Search results

  1. D

    Favorite Browser

    I loved firefox until it started randomly freezing and crashing when I updated. I now stick to chrome and know that when an update to chrome comes out it won't mean I have to wait half an hour to load my email.
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    I use Microsoft Security Essentials. It's better than Norton and Mcaffe. I was always having trouble getting rid of viruses with thosse but now if any ads have viruses I dont get anything or it's cleaned up straight away.
  3. D

    The most recent game you have played?

    Final Fantasy XIII-2 was the most recent game I played. I loved it. It was a huge improvement over 13 and it hints at a sequel too. I kinda wish they'd hurry up with Final Fantasy XIII Versus though =/ I'm a big Serah fan so anyone who has played the game will know how I feel about the...
  4. D

    Favorite Genre

    RE: Favorite type of game genre RPG gamer here although I do like some shooting type games WET being one of them.
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    PC or Console

    Console for me. I actually hate playing games using my keyboard =/ It annoys me so much and most of the time the buttons are all sprawled across the keyboard so by the time I have found the right one I'm dead lol.
  6. D

    Buy or Download

    I buy the CDs in shops and import them into itunes. Sometimes I will buy from Itunes if the artist I want is not available in my country. I mostly buy off of Itunes now as the only shop near me that sold japanese and korean music shut down.
  7. D

    Your hosting plans

    I am on HawkHosts basic plan which gives me 3GB disk space and 45GB bandwith per month. I pay yearly too.
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    Domain name and its extension

    Mine is the name of my world for my rpg. It's a made up word that I am not revealing just yet as I am waiting until tomorrow to buy the .com.
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    How many Staff

    Right now I am the only Administrator of my forum. I don't see me hiring staff any time soon unless I couldn't keep up and that would be at about 600 posts daily.
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    Forum or blog or website

    I own 1. I am just starting my first forum and it's a play by post rpg forum. I spent ages thinking up an original fantasy plot and world.
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    Who here uses Vbulletin? What do you think of it so far? I use VB 3.8 since I don't like the new 4.0 series. Hopefully they do a full rewrite for 5 otherwise I doubt many customers will stick with them. I wont be upgrading bease its only $20 more to buy a new liscence than it is to upgrade.
  12. D

    NameCheaps $1.99 Tomorrow

    So there was an announcement at the start of last week on that if they got 10,000 likes on their facebook page before the 6th we would get .coms, .nets, and .orgs for $1.99 (one domain per account). Since they took it down yesterday at 56,000 likes I am wondering if they are...
  13. D

    Resident Evil: Damnation

    Theres not much released about this apart from it is asequel to Resident Evil: Degeneration which was one awesome movie. I can't wait for it now and will probably watch it in Japanese because I am pretty impatient.
  14. D

    The Hunger Games

    Who else is excited to see this? I read the hunger games series in school so I was thrilled to hear it was getting a movie. From the 6-7 different previews I have seen it looks awesome and the actors they have chosen seem to really fit. I was terrified they would cast Kristen Stewart as Katniss.
  15. D

    Hai :3

    Hey all! Newbie from scotland here. Nice looking place you have here. A bit about me well I'm a forum addict :P In the middle of setting up my own actually. I also love gaming and Rugby.