Search results

  1. J

    What are you watching on TV?

    Watched my high school buddy on american ninja warriors tonight... Pretty cool to watch him! We are a USA family though... White collar, burn notice, psych, monk reruns. If you have Netflix try arrested development if you want a laugh or even 30 rock
  2. J

    Parents of high schoolers

    My school allows phones to be used during passing periods, however we DO NOT allow them to be used as a calculator during tests. Kids will cheat if they really have a desire, but we can at least try to deter it as much as we can. So, becareful assuming you can just buy an app.....
  3. J

    Parents of high schoolers

    I am a hs math teacher and just wanted to let all parents know that many schools, if not all, are now requiring their students to have a graphing calculator. The TI-84 is the preferred version, but TI-83+ is ok too. Look for sales now, as once school starts and they tell you this, the sales on...
  4. J

    Check drs office for coupons

    I just took my dd to the dr. And they had A TON of high value coupons for things like activia, Advil, eucerine, etc... So when you go for the kids physicals this summer, keep an eye out!
  5. J

    Need Help...just 30 seconds!

    Thank you all SO much for doing this for me/us! I really appreciate the support!
  6. J

    Happy Birthday kmjlovesjesus!

    Happy birthday!
  7. J

    Need Help...just 30 seconds!

    HELP! My dad, brother and mom need all your facebook votes today! They started a business that allows parents to put software on their childs' phone that parents can then monitor the pictures and texts that their child sends... they hope to end/stop bullying as well as sexting. They were...
  8. J

    favorite K cups?

    we LOVE the butter toffee from green mountain? It is what Kohls sells. We stocked up on different flavors at roughly .36 a cup when kohls had code out for 30% off, free shipping and Kohls cash. We also like Gloria Jeans coffee a lot too!
  9. J

    Very sad time in my life

    I'm so sorry to hear this.
  10. J

    Article on a good new Anti Sexting App

    Saw this in the paper today: Looks like it works for both text messages (which many apps can do that) as well as pictures (new) and only this software has it. I don't have teens yet, but my neices and...
  11. J

    UPDATED TITLE - Teen Sneaks - Mean Mom busts her!

    Re: Such a failure as a mom There is a site that made software you can put on your kids phone and any picture they take gets emailed to you. They can't turn it off their phone without the password you set up. There is also a feature that records the texts the kids send and...
  12. J

    Pampers Baby Dry Diapers and rash/burn

    I never used the dry max pampers because of the whole chemical burn thing. I have used baby dry on both my kids with no issues. My son did get bad diaper rash as a baby, but it was from teeth coming in. I am not sure how old your child is, but could teething be the culprit?
  13. J

    Buying Coupons

    Where can I buy coupons? I want to by 3 of the BOGO pantene coupons as well as 2 of the $1/2 coupons to use at CVS this week with the P&G ECB's but I've never had to buy any before. Where do you suggest?
  14. J

    Swagcode exp 9 PM CDT

    I got 17 out of the deal! I searched the code using the swagbar and got 10 and I applied the code to get 7 more! Thanks!
  15. J

    swagcode exp 4:30 PM CDT

    Ha! I highlighted "in toolbar" and clicked "Go Win!" and got 8SB for that... and then clicked your "in toolbar" link and got another 8 using the code! Sweet!