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Answer the last question, ask the next...

Neither -- I take long long, luke warm-boardering freezing showers.

Have you ever kept a diary?
yes, and i currently do... now :) thanks to mth!

who was the biggest influence in your life?
My parents, outside of them I would have to say my highschool sweetie.

What's your favorite hobby?

partly computers, partly art. not like fine art, per se. more like crafty art but nothing very specific.

which prime time tv show was your favorite when you were younger, say 13...?
Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

Have you ever stolen anything?
Yes when I was about 7 I stole a hot wheels motorcycle cause no one would buy me a toy car! I had to give them some clue on how much I wanted one!!

What kind of car would you most like to own?
A: One that works.

Q: American Pie 2 - great, excellent or 'other'? :)
A: How many is on the spindle! :) My CD-RW drive seems pretty flexible as to what it will burn onto, so it doesn't matter to me.

Q: A, B or C?
Yes, but not as much as some other things...

Do you like whip cream? :naughty:

A: Austrailia

Q: If you were gonna be any animal, which one and why?
Dolphin, they just have so much fun and freedom, and I like how sociable they are with an ability to comunicate.

What was the last dream you remember having?
A: The only one that I can remember now (I have never forgotten this dream.), is one I had when I was 3 .. I know I have had dreams since then and I have been able to remember what happened in quite a lot of them, but I'll be damned if I can remember them now.

Anyways, I was 4 or 5, and the dream was I was in this sorta lagoon surrounded by high cliffs, and there was a big huge structure that I was on the top of, it was red and about 300 feet high and it was just floating in this lagoon .. for some reason I seem to remember being able to hear cars behind me, but not being able to turn around and see them.

Q: Will this thread still be active in 2002?
A: No. Hey, no one said you had to answer the questions truthfully.

Q: What purpose do you feel you serve in life?

This is going to sound horribly corny, but I think it's to love people. ::shrug::

Why are my feet hot while the rest of me has goosebumps?
A: Because you're naked but wearing thick thermal socks?

Q: Where did the weekend go to?

Originally posted by BRiT
Because you're naked but wearing thick thermal socks?

::snort:: You wish!

Um..the weekend just went. They have a very bad habit of doing that. Especially since you ahve to cram all the errands/chores/whatevers you didn't get to do during the week. It sucks.

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