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i like to. but not if it is raining, cause my car is angled so the water just flows right in like a faucet... that REALLY sucked when i smoked :lol:

what did you have for breakfast today?
Cinnamon oatmeal with a banana and raisins mixed in. And two cups of coffee.

What're you having for lunch?
I'm gonna make a chicken sandwhich

What size shoes do you wear?
A: 10(UK)/11(US), my next pair of shoes will be an 11(UK)/12(US) though because these are a tad small.

Q: What do you think of 'controversial' rappers such as Eminem .. ?
I actually have both his cds. ::shrug:: They have just as much right to freedom of speech as everyone else. If you don't like his music, don't buy it.

Do you enjoy ethnic food (ie. Thai, Japanese, etc.)?
i usually do, but not so much lately... actually, now that i think of it, i could really go for some mountain dew

regular or decaf?
A: Neither (I amn't a coffeee person).

Q: Have you ever taken drugs? (hard or soft ..).
i will say yes, and i'm talking about prescription drugs! :angel:

should i bother to go to class today? ::sigh::
Just because I don't want this thread to die..yes. Go to class.

Where should I go for dinner tonight?

Have you ever just wanted to go to sleep and wake up 5 years later?
Who doesn't? :tongue:

When you go to the movies, where do you like to sit?
as close to the front as those accompanying me will allow... although once i kindly sat in the back of the theatre cause my hair was so big. :rofl:

how much salt do you use on an average day?
Not much really... hardly any... mostly none.

Why do I have to have such a yukky cold? :( :rolleyes:
cause you won't take your d*mn temperature :lol:

what is your favorite kind of soup?
A: I'd say either matzah ball soup or kreplach soup

Q: do you enjoy exercising? if so, what kind of exercise do you like the most?
I love exercising! Or more specificly, I love the adrenaline rush it produces. On top of it all, it has other nice benefits for your health. The exercise I like the most is a nice physical game of outdoor soccer. As for something that's more of an indoor solo exercise, currently it would have to be cycling/running. In college I enjoyed roller-blading around campus and through the comp.sci building. The best time to do so was anywhere from 1am til 7am since it was mostly empty. People used to give me an odd look when I'd blade through the building in the middle of the day, but that's alright.

Q: What was or what do you think will be the best time of your life?

well, i hope it will be when i get married... but who knows. but thus far, it would have to be getting my doggies :D

what did you favorite pajamas as a kid look like?
I used to have the pajamas that had the little feet on them too, they were all yellow and had a picture of Winnie the Pooh holding a honey jar.

When was the last time you cried?
awww! nootch! that is precious!

i last cried sometime today

what is your favorite kung fu movie?