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Depends on what I'm eating it with, but I can never go wrong with cheddar.

Have you ever been in a fight?
Of the shouting variety, yes. Of the punching/kicking/biting variety, no..except in play.

What's the last band you went to see?
i don't know the name. we got free tickets. they were really bad goth metal and dressed SOOOOO bad.. ugh. marilyn manson was AWESOME compared to these guys...

what type of milk do you prefer?
Skim, but I compromised with Daddy on 1%. (He drank whole milk! Ugh!)

Could you go vegetarian and stick with it?
yes, cause i am. i usually only eat meat cause i feel bad for whoever made it for me.

depeche mode or the cure?
A: Depeche Mode

Q: Are you a male or female? (As of 6pm GMT on Monday .. I know these things can change from time to time ..)
female. always was, and i do not foresee this changing.

so... what do YOU think of jar jar binks?
I used to test games at Activision sometimes, and I think a poster I saw up in one of the cubicles said it best... it was just a picture of Jar Jar, and on the bottom it said "Jar Jar Binks". Well, the owner of said poster taped a new sign on top of the text so that it now read "**** **** Binks" ... I think that sums it up more eloquently than I ever could! :tongue:

What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done/said about you?
umm, let me live? :tongue: i really have no idea. i suppose loving me. cause love is a good thing.

what are your plans for today?
Study for a few hours, then take a friend out to get tanked on his 21st birthday. :bgrin:

Given that Cool Whip® tubs in Canada say right on the covers "edible oil product," which would you choose: "ignorance is bliss" or "knowledge is power"?
spinne said...
Study for a few hours, then take a friend out to get tanked on his 21st birthday.

dude, i'm IN! ;)

ignorance is bliss!

what the hell am i gonna do?
You're gonna post responses to all these threads and not notice I sent you a pm yesterday. :tongue:

What's the weirdest thing that happened to you in the last week?
Originally posted by nootch
You're gonna post responses to all these threads and not notice I sent you a pm yesterday. :tongue:

:lol: i meant with my life in general. hehe

lets see, the weirdest thing... i havent done much of anything, so i would think that would be my dog sticking his tongue up my nose. which really isnt that rare of a thing. he does it pretty much daily. so that goes to show how much i do anything besides sit at the computer...

oh wait! i know! i actually drove my car somewhere other than just to class (which is so close it may as not be driving...) it was pretty fun.

what kind of socks do you prefer?
Any kind as long as they have cute designs.

If it were socially acceptable, would you run around nekkid?
A: Probably not, I would spend a lot more time outside though ..

Q: Should hash/cannibis/pot be legalised? (Probably only applies if your in the UK).
::shrug:: Why not? You rarely see an unhappy/violent person on weed. Besides, it has medicinal uses (and don't you dare tell me that cocaine used to have medicinal uses). From what I've seen, the side effects of weed aren't really all *that* bad.

Um..why do people not understand the concept of bringing a sweater to work? I like the thermostat set at 70*; they keep turning it up; so I turn it back down. YOU can wear a sweater. I can't strip. Deal with it. Heh..I guess that turned into a mini rant..sorry ;)
A: Depends.

Q: Have you ever smoked weed/pot/cannibis/hash?
People can only truly understand the concept of bringing jumpers and stuff to the office after co-working with a menopausal lady.

By the way cocaine still does have valid medical use in the field of otorhinolaryngology:bgrin: which is ear nose and throat to normal people. My dad who is an ENT surgeon has a bottle of stuff called xylocaine in his surgery study.

Why don't you ever see baby pigeons?