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  1. B

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads Agreed, but this is apples & oranges and not what Joe was claiming.
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    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads Are you suggesting that by virtue of licensing in the UK, US artists are receiving nothing? Nada? Zip? Do you also believe that UK (or any non-US) artists are being stiffed by US licensing? I am sure this is due to my inability to...
  3. B

    GEM series gets some competition from Charbuster...

    Just noticed this last night. "Chartbuster 6000 Media Pro" - Cant find any details yet, other than they are MP3+G's "delivered on two 32gb SD cards". My apologies if this is old news.
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    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads Really, Really. You are confusing comprehension with disagreement. You assume that you are 100% correct and therefor anyone not agreeing with you must simply not comprehend what you are saying. LOL. Oh really? NONE of the "US based...
  5. B

    Billy Joel - Summer, Highland Falls

    It's one of his best, non-hit songs IMO. It was on Turnstiles originally and later live on "Songs in the attic". Honestly that's not a very good version I posted. This one is better:
  6. B

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads LOL...OK Joe. That seems to be your patent excuse whenever something you say is is questioned or debated these days. "Out of Context", "Go re-read", "Comprehension difficulties", "You prove ME wrong", etc. Seems you have taken a page from...
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    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads JEEZ this is like trying to get a dog to watch TV. It is the comment THAT I questioned from the start of this as evidenced by the QUOTE box encompassing it in every post!. It isn't out of context at all! In fact it appears to stand alone...
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    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads (Snaps Fingers) JOE! Focus! :laughpill: The quote in question is right here. Written by you: "SC actually has the nerve to demand a licensing fee for product that they have no right to produce or sell here, and on top of that, some...
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    Clarification- For Whom The Post Tolls....

    I don't think it is necessary to post a massive explanation of ones previous posts when none was requested. :laughpill:
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    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads Uh huh. Your words, not mine. Sure doesn't sound like a "what if" question to me. For a guy who claims to be a neutral player watching from the fringe, you sure make a lot of biased claims. How exactly do you know what GEM sales...
  11. B

    karaoke tv stand

    I have been using one of these for years now. Great stand.
  12. B

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Why must they be mutually exclusive?
  13. B

    FYI: Chartbuster online

    Notice that Chartbuster calls it a "performance track" in iTunes. Its just the audio track.
  14. B

    FYI: Soundchoice online

    They have been on iTunes for some time. Just the tracks however. These are not MP3+G's.
  15. B

    E-Butts Helping Bar Venue A Little Bit So Far, And.....

    You mean people could have gone elsewhere, yet chose to stay in your non-smoking bar? And they made MORE money than on a smoking night? Surely you must be mistaken as we all know that those smokers outside drank much less than they normally would have. :winkpill:
  16. B

    The Derailed Thread

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads For someone who doesn't care, you certainly take every opportunity to loudly proclaim that SC is illegally marketing and selling their own products in the US. Exactly my point. The product is still the same, only the container has changed...
  17. B

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    The argument is that you take the extra leap to say it is illegal for Kurt to market & sell his own product in the US because of this. The argument is that you are confusing the product with the delivery method. Coca-Cola is still Coca-Cola, whether in a can, bottle or out of a fountain...
  18. B

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Which are two entirely different things and not really "proof" of anything.
  19. B

    Directly from SBI President on Karaoke Downloads

    Please, show us your proof that SC has "no right to produce or sell" their own products in the USA. This old mis-information and invented statistics again? Joe, as I have shown you many times your information is decades old. The MP3 files of 1994 cannot be compared to the MP3 files of...
  20. B

    E-Butts Helping Bar Venue A Little Bit So Far, And.....

    Spot on. And remember...More Doctors smoke Camel than any other cigarette. It must be says right there "repeated nationwide surveys". See! Proof! :laughpill: