... TVTropes.

Yeah, sure, I spend hours upon hours upon hours lurking around Trope pages but it can give you all sorts of interesting ideas.
Also, music.

Of course I always manage to have all these ideas and as soon as I want to start writing I get all like "wut iz speling? wut iz grammur? howz do I plot? man, I'm thirsty...". It's like I totally forget how to write anything at all as soon as I sit down to write. I know what I want to write but I just can't think of how I want to write it.

Pretty bad when you get writers block and you haven't even started writing yet. Doesn't help I'm so easily distracted by my own mind though. There are times I'm just totally blank. Other times I have too many ideas and I'm all over the place with it. Blarg!
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My little sister writes loads and always gets writers block.
I don't write, but the advice I give to her is to take a break and come back to it later. Stop thinking and worrying about it and it'll go away quicker.
Sometimes the harder the you try, the worse you get. Leave it for a while, completely forget about it, and come back to it with a fresh mind.

Also take a notebook around with you, so when you have a particularly long period of writers block, you can write down any little ideas that do come to you during that time.
I get writer's block when I'm writing big pieces, but I'm generally okay with short stories.
I couldn't personally 'cure' writer's block with Marijuana - when I've tried it in the past it just made me tired. I imagine hallucinogens doing a better job, but I wouldn't go near them myself.

I generally find that lying down and listening to music that fits the genre of what I'm writing helps quite a bit.
I suppose for those who have lives interesting enough to write stories based on them, writer's block would be unheard of.
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I get writer's block when I'm writing big pieces, but I'm generally okay with short stories.
I couldn't personally 'cure' writer's block with Marijuana - when I've tried it in the past it just made me tired. I imagine hallucinogens doing a better job, but I wouldn't go near them myself.

I generally find that lying down and listening to music that fits the genre of what I'm writing helps quite a bit.
I suppose for those who have lives interesting enough to write stories based on them, writer's block would be unheard of.
That's an excellent input on what causes writer's block for me as well. There is a high possibility of getting writer's block kicked in when you're doing long contents. It's happened to me a few times.

What I normally do which helps me a lot is taking a walk or going for a swim. With that break on the work, I get my inspiration back.
I do sometimes get writers block and it's hard to move past it sometimes. Whenever it happens I try and think about what I am writing and what else I need to include to make the story or information flow for the reader. If you put yourself in the readers shoes, it can help direct you on what to talk about next. But sometimes, it's just hard to overcome.
Usually if I get writer's block I just take a break for a bit to start brainstorming ideas. Eventually they'll come around.
I get writers block all the time because I'm always so busy trying to get something do as fast as I can which probably makes it worse. I think the best way to get past it is to just stop writing and clear your head and come back to it later on in the day. If you have a rest so you don't burn yourself out then it's probably easier to start writing again.
I enjoy writing while at the park. This is one of the ways that I ensure that I don't suffer writer's block. When I see people going around the park and enjoying life, it motivates me to write more.

I don't enjoy smoking, but that has also been one of the ways that most writers get to flow when they have a story to write on.
Writer's block is usual with writers.
I have gone blank for days not knowing what to write.
I have also abandoned scripts for months.

Funny thing is, when I start a new project .it will flow but when I try to pick up from where I stopped in d old project, I go blank again ;) ;)
Taking a break from the work and stop forcing yourself too much is the best way to deal with it.

I usually go for a swim whenever it happens to me. Swimming really calms me down, so it's most likely my number 1 solution to all my stress problems.

I can listen to music too, it really helps too.
What works for me with Writer's blog is to take a break for a day or two. That's because no matter how much I try to complete that work, I would just have nothing. When I resume another day, new motivation comes and I am able to complete it.