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Answer the last question, ask the next...

Hm..I occasionally get the urge to knit. I dunno why. But I never finish what I start. ::shrug::

What one thing about yourself NOW, if you told it to people you went to high school with, would make their jaws drop the most?
that i am a big loudmouth wild woman. maybe not so much as of really late. in fact, i can illustrate this... see, i was super quiet girl all through school and all that. typical nerd story, you know? so i graduate, go to college, meet new friends... one of my friends worked with a girl i went to high school with and we ended up being friends again (we hadn't been friends since 8th grade). so last year we went to a vast concert with some other people and i was all party girl n stuff. and that just seemed to amaze her... :shrug:

what is the most recent little mannerism or quirk you picked up from someone?
Saying "yesh" instead of yes.

If you could only watch one tv show per week, which would it be?
Does the news count? Because I'd prolly stay tuned to CNN (well, CCN Headline News).

Should I let my hair keep growing or leave it short?
Let it grow out a little. You can always shave it again.

{Easy answer to previous question... BUFFY! :drool: }

What's your favorite TV show?

i think it would be felicity. i wish it weren't on half seasons.

what kind of toothbrush do you have?
Between 10 and 14 hours (and I'm still dead tired!)

Do you speak/learn a second language?
I took 2 semesters of French in college (I wanted German, dammit), and I retained very, very little of it. My accent was beautiful, but my comprehension sucked.

Have you ever worn colored contacts/wild eyes contacts?
i have looked at them many times. never got around to it. can't afford to do that now. ;) and i dont know what my prescription is.

where do you spend a majority of your time?
At work or asleep..mostly work, though.

Do you like twinkies?
i'm not really sure, it has been so long since i had one. i really like the idea of them, though. but usually i get dolly madison zingers, with the frosting stuff on top... yum....

what is your favorite little debbie snack?
Hm..I dunno. I haven't eaten that stuff for a while. However, I think I'll go with the holiday stuff they put out. White cake, white marshmallow-y stuff in the middle, and white frosting with sprinkles ;)

What's your favorite dessert?
popcorn. although that is about all i eat anymore anyways. but it is a special treat when i put butter on it. last night i ate 3 big bowls of popcorn :pig:

how do you like your burger, with what stuff on it, all that?
Rare; with mayo, mustard, tomatoes, pickles, onions, ketchup, and cheese.

Do you like hot dogs?
oh god yes! but being that i am vegetarian i have to eat the meat-less variety. but **** those are pretty good!

if you were going out to adopt a new pet, what would you be looking for?
A kitty. I like dogs and all, but cats are cooler ;)

How old were you when you had your first (real) kiss?

how old were you the first time you went any further than kissing?
maybe it would help if i had actually been kissed....:(

Do you get back pain?