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Yum or Yuck

Use to be a yum...

I'm allergic to eggs now and they make me sick to my tummy so yuck now.

French Toast.

Yummmmm and remembering we haven't had that for a while!



BD made me a lasagne with spinach in it when I first got here. Only thing that she has cooked that I have ever said "never again please".

Brit Pancakes

(2 cups milk, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, pinch of salt. Whisk with blender until creamy and bubbles form. Set aside in fridge for 30 minutes, re-whisk before cooking. Heat pan with a very small amount of oil, pour a ladel of mix in and tilt pan to spread it thinly and evenly. Turn over when firm with spatula - flip if feeling adventurous!! Serve with a light sprinkle of sugar and lemon juice. Makes about 8-10 pancakes.

As a desert, forget the sugar and lemon and fold pancake around 2 spoons of ice cream and dribble hot chocolate sauce over the outside.)
SB says I'm fired because I forgot french toast was used...

yum as long as I don't cook it (my last effort failed to pop once, but the kitchen was sure steamed up !)

YUMMMY, esp cooked in butter (I don't steam mine any more).


I don't steam mine any more

Enlighten please Liz. I can't think of doing asparagus by either steam or grilling (suitably marinated).

Artichokes - yuk

Water Melon
Bar-B-Q, properly made...great.

Asparagus cooked in butter. Take a frying pan, add 4-6 teaspoons of butter (unsalted is best) and start melting. Then just trim off the ends and place in the melted butter (laying down). Add cover, but stir? every so often. Cook until tender (about 15-20 mins) and serve.


yuck, too many seeds....

key lime pie
