Search results

  1. necro

    Lack of any really good FPS shooters, lately?

    Try my favorite (and only one i think worth playing) Delta Force 1,2, or 3(land warrior). there are trainers for the first two... so net gaming isn't all that fun... but 3- land warrior just came out. <font color="#000000">[Edited by necro on November 26, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
  2. necro

    Here we be

    Nicole Lauren Born September 25th, 2000 14:43 6lbs 10oz. 19.5" Mommy & Daddy very sleepy, but otherwise all are healthy and doing well. Daddy still training to become a firefighter. Expected to graduate from fire college the day before thanksgiving. Will have plenty of time to post deals...
  3. necro

    Scum of the Motherfu*king Earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I just read this... I'm so sorry to hear all of this Dan. I hope all returns to normal soon. Hearing this bring some bad memories up... I fume with rage and sadden with dispair. And something else comes to mind... at least you have anger to vent... and not stupidity like me... I bought my wife...
  4. necro

    Out of curiousity..

    Mike ---------------------------- <center><FONT COLOR="red">hi mom!</FONT c></center> <center><IMG SRC="" border=0></center>
  5. necro


    I quit my job... Thursday August 3rd will be my last day! On Monday the 7th I'll start training with the fire department! In the next few months... I won't be able to check in here...nor post as many deals... I'm so sad... I was just starting to warm up to y'all! I'll be around tho...
  6. necro

    the story of us ... this should be interesting

    Just at that very moment... Necro was taking a break at work... checking out his deals... when he came across this cool site with Neon green & blue tachometers... 'very very cool thang for my ummer' he thought... so he ordered one... He called Capt Kirk up to tell him, but he was...
  7. necro

    the story of us ... this should be interesting

    necro gave liltaz the keys to the Hummer and beach house, "Work I must - but these keys with you I trust!"... as necro scuddles off to work. Just then...
  8. necro

    the story of us ... this should be interesting

    big daddy necro... who surpisingly said "Hi everybody! How's about you gals come over to my place and take a swim..."
  9. necro

    you can't do this to me

    My GADS... I was having pre-mature e-postulations! I got deals up the yaa-yaa... and no where to put them! Then I finally get in and *&@# some of them are already posted! cest la vie!
  10. necro

    baby on board

    CONGRATS! I just hope mr djcrom chills out abit. (photo) you may want to check your health insurance to see if they provide a free infant carseat. If not... check Midas... they had a promo (cheap) carseat.
  11. necro

    shall we play a GAME

    The bathroom door popped open. My schwanson...
  12. necro

    Who's messin' with my Karma?

    I believe it's not so much to do with karma but moreso with your mind... and yes... we're all messing with it! hee hee <font color="#000000">[Edited by necro on July 18, 2000 (edited 1 time)]</font>
  13. necro

    shall we play a GAME

    the heavy stench of something fishy. Suddenly - the door closed behind me and I found myself...
  14. necro

    shall we play a GAME

    cigar smoking machine that had been
  15. necro

    Need Iron Chef watchers

    Ah yes... the iron cheat. <IMG SRC="" border=0> Doesn't it seem the win all the time!??? ---------------------------- <center><FONT COLOR="red">hi mom!</FONT c></center> <center><IMG SRC="" border=0></center>
  16. necro

    The Snow White Project (Click this, it's hilarious!)

    OMG... so real! is that where they got it from... hmmm.
  17. necro

    Delta Force 2

    Anyone fighting here?
  18. necro

    The Second Coming of Jesus.....

    I'm in! <IMG SRC="" border=0> and I'm ready! <IMG SRC="" border=0> ---------------------------- <center><FONT COLOR="red">hi mom!</FONT c></center> <center><IMG...
  19. necro

    so what's everybody doing this weekend

    BBQ & Shopping... oh yeah... gonna pick up that eddie bauer thermo compass
  20. necro

    your favorite cartoon?

    Aeon Flux! My hero