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  1. onewrongmove

    Gerald Green Dunk

    Holy crap! That's a dunk even Vince Carter would be envious of. Eye level? Try mouth level. He could probably kiss the rim without even trying to reach for it.
  2. onewrongmove

    JR Smith fined...

    Somehow I doubt a guy like JR Smith knows the standards all that well, though. He's a classic. You can tell there's nothing running up there for him. He'll do something stupid, say he's sorry, then proceed to do something else that's stupid.
  3. onewrongmove

    Derrick Rose tired of speculation

    Though I like the guy and I do like his personality, I may have to agree with this as well. He does seem just a little too uptight at times. Was he pushed for an answer by reporters on this one, though? Players do start getting pissed off at certain questions repeated again and again. I'd be...
  4. onewrongmove

    Magics Turkoglu Suspended

    Yeah Mike Brown was suspended for a game as well. Thing is though, Mike Brown was visibly upset. Turkoglu in comparison was just straight up calm when touching the ref, like he's talking to his friend or something. It's really crazy. Stern and company could at least set a precedent, but there's...
  5. onewrongmove

    Tony Parker underated?

    It wasn't really a good run considering they got packed in the first round last season. The Spurs try to play for the title every year, no matter how much people write them off. If Tony Parker is going to play scared against some no-name player like Mike Conley like last season, it's not going...
  6. onewrongmove

    Jeremy Lin show over?

    Hindsight bias kicking in. His points per game are coming down with Amare and Melo back in the roster, but he's still scoring at a good clip. His turnovers are also down the past few games. The hype is over for now, but he's not.
  7. onewrongmove

    Magics Turkoglu Suspended

    Physical contact? All he did was touch the ref on his shoulders when he was trying to explain. There was no malice in it. It was just a friendly gesture. I guess NBA refs are truly literally untouchable. Meh.
  8. onewrongmove

    Gasol going to Houston?

    Here we go again. The Gasol rumors never stop. Seriously, the Lakers FO is a mess. They better hope they can actually get him for something. If they are unable to ship Gasol by the deadline, they will have no one to blame but themselves when the playoffs roll around.
  9. onewrongmove

    Derrick Rose tired of speculation

    I second this. It's a breath of fresh air whenever players genuinely credit their teammates. You can tell it is genuine too, with the way he addressed the issue by acknowledging that they have a winning record after all. Dwight is a loser in comparison.
  10. onewrongmove

    Lakers Players want to change offensive strategy

    I agree with this. Mike Brown is a mess actually. Also, it looks to me like Mike Brown has handed the reins over to Kobe anyways, considering the amount and kinds of shots Kobe is taking these days from what I've seen. Phil Jackson would have been a lot less tolerant about Kobe doing that sort...
  11. onewrongmove

    The OKC Thunder ..ARE THEY FOR REAL?

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure OKC is for real, LOL. I agree that if they were to match up with the Heat, they can take them. LeBron may be able to shut down Derrick Rose, but Durant is a slightly different story with his length.
  12. onewrongmove

    Jason Kidd fined for comments

    David Stern has always been very strict and almost authoritarian about players, coaches and owners when it comes to fining them whenever they make remarks about the referees. He's made a lot of money out of Mark Cuban doing this. This comes as no surprise. I definitely agree that some of the...
  13. onewrongmove

    Jeremy Lin show over?

    Lin actually had a pretty bad game though. It seemed like he scored a majority of those 20 points when the game was over and the Knicks never really threatened the Spurs at the end. Sure he went to Harvard, but I'm sure you know book-smart doesn't mean basketball-smart.
  14. onewrongmove

    Tony Parker underated?

    He's having a great year. In past years, one thing would be missing from his game. It may be his midrange game. It may be that his floater has disappeared and he has stopped going to it. This year, he's been able to put his midrange, his floater and his slashing game together which makes him...
  15. onewrongmove

    Jeremy Lin show over?

    It's over, for now. He's still playing ok to good, though. It's most likely quite relieving for him, because now he can work with his teammates and on his game, without the spotlight and pressure constantly on him. His turnover numbers are somewhat down, now.
  16. onewrongmove

    Gilbert Arenas back to NBA?

    I actually think Arenas would come back to the NBA for cheap. He did have some major contracts before his off-court troubles, and he could very well be over that. Judging from these reports, I don't think he's the type of guy to turn down an opportunity to start all over again.
  17. onewrongmove

    Blazers, Felton trade?

    It makes no sense for Portland. Like everyone else said, Felton's contract will run out soon enough. For LA, I'm not sure why they want to do it either, considering the way he's played all year. Maybe they think Felton can rejuvenate his career in LA.
  18. onewrongmove

    Malicious NBA Players

    Right now, I will just second the sentiment on Kevin Garnett. This guy does just about everything to try to gain the edge. His antics are not overly blatant but when they happen, guys like Marco Belinelli are down on the floor, holding their ribcage and wondering why the refs let KG get away...
  19. onewrongmove

    I don't get it ...

    Whatever floats your boat, man. I'd argue that "36 minutes of back and forth" creates some pretty good suspense. We get to see whether the team leading will try to put the other team away, or if the opposing team will try to make a comeback. Trading "insurmountable leads" is what makes it fun.
  20. onewrongmove

    Paul Pierce

    It's only one. I don't think it matters all that much that Pierce has somewhat predictable moves. Like somebody else said, it works for him, every time. You still can't stop him. He's still able to put up points from it.