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WWYD - Car door hit another car

oh boy... I have been on both ends of this. and I know it sucks your dh was so honest, however you know now a days there are cameras EVERYWHERE. or nosey people. lol anyhow, I hate to say it, but she seems persistent on what she wants done. and the problem is your dh left evidence admitting to what he had unintentionally done. she can take you to court if you refuse to pay her the estimated amount (sounds like her son is doing all the talking), and going to court could mean more money out of your pocket (if you have to take off of work, or gas $ to go there,etc) her car does appear to be in good shape for the year it is from your pics, so she is entitled to have it look as it had prior to your car door hitting hers. I know i would expect the same, I take pride in my car and I was VERY mad when someone dinged it up. And they had to pay, I did 2 different estimates, and was nice by going with the tiny bit cheaper one for their favor, however I did not have to do so. and also, like i said i have been on both sides, act of nature is nothing, i remember the cops being called when the guy next to me claimed my son's door hit his, mind you, there was no paint on his car from mine, and his azz was up at the door no where in sight to visually see it, the cops came and told me that it doesn't matter how it happened, whether it was cuz of gust of wind, my son opening it up a tad bit too much, I can deny his claim, but he had the right to take me to court. he said that the door lined up with the dent and was going to put it in the report. it just wasn't worth it to me to fight it, even after discussing it with my car insurance. (btw I didn't have to pay a deductible, so maybe you should inquire through your insurance to confirm you guys would be responsible for a deductible). as far as how she spends the money you send her, I hate to say it, she is entitled to do whatever it is she wants with it. now from watching court shows: i seen a case where the girl sold the car, and the judge still ordered the defendent to pay, she said it didn't matter that she sold the car, she told the defendent if you paid her the money prior to coming to court, maybe she would have fixed the dent, but theres evidence of what you did, and now you have to pay. that was shocking to me, i wouldn't think that'd be possible. but i guess anything is possible.
*** I hope I don't come off rude. I just have been in both situations, as the person hitting someone, and as someone hitting me (and unfortunately I have had someone hit me more ) and just sharing with you what happened with my situations.
bottom line, like charlieq said, i would teach dh to be decent and honest, with a fine line, oopsie i forgot to put my info.

sorry for the rant.
I would pay her what she is asking, and be done with it. I know it sucks... the same thing happened to me a couple of months ago (wind pulled the door out of my hand and slammed into the car next to me). The ironic thing is that I had just finished saying to my son "don't open your door. It's too windy. I'll open it for you". :dunce:
The car looks like it's in pretty great shape. My mom's car is probably older than that, but it's really low miles, and she anally maintains it, so someone like my mom would not want her car looking like that. In the picture it looks like it is more than just a dent, and the scrape goes through the paint, so that might be why the estimate is so high.
lol...one of the reasons I love you! We think alike....I wouldn't have either...especially if a car was that old...heaven knows that noone ever leaves note on mine when they ding my car!

Xactly. I've always regarded cars and just metal boxes to get me from point A to point B. They get dings, chips, rust, etc. I always laugh when I see some shiny fancy car taking up two spots or parked as far back as the obviously small-penised owner can. :hah::laugh:

I have a nice car (IMO) but it has some imperfections.............it happens.
Xactly. I've always regarded cars and just metal boxes to get me from point A to point B. They get dings, chips, rust, etc. I always laugh when I see some shiny fancy car taking up two spots or parked as far back as the obviously small-penised owner can. :hah::laugh:

this. I drive a 1998 model and it has a lot of paint scrapes/scratches. DH drives a 2011 model. We bought it new in June. In August, we drove it (unintentionally) through a big fat hail storm. we were in the middle of nowhere Wyoming, no shelter, nothing we could do to keep the huge hail from hitting the car. The hail was so thick and copious it was difficult to drive on it. Yeah, the new car got a little dinged (you have to be looking for it, but I know it's there). I was upset for like a minute, then I was relieved. I no longer have to worry about the car getting dinged or whatever. And I was glad the huge fat hail didn't crack the windshield, because that is a PITA.

Anyway, back to the original post -- no good deed goes unpunished. Get your own estimate for the cheaper type of repair.
My brother had this happen to him at our grandma's funeral. Funny (or not funny) thing was his door hit our ex-aunts brand new car. She was not welcome at the funeral by most of the family because she treated our grandmother horribly. We all felt like this "act of God" was an act of grandma telling her to get the **** out.
Instead, my brother has no money, so my mom paid to fix the car to keep the peace. A similarly small ding with a little paint damage and it was over $800. Oh yeah, and my other brother manages a body shop so $800 was cost. These dents don't come cheap.
Personally, suck it up pay to get it fixed and move on. If you can't give her all the money right away then tell her that too. I don't think $385 is a bad price to get it fixed.
I also have concern about the cashier's check.... I don't feel this person is dealing with you as a fellow Christian which makes me not trust her. You need a record that you paid whatever you decide to pay. I would consult a cheaper option to get a different quote. Since you already offered $200 I think you have to do that much but as long as the other estimate is cheaper than $200 (and it will be I suspect) then I'd go with the $200.

I would skip the cashier's check... won't that be a fee to get that and leave you without as clear a record of having paid. And... welll.... the meaner part of me says that she can't tell you how to pay her. That's up to you. I would write a check wheere you can write a memo and track when it's cashed. If she doesn't want it.... no problem :)
We bought a 2003 car in 2005. One month after we bought it, I went to walmart and we had a HUGE car door ding in the driver's door. No note, nothing. Pat was LIVID and I wasnt very happy either. Since then, we have had the car hit by rocks on the interstate, a couple more idiots dinged the doors...sigh. Its part of having a car.

Pay the woman the $200. or $300. bucks with a check and be done with it.
Praying about it isn't going to fix the dent.

It could make another dent on the other side if it wants to get even kwim :9:
I read the OP to my dh just to get his thoughts too. He thought the location of the dent was one of the more difficult places to get out. He also agrees not to make out a cashiers check to the lady, but make it out to the shop who does the repairs (but then I bet this won't be necessary - they should take your check or somethings wrong there). I think the lady is behaving very unChristianlike; Ya know going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to McDonald's makes you a hamburger (yes, I just borrowed that from Keith Green). I'd want to have my own estimate done just to see what another shop would say and to see if her amount is reasonable. Anyway it goes, I wouldn't give her a penny - the money needs to go to whoever does the repair.
In a situation that is similar yet different, my ds was playing for the church orchestra during the service and another orchestra member walked between him and his chair and snapped his violin bow in half. It was probably a $150 bow. At first they offered to pay for it, but then they said things that made me know they didn't want to pay for it so I told them we did not want them to pay for it - accidents happen and hopefully the kids will learn to be more careful. I told them there were no hard feelings. Yes, $150 is a lot for us. I still have not replaced the bow and I have no idea when I will be able to afford to, but relationships, especially with fellow Christians are way more important to me than $150. Also, quite a few years ago - maybe 8 or so which would have put our van at maybe 7ish years old, our pastor's father hit our van parking his vehicle. I think it was a dent and scrape and we told them not to worry about it. We never even gave it another thought, and I think it was a lot more damage than what happened with your dh and the door. I commend your dh for being so honest, but IMO this lady is trying to take advantage of you.
First off kudos to your hubby for doing the right thing. I know it sucks now, but my cars are always a hit and run magnet and it sucks to be on the other side.

That said I'd just pay her off, making sure to keep a paper trail, and move forward.
Just an update.....DH had written to some leaders in the church to try to get their counsel/help.

One person wrote back a very negative email, questioning whether anyone who would hit someone's door then only suggest to pay part of the repair was lacking in honesty and integrity.

Another person offered to help mediate and agreed that person #1 was self-righteous.

Apparently last Sunday person #2 tried to talk to her, because last Monday we got an angry phone call from the woman telling us to not talk to people at church about it! She yelled at my husband then hung up the phone.

I had collected estimates from various places...some as crazy high as $850....others more sketchy, lowest was a guy from craigslist for $150.

We wanted the guy from church to present the 3 estimates (1 at $275, 1 at $200 and the $150 one) to her, but since she seems to not want to listen I wrote a letter listing these companies and said we would pay any of them directly.

Anyhow, I wish I could say it was resolved but it's not....but I really appreciate all of your advice/comments.
Interesting read!

I certainly wouldn't pay HER a dime. I would get an estimate elsewhere like others said. Hopefully it's lower. Then pay them AND KEEP THE RECEIPT!!
I'm an anal a$$hole and couldn't deal with a dent on my car that I will see everyday. I would tell her to bring it to the place and I would then use a credit card to pay for the $388 or whatever it says on the estimate and nothing more.

I also don't think you can pop that out easy because it's right on the hump of the curve. Even if there is no paint chipped, give it about a month and on top it will start to flake off and then start rusting/peeling off.

Plus you can't prove a gust of wind did it.

But again, I'm an anal a$$hole when it comes to cars.
Looks like the paint is already damaged. No?
I'm an anal a$$hole and couldn't deal with a dent on my car that I will see everyday. I would tell her to bring it to the place and I would then use a credit card to pay for the $388 or whatever it says on the estimate and nothing more.

I also don't think you can pop that out easy because it's right on the hump of the curve. Even if there is no paint chipped, give it about a month and on top it will start to flake off and then start rusting/peeling off.

Plus you can't prove a gust of wind did it.

But again, I'm an anal a$$hole when it comes to cars.

You might not wanna park next to me............just sayin'. :snicker:
It's ok, I usually park in the handicapped spot with my SIL. I can fling my door open with no worries.
OT but years ago my DH rear-ended (fender bender) a Mexican guy who barely spoke English driving a POS old car. DH gave the guy cash a couple days later (a couple hundred I think) to fix the fender.

I told DH he was nuts. The guy prolly didn't even have insurance and there were no witnesses and he's proly an illegal and prolly didn't even use the $ to fix his car. :fart:

What can I say................he's my better half............much, much better. :9:

Flame away. :snicker: