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Would you rather hear a lie that feels good or the truth that hurts? Are you sure?:eusa_ange Why?
Myself personally? A truth that hurts. A truth that hurts can be used as a form of constructive critisim, y'know, after you are totally angry and hurt. I think that would be more benefical than a lie.
As much as I hate bad news I rather know the truth. I just don't like to hear it since I easily get stressed out.
I believe even though the truth hurts, it is never as destructive as a lie that has been uncovered. People who lie to spare another person's feeling are truly doing them a disservice.

Unfortunately some can not handle the truth in which case I think it is best to say nothing. The person shunning reality will not appreciate your honesty anyhow so why sweat the small stuff?
That's the truth, not to mention the person might be upset that you lied to them.
The truth. If not anything else for their honesty. There is such a thing as tact as well. It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
Fortunately or unfortunately, it is all in how you look at it, I have no tact. Never did. Some people can take it; others can't.
I would rather have the truth. Otherwise you are living off of false information and maybe false hope depending on what the lie is about. The truth is always better!
I think most people prefer to be lied to since they can't take the truth. Like if you say to someone they look great but they don't.
I would like to hear the truth and not be lied to, I cant stand when I have been lied to to my face!!! Expecially when I KNOW they are lyin through their teeth!! I might have a hard time taking the truth, but in the outcome, it will be better!!!
It depends ont eh severity of the situation.

A white life about your significant others butt looking big in so and so a dress, versus lying about a serious obesity problem...

It's a judgement call thing
The truth, but I do believe tact is good to have. People with no tact seem to have no regard for others feelings or beliefs.
People with no tact seem to have no regard for others feelings or beliefs?

The operative word is "seems". They may seem to have little or no regard for the feelings and beliefs of others, however, it is not always the case. Perhaps the thread "Tact Filters" may clarify what I mean.
And if the world was perfect and we all thought alike, we wouldn't be sweating the small stuff.

You are more then entitled to your opinion; we all have one, however, it does not mean that the consensus will be all for one or one for all!
Just one question does this also include white lies?
White lies are probably not included. Telling someone they are gorgeous inflates an already deflated ego and gives that person something to strive for. Or telling someone fat is OK when you really wish they would lose a few pounds. :eusa_liar
I dunno! What do I know?
[SIZE=+2]Results of "The Test" How many white lies do you tell?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+1]Your score =
[SIZE=+1]65 [/SIZE]


[SIZE=+2]What does your score mean?[/SIZE]

You seem to believe in the virtue of honesty, but don't apply it blindly without consideration for the specifics of the situation. You level with others when it seems like the best thing to do, but also know when it's better to keep your mouth zipped. The truth, you know, can be cruel and sometimes it's simply kinder to tell a little fib. If you've ever seen the movie Liar Liar, you know what can happen if we share everything we think! Continue using your judgment, and make sure you soften the harsh truth when you do decide to deliver it.[/SIZE]