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Sandy does the "got spanked" part of your avitar have anything to do with all of this.:bee:

Just wondering...because if it does, now you can change it to spanking over
I'm thinking you just did and since she isn't here... you might just as well ask away and see if she answers.

I just wanted to know why she didn't get back to me when I e-mailed her on 7/18/11? I then sent another e-mail on 7/21/11 with the subject line of Did you get my e-mail? Waiting for a reponse.

The only response I got was from the first e-mail I sent on 7/15/11.

If you didn't want a check as I was offering you then why couldn't you just have told me that back then. (just as you did today) I would have figured out another way to pay you.

I just don't understand why I didn't get a response back. As I said in my e-mail I wanted to take care of the matter asap!
The 6 year spanking is finally over. Glad Rhonda did the right thing.
Yes, but we are still lingering near the vending machines available for recall :roll:

I understand Sandy HAS the emails that she did emal you back....but the jury has been dismissed.
I understand Sandy HAS the emails that she did emal you back....but the jury has been dismissed.

I even e-mailed you on on 7/30/11 to let you know i hadn't heard back from her. Gave you all the times and dates I contacted her. And to see if you could help me. I said: Maybe she is to busy to respond or hasn't been able to yet. Let me know if you can find anything out for me. Thanks for your help! Tracy

So I even went further and contacted you back to see if you could help further to take care of the matter. You say now in this thread something about it being your business and I had to figure it out on my own. BUT then you bashed Rhonda for her talking me out of calling you about it a couple years before that. I thought on 7/15/11 when we first talked about this you were there to help get this matter closed.

If Sandy contacted me anytime after 7/15/11 I didn't get any e-mails from her and that is why I decided to contact you. I just thought you would let me know if you heard from her. Then you sent me this e-mail:

If it were my trade. ....I would send ONE MORE message....you know the emal works...cause she answered it before. Let her know you are attempting to pay her and need the payment info (whether to send a MO (I would deliver confirm it if you do) or paypal or??) And that this is your last attempt to do so. That you are happy to clear it up...but need to hear from her in order to do so.

And then let it be. IF she refuses to answer to get her money....then it is soooo on her now as far as I am concerned. IF I ever hear from her she is still waiting on her $$ I have no interest in hearing it and am ready to give her an earful that she misrepresented this situation.

I have already done that. And then you told me to let it be.

I was right there letting you know I wasn't hearing back from her. What else was I suppose to do at that point?
Listen, Rhonda, if you wanted to give her a 1099 for some stuff you bought in the grey market for your "store" it's no wonder this whole 6 year radio silence occurred. Nobody wants to take checks at their garage sale. When you change your payment terms for no logical reason (you wanted to send me a check for Kohls coupons, why would I take a check from a stranger?), you can't then cry about how you got your bad reputation. It's a very small logical leap.

You can't operate that way. If you have a business, you know that.
Listen, Rhonda, if you wanted to give her a 1099 for some stuff you bought in the grey market for your "store" it's no wonder this whole 6 year radio silence occurred. Nobody wants to take checks at their garage sale. When you change your payment terms for no logical reason (you wanted to send me a check for Kohls coupons, why would I take a check from a stranger?), you can't then cry about how you got your bad reputation. It's a very small logical leap.

You can't operate that way. If you have a business, you know that.

I don't remember changing or wanting to or asking to change any terms with Sandy.

Regarding the Kohl's coupons I only asked if I could send you a check because I didn't have enough in my paypal account to cover it. I didn't think a check would matter. I have sent a check to many different people for coupons. I pay how they want/need me to. I discussed this upfront with you because there was going to be a 2-3 day delay getting more money back into my paypal account to pay you. You said no checks so I moved on to getting money put into my paypal account.
and your defense is why didn't she email you back once or twice in July 2011????

You said something completley different then this to me back in July.

From Barb on on 7/30/11 at 4:42pm

"IF she refuses to answer to get her money....then it is soooo on her now as far as I am concerned. That you are happy to clear it up...but need to hear from her in order to do so."

So why are you saying something totally different now???

And I DID have the money to pay her back then. I can show you my bank account statement for July 2011.

I did EXACTLY what you told me to do BEFORE you even told me to do it.
Rhonda's real name is Nohio....not Tracy.

and if I told you to .....jump off a cliff???????????????????

But, ... I do have a stunning bridge for sale. .....Paypal only.
Crap. I have to leave to meet a friend and workout.

Somebody remind me I am on page 45.

Geesh a girl spends the day shopping and getting her nails done (btw..I HAVE to switch nail ladies) and FINALLY something happens around here. Go figure.

Take a dinner break I will be really quick!
I seriously just wasted 40 min. of my life trying to catch up to this thread from when I left it around noon: You know, right when it really started getting good! But I never laughed so freaking hard in my life :roll: :shesaid: This whole thing is just so CW funny, I don't think of it as a wasted 40 min that I'll never get back, just too funny :)

From her (rhonda/tracy) first comment I thought she was just oozing tension and now we know why. I am very glad that you got your money out of all this drama Sandy! The truth always comes out: Even if she basicly outed herself!
and if I told you to .....jump off a cliff???????????????????

But, ... I do have a stunning bridge for sale. .....Paypal only.

Sorry, she prefers to send checks. She won't get around to paypal you until 2018 prolly.

How in the hell is this thread still going? I left work and it seemed like everything was settled. This truly is a nohio thread. Nothing is ever solved.
  • Rhonda/Tracy will you please just SHUT UP!!!!!!! You didn't pay someone over $500 that you OWED her for OVER SIX YEARS!!!!! I mean SERIOUSLY!! Don't try and act like you are the "good guy" here because you sent a couple of pathetic e-mails in 2011!!! Almost SIX YEARS after this occurred!!! I mean, I appreciate the DRAMA and all but you are seriously driving me NUTS by playing all this nonsense about how there was "nothing else you could do"!!
You paid her now. You (finally) did the right thing. Now HUSH Up!!!!

Sorry to vent folks but I hit a brick wall on this one!