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Glasgow, Scotland, UK
So this is the Official list of Xbox Live Gamers here on Peak Forums!

Add Yourself: If you are a Xbox Gamer and want to be added to this list so that other members will see your name and add you to play games with you, then simply reply on this thread with the following form filled out..
TO: @SeanQuinn87 ....
(1): Xbox Live GamerTag: ?
(2): Fav Game Genres: ? (Choose 3)
(3): Do You Use A Mic?
(4): I want people to add me on Xbox Live from seeing me on this list?: Yes/No?
(5): Extra(s)?: Bold/Underline/Italic/Colour?

Extras: You can buy the following things to make you more noticeable on the list to try help you get more people to added you..

10 Peak Cash: Bold
10 Peak Cash: Underline
10 Peak Cash: Italic
50 Peak Cash: Colour Change
25 Peak Cash: Bump To Top Of List

You can buy the above things as many times as you want: Simply reply on this thread and let me know what you want and i will reply back to you straight away! There Are No Refunds!

Peak Staff..
  • SE4NQ87 (Football, Shooting, Tycoon) [MIC]
  • Xbox Live Gamertag (Genre, Genre,Genre) [MIC]
  • Xbox Live Gamertag (Genre, Genre,Genre) [MIC]
Peak Rangers..
  • Xbox Live Gamertag (Genre, Genre,Genre) [MIC]
  • Xbox Live Gamertag (Genre, Genre,Genre) [MIC]
  • Xbox Live Gamertag (Genre, Genre,Genre) [MIC]
Peak Members..
  • AfricaTan2 (Football, Shooting, Fantasy) [MIC]
  • shaggerford67 (Football, Shooting, Sci-Fi) [MIC]
  • Xbox Live Gamertag (Genre, Genre,Genre) [MIC]
  • Xbox Live Gamertag (Genre, Genre,Genre) [MIC]
Please check out the member's profile on here also before you add them on Xbox Live and this will let you know what age they are and some other details that may help you decide if that person is good to add. You can do this by right-clicking on their Xbox Live GamerTag in the lists above and choose "Open In A New Tab/Window". :p
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Thats me added you to the list @Callum Clark :D but can you also tell me the 3 game genres you like best and also wither you have a mic for talking online during games? ... just so i can finalize your listing. :D Thanks..
Yes i have a mic i only ever play fifa online but i have assassins creed and im looking at buying destiny
Yes lol im off for the now mate will be back on later though, remember the truth is out there.