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Answer the last question, ask the next...

Pet Moose. A pet rhino would most likely bring me intense pain.

Is it light or dark outside?
Neither its foggy

Do you go fishing
A: Nope, Its on my list of things to do, along with actually finishing something I start ..

Q: Are you a doer or a dreamer?
A Oh I'm a dreamer all the way!! :D

Alien: that last question of yours has got me singing "I want a hippopotomus or Christmas, only a hippopotomus will do..." Don't ask me why... it's just another strange connection in the wierd and wonder world of Natalie......

Bob: You neeeeed to fish! Fishing is gooooood! :D *loves fishing*

Q Would you like a hippopotomus for Christmas?
OF COURSE I would like a hippopotomus for Christmas.

Did you do anything for the Fall Equinox?
A :: Nope.

Q :: Wrestling .. brilliant entertainment or mindless drivel?
No, actually, I was born in the middle of the bayou, surrounded by gators and ****s and various other swamp creatures ;)

Lafayette General Hospital in Louisiana.

What's your favorite smilie on AS?
A: Technical answer is 'blonde' since it would be *bleeching* not *dyeing*. Realistic answer: Green. Recently, I have been toying with the idea of going bleech-blonde, but I think I'll save that til next summer.

Q: What alternate hair color would/have you gone with?

A: I like my color as it is. (Browny, Blacky, with Blonde corners // all natural.)

Q: (Pretend, if you aren't a girl.) Do you wear your hair up or down?
A: When I had long hair, I wore it down, bangs hanging down with only the back in a pony tail, all pulled back in a pony tail, and also up in a top-knot, not to mention a few times I was totaly glammed out with big hair. Though more times than not it was worn down.

Q: Why does Bob feel the need to respond to every single message on the forums?

I have no idea, I haven't been here much lately :(

What's the "most illegal" thing you've ever done?
*snicker* I can't even begin to explain or go into details about the items I haven't been caught for. But I will say the "most illegal" thing I've been *caught* doing would be speeding [71 in a 60 mph]. But rest assured, "I'm innocent".

What's the stupidest thing you've ever done ?

OH SO many things. Dropped my pants accidently in drama class once.... well not quite, but everyone got a good LONG view of my boxers and I didn't even know it until afterwards. I shall remember not to burst a button on my pants and try to conceal it next time. That's probably not the stupidest thing I've ever done, but I can't think of anything else right now.

What's the weirdest thing you've ever seen?
KNS: I was not born in a hospital!!

The weirdest thing I've ever seen isn't very weird. It was two people, one young lady and an older man, gazing into each others eyes and stroking each others faces in the middle of Melbourne. It was just weird... and I'm not adverse to open affection, but this was weird!!

Do you like monkies?
Looks pretty cool!!

What is the message icon that I've used supposed to be????
If you move your mouse over the image in Internet Explorer, it pops up the text "Sports" ... after seeing that, I was able to see that it's a football, what looks like a volleyball maybe, and a tennis/baseball.

What are your thoughts on love?
Love is all encompassing, it holds no grudges and keeps no record of wrongs. It is oblivious to age. Love is not selfish, but considerate and kind.

Okay, so what's this one?