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$400K is not enough

here how I see it your expenses rise to meet your income if you make $200,000 a year you have a $200,000 a year life style, if you mae $30,000 a $30,000 life style..........

I read this different to me he said after I feed my family which (to me) is........take care of his personal expenses the $400,000 is re-invested into his busisnesses he owns he owns Subway and UPS stores and employees 500 people to employ these 500 people he pays taxes, buys equipment, and opens NEW STORES which employs MORE PEOPLE do we really want to tax him into not growing his busisness, it seems to me that we would want him to grow his busisness to give people more jobs, he doesnt only employ his 500 people there are truck drivers bringing products, manufactures making food products, tomato people picking tomatos, lettuce people picking lettuce, michanics fixing broken ovens and walk ins not to mension opening new locations he pays rent and remodels which means more jobs please let the man prosper becouse if he prospers a bunch of people feed their familys (ps I read the yahoo article which is different from the link above)

He "grossed" 6.3 million.

to quote the articale above, please post a link to yours if it is different:
Fleming told Jansing that the $6.3 million is "before you pay 500 employees, you pay rent, you pay equipment and food."
"The actual net income of that was a mere fraction of that amount."
“By the time I feed my family, I have maybe $400,000 left over," Fleming said.

So he makes 6.3 miliion before paying anything.
- $400,000 he has left over=$5,900,000
So lets suppose he pays that full amount to the employees.
$5,900,000/500=$11,800 per employee for employee pay, benefits, training, etc.
So that is $226.92 per week per employee for employee pay, benefits, training, etc.

Take into account, this does not include the cost to run the business and the food his family must eat and all the rest of the common sense a person would need. This is a bare bones analysis. So where is the fact that he is helping a bunch of people feed their families? We know that once you add in the other expenses these people in his fiction land are bringing home $125ish a week GROSS, and I am to feel sorry for him. Why doesn't he learn to count to make his fabrication more realistic.

His story is full of something and it is not my sympathy.

They are not talking about increasing his corporate tax, they are talking about raising his personal income tax (which I can assure you if he owns businesses is WAY less than $400K declared after expenses are written off).

This guy is just being a baby.
If your businesses annual sales are 6.3M and your cash flow is $400K you are doing something wrong. Plain and simple.
Percentage wise, any middle class people would have paid higher income tax than this guy, and Warren Buffet! All this "If I have to pay more taxes I would not be able to hire more people" crap are just what rich people want us to believe. The markets for luxury items are doing pretty well because the wealthy people aren't really affected by the recession. Many American corporations are doing well and hoarding a lot of cash but are not hiring because they figured out they could have their current workers work harder without extra helps and wage increments.
All the republicans keep saying is if you tax the rich & corporations they won't hire, well they aren't hiring, tax them.
So that is $226.92 per week per employee for employee pay, benefits, training, etc.

ok I re-read the article for the 4th time still go with my origional opinion but Ive figured out the problem alot of people want somone to work 100 hours a week to make the same money as somone who works 20

I do not have a problem paying people minimum wage as a fast food resturant manager I hired people all the time for minimum wage.........as a matter of fact didnt even phase me that they wernt full time and went offered benifits becouse........... when I was an 'employee' and not managment I wasnt offered benifits and I made minimum wage.....as a matter of fact I got my kid a job at Wendys with one of my old employees whos now a store manager so he could see how making minimum wage and not getting benifits sucked, if you make certain choices in life you make less money becouse your options in life arnt as good

why does everyone dislike people that are going well.......why would he pay someone $15 an hour to make subs if he did they would cost too much and the store would go out of busisness and then the person who shoulda been making minimum wage will be unemployed

I saw it all the time back when minimum wage was $5.25 we paid our employees $6.25 which was pretty good and wed give them 35 hours the place across the street would offer them $6.75 so theyd quit go over yonder and ole steak and shake would give them 15 hours then the single mom of 3 would come crying for her job back and wed say NOPE see ya in reality their raise cost 'em bout $100 a week

ps alot of them wernt even worth the $6.25 an hour
Sick of people saying the rich can afford to be taxed more when 50% of Americans don't pay taxes. And when the so called "poor" in this country can afford cell phones and iPods and Blackberries then they are not all that poor and I think they can afford to pay some taxes too.

And you're never going to get a job from a homeless guy, just saying
So that is $226.92 per week per employee for employee pay, benefits, training, etc.

ok I re-read the article for the 4th time still go with my origional opinion but Ive figured out the problem alot of people want somone to work 100 hours a week to make the same money as somone who works 20

huh? who are these people?

I do not have a problem paying people minimum wage as a fast food resturant manager I hired people all the time for minimum wage.........as a matter of fact didnt even phase me that they wernt full time and went offered benifits becouse........... when I was an 'employee' and not managment I wasnt offered benifits and I made minimum wage.....as a matter of fact I got my kid a job at Wendys with one of my old employees whos now a store manager so he could see how making minimum wage and not getting benifits sucked, if you make certain choices in life you make less money becouse your options in life arnt as good

again I say huh? first who said minimum wage was a problem at fast food, second benefits are a part of all jobs, it is in the form of unemployment, social security match, etc. What are you talking about?

why does everyone dislike people that are going well.......why would he pay someone $15 an hour to make subs if he did they would cost too much and the store would go out of busisness and then the person who shoulda been making minimum wage will be unemployed

What are you talking about, if you got this out of what I wrote then maybe this is why you can't add and subtract the article either

I saw it all the time back when minimum wage was $5.25 we paid our employees $6.25 which was pretty good and wed give them 35 hours the place across the street would offer them $6.75 so theyd quit go over yonder and ole steak and shake would give them 15 hours then the single mom of 3 would come crying for her job back and wed say NOPE see ya in reality their raise cost 'em bout $100 a week

ps alot of them wernt even worth the $6.25 an hour

what are you talking about? His numbers are impossible to be truthful, that is all that I said. I have no idea what you are talking about with $15 an hour this or that or even $5.25 an hour. I know that facts are hard to understand, but I was simply doing basic elementary math there and unless 2+2 is no longer 4, I am confused beyond belief by what you are saying.
Sick of people saying the rich can afford to be taxed more when 50% of Americans don't pay taxes. And when the so called "poor" in this country can afford cell phones and iPods and Blackberries then they are not all that poor and I think they can afford to pay some taxes too.

And you're never going to get a job from a homeless guy, just saying

can you share where you found/learned the statistic of the 50 % of Americans not paying taxes? Just interested in what Americans this would include?
can you share where you found/learned the statistic of the 50 % of Americans not paying taxes? Just interested in what Americans this would include?

I bet even 50% of American who are not paying income tax are paying more than GM in other taxes. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704462704575590642149103202.html

From previous discussions on here, I know a lot of people have problems with the entitlement programs for low income people, but there are a lot more entitlement programs and earmarks for rich people and big organizations!!
The vast majority of people who escape federal income taxes still pay other taxes, including federal payroll taxes that fund Social Security and Medicare, and excise taxes on gasoline, aviation, alcohol and cigarettes. Many also pay state or local taxes on sales, income and property.

Taxes and death, the only certainties in life. :)
But rich people and big organizations are providing jobs and stimulating the economy.

Don't quote me on this but isn't it the top 1% wealthiest pay 30% of income tax. These are people that work hard for their money, invest it, ect. Wht do you have the right to tell them they need to give the government more of THEIR money that THEY earned.

Why not have everyone pay a percentage of what they earn--bottom line. Makes sense to me. You make more, you pay more. But I don't think the top should have to carry the bottom. Sorry
But rich people and big organizations are providing jobs and stimulating the economy.

Don't quote me on this but isn't it the top 1% wealthiest pay 30% of income tax. These are people that work hard for their money, invest it, ect. Wht do you have the right to tell them they need to give the government more of THEIR money that THEY earned.

Why not have everyone pay a percentage of what they earn--bottom line. Makes sense to me. You make more, you pay more. But I don't think the top should have to carry the bottom. Sorry

That's the logic, you make more, you pay more. But people who make more can afford to hire a team of accountants to file their taxes and there are a lot of ways to reduce their tax liabilities legally, thus Warren Buffet is paying less taxes than his secretaries and cleaners or most middle class people, percentage wise.

If I am fortunate enough to make 2 million dollars – I will GLADLY pay 29.1% in taxes, I think I can manage to live on 1 1/2 million dollars or I can safely say that I can live on 1 million dollars. :snort:
The power elite is making sure everyone it ****ing about the bottom 80% that only has 20% of the wealth. I'd say it was amusing if it wasn't so disturbing.

Does anyone else think it's strange that we spend so much time bashing poor people but not enough time complaining about tax loop holes that let people like Buffet pay LESS IN TAX that many of his employees? He and the rest of his millionaire club are complaining, so maybe we should listen to what they are telling us and stop listening to self-serving assholes on conservative news shows that are really only worried about themselves and their ratings.

Roughly 50% don't pay tax, but this 50% is either too poor or entitled to credits. I'd say that many folks on this coupon site fall into this category. The top 1% has access to even more loopholes and credits, but we don't **** about them, and they have over 50% of the wealth. No, it's OK for the wealthy to be paying the smallest amount of tax they have ever paid, yet, as all the evidence shows, this supposed job creating measure is a bunch of crap.
Percentage wise, any middle class people would have paid higher income tax than this guy, and Warren Buffet! All this "If I have to pay more taxes I would not be able to hire more people" crap are just what rich people want us to believe. The markets for luxury items are doing pretty well because the wealthy people aren't really affected by the recession. Many American corporations are doing well and hoarding a lot of cash but are not hiring because they figured out they could have their current workers work harder without extra helps and wage increments.

Didn't you hear, Lee? There is no more middle class.

The idea about rich people being taxed less because they create jobs really hasn't worked out so well over the last few decades...the deficit has skyrocketed, the economy is crap, and where exactly are these jobs that the rich people are supposedly creating? Are they in the U.S.? Mexico? India? I know there are a lot of elements to all these things, but the same rich people who are not paying taxes but supposedly creating jobs are also partly responsible for the current state of things - they own the companies sending jobs overseas, they own the companies that made too many bad loans and destroyed the housing market, etc. They do their part to drive things into the crapper, and then they want to sit back, not pay taxes, and promise to help by creating more jobs? How does this make sense?
Here is just one example found online from msnbc http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3622644...finance/t/half-us-pays-no-federal-income-tax/

It talks about federal income tax statistics from 2010

It's not a zero-sum game, though.

If the half poorest citizens are paying no tax, that in no way has the same impact as if half the population were paying no tax (rich and poor together).

"Half the people don't pay taxes" is just one of those media buzz phrases that gets people all worked up. It's meaningless.
This whole thing makes me sick. Look at it this way he could just hoard his profits and in just a few years leave and say F.U. to the whole working thing. Take his money and run. That is what some do, others stay and reinvest and take risk , IF there is no incentive for them to reinvest why would they? Tax the hell out of the investors of this country then all of us can be third world.
The life style that they have is one that most can only dream about. But no matter how you look at it we need the wealthy they support everybody. Maybe not in per say taxes but in so many other ways.
They are not the leeaches in our society. Think about it. The wealthy do make this world go round. Look at Las Vegas for instance they roll out the red carpet for these guys WHY? because as they say 1 whale is more money for them then 100,000 common people. If the whales stop spending who will spend?
The idea about rich people being taxed less because they create jobs really hasn't worked out so well over the last few decades...the deficit has skyrocketed, the economy is crap, and where exactly are these jobs that the rich people are supposedly creating? Are they in the U.S.? Mexico? India? I know there are a lot of elements to all these things, but the same rich people who are not paying taxes but supposedly creating jobs are also partly responsible for the current state of things - they own the companies sending jobs overseas, they own the companies that made too many bad loans and destroyed the housing market, etc. They do their part to drive things into the crapper, and then they want to sit back, not pay taxes, and promise to help by creating more jobs? How does this make sense?

I believe the reason that the companies moved over seas is because WE Americans did not support our own manufactures. Instaed of buying MADE IN AMERICA clothing ect we opted out for the cheeper made in India or what ever we only looked out for #1, not the country. When you compared jeans made in the US and they were say 45.00 a pair and then you looked at the cheep jeans made and owned by an Indian or what ever country we opted to buy the jeans from India for 20.00 instead of the 45.00 Levis. And pocketing the 25.00 to ourselves. The only way for them to compete was to move thier factories else where , and pay employees 2.00 a DAY vs 15.00 an hour. And then there went the jobs when we were buying those 20.00 jeans we did not support our American companies we supported the other ones.
No jobs because WE supported other than our own.