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  1. B

    Does anybody here like Mortiis?

    I saw them in concert in the Blackest of the Black Tour in Vegas. They rocked there. I would never buy their CD, but they've got a great gimmick.
  2. B

    What are you listening to right now?

    Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake I know... I know... shut up... I can't stop myself, though........
  3. B

    School Shopping..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Is she hot? :shifty:
  4. B

    School Shopping..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    She's already a little moody ****... I'm going to be in MEGA trouble from the time she gets her first period. I didn't realize you had a child... er... um... young adult.
  5. B

    Are you where you thought you would be

    Ummm... no. I was just saying I could see you as some kinda Lit or History professor. You have a good sense of humor, are good with words, and have a generally optimistic outlook on stuff, and most math teachers are very dull and negative.... get it? negative? haha I'm sooooo funny. :huh:
  6. B

    School Shopping..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    I talked to someone yesterday that spent $1200 on 2 teens. NO WAY are my kids gonna get that kinda money out of me for school clothes. They will have to get jobs and support their own clothing habits. I'm in for it, too... My daughter is already a little fashion diva... I can't imagine...
  7. B

    School Shopping..... $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    If you have kids, you know the pressures as a parent to buy the right clothes and supplies for your child. We have spent $250 on clothes for a 6 and 8 year old, but I haven't purchased the school supplies yet. How bad did it break the bank for you this year??? :eek:
  8. B

    I received a stern talking to, so here I am.

    I am not a tease... I'm a follow through kinda gal.... too bad we're over 1000 miles away from each other. :p
  9. B

    Just Like Heaven w/Reese Witherspoon

    I've been on a chick flick kick... ha! That rhymed! That movie was really cute!!! If you want to make your wife or significant other happy, throw it on... it's funny & sweet. :cool:
  10. B

    Just Like Heaven w/Reese Witherspoon

    I've been on a chick flick kick... ha! That rhymed! That movie was really cute!!! If you want to make your wife or significant other happy, throw it on... it's funny & sweet. :cool:
  11. B

    Are you where you thought you would be

    That's cool. Math is just not the subject I would have guessed for you... Are you wanting to teach at the Secondary level or College?
  12. B

    **** that disappearing Jaime!

    Awwww how sweet. :shifty: Why doesn't anyone ever ask me to make out??? :mad:
  13. B

    Mark is online

    Hi, Mark... Oh wait... that was hours ago, right? I am always the last one to the party...
  14. B

    You've been warned!

    :mecry: Get IN my BELLY!!!!!!! :sumo:
  15. B

    You've been warned!

    Kitt was the best thing about that show. I never did like him.
  16. B

    Are you where you thought you would be

    You had me until the very last word... MATH???? WTF??? :huh: :eek: WHY math? :shifty:
  17. B

    **** that disappearing Jaime!

    I always wonder if she's been admitted into the hospital when she goes away for a long period of time... Hopefully she's just out doing something cool :D
  18. B

    Are you where you thought you would be

    LOL You said it. :shifty:
  19. B

    Are you where you thought you would be

    I don't know. As a kid, I wanted to be a big famous writer, and I still want that. However, I just don't have the drive or the creativity right now to write. I definitely don't think I was meant to be a Secretary for the rest of my life... I feel I have a bigger purpose in life, but I...
  20. B

    I received a stern talking to, so here I am.

    Do I flirt too much? :eek: