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Answer the last question, ask the next...

A: erm. i don't pick my nose ..

Q: should i?
a: nope.

q: does this qualify as a question?
Yes, but it completely stops working when I'm taking a test or talking on the phone with a girl I like.

Are you shy "in real life"?
I used to be real shy! I've gotten a lot better but I still stutter and shy away when talking to a waiter or if someone I feel is either insincere with me or is judging me for some reason.

Do you pace when you talk on the phone?
All depends on who I'm talking to and what the subject matter is. But more times than not, I'm walking around the house on the cordless.

How long are your typical phone conversations?

40 mins to 2 hrs, longer if I can get away with it, especially if it's Dave :D

Do you find yourself attractive?
"oooh! i am so sex-ah!!" Fat ****, Austin Powers Spy who Shagged Me

did you have any good dreams last night?
Um..I think I was too tired to dream. I was up a bit later than normal because I was on the phone for a good hour, hour and a half. :D

Do you like singing?
A: Yes, though most wouldn't call it singing...

Q: Have you ever spent more time in your sleeping-clothes than being dressed for a day?

absolutely. pretty much this whole week. or weeks.

how often do you brush your teeth?
Whenever they feel grotty. That could mean up to 5 times in an hour, or not at all for a week. (Ok ok! So I'm a bit of a feral!! Then again, that's what makes me fit in so well around here... ;) )

Do you like having pins & needles? (If by any chance you do, give us a hint as to why.)
Um... Sad as it is, I reckon it'd have to be meduim dry sherry.

Do you have big lips?
Yeah, but not alone.

Do you have hairy ears? Tell the truth now!!

If you knew you were going to die, and had one call you could make, who would you call and why?
A: Probably .. Dermo, 'cos he'd make me laugh and I'd die laughing .. like I want to.

Q: Have you ever seen the Full Monty?
Nope, I should though.

How many email addresses do you have?