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  1. ~kev~

    Lets talk about your summer plans

    My summer plans include going fishing on a local river. Maybe running some trotlines. Might even plant a late summer garden for a fall garden. On May 5 my wife and I threw a party for close friends and family. We cooked around 65 pounds of crawfish, had boudin, sausage, corn, potatoes...
  2. ~kev~

    Just too Cute pictures!

    Chicken in my chicken coop
  3. ~kev~

    What's for dinner?

    My wife and I had hot wings for dinner last night. Tonight, I dont know what we are going to have. Its going to be something simple though.
  4. ~kev~

    How's the weather today?

    Its hot here, really hot for this time of year. Temps are hitting the 100s 2 - 3 weeks earlier then normal. I would like to go out on the river and do some fishing, but by the tom 10am rolls around, its close to 95 degrees.
  5. ~kev~

    Forum Marketing

    Backlinks for marketing??? Really? Is that the best you can come up with? Its the 21st century, get with the times. Learn to tap into resources such as youtube, facebook, twitter,,,, and the such. Making youtube videos are not "that" difficult. When done properly they can tap into your...
  6. ~kev~

    Let's talk some new Movies

    Only about 4 more weeks until Thor comes out. and only about 8 more weeks until Captain America comes out. and only about 1 year and 1 month until the Avengers comes out.
  7. ~kev~

    Thats Rare!

    I have never heard of a silver labrador, that is rare. Mostly all I hear about are black and yellow labs.
  8. ~kev~

    What's for dinner?

    Last night was a chicken sandwich, night before last was bean burrito, Usually, my wife and I will just have a very light meal for dinner. 3 or 4 times a week we will workout and do not want to eat anything too heavy.
  9. ~kev~

    What do you do to relax?

    Relax? Lets see Play video games such as left 4 dead, left 4 dead 2, borderlands,,,,, games like that Go fishing - I like to head out to the local river, launch the boat and spend some time out on the river fishing Camping Hiking Nature photography,,,,,, just to name a few things
  10. ~kev~

    Hong Kong Architect Turns Shoebox Apartment into 24 Rooms

    That is a really cool idea for places with limited space. Lets say that you have a fire department that has a remote office,,, something like that.
  11. ~kev~

    Any fisherman here?

    I'll be doing some fishing this spring and summer - in lake sam rayburn and the angelina and the neches river. Mostly what I fish for are perch, and some bass. The kids like catching the perch. We have a camping trip planned at Dam B (which is just outside of Jasper, Texas) during spring...
  12. ~kev~


    When my forum was small, I had a shoutbox. But as more members joined, the system resources that the shoutbox used got to be too much. I finally had to disable the shoutbox.
  13. ~kev~

    Anyone here play Doom?

    Rumors have been floating around about a Doom 4, but I have not seen anything solid yet. And if its anything like the recent ID software contract production games, I doubt I'll buy them.
  14. ~kev~

    What exactly is Curling, and do you watch it?

    What are the sweepers supposed to be doing?
  15. ~kev~

    Bioshock 2

    Bioshock 2 was released a few weeks ago, has anyone read any reviews of it? I thought about getting it, but I just dont know. It seems that the developers dropped support on bioshock 1 shortly after it was released, so will they do the same thing with bioshock 2?
  16. ~kev~

    Anyone here play Doom?

    And I'am not talking about Doom 3, I'am talking about the Ultimate Doom or the Final Doom.
  17. ~kev~

    Left 4 Dead 2

    l4d2 is better then l4d in certain ways, but in other ways, l4d is better then l4d2. If your wanting a game with a dark feel to it, then play l4d. l4d2 is brighter, less dark areas, has more weapons, but l4d is simplier and I find l4d easier to play then l4d2. Take the subway section of No...