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Asking for prayers for my family

Glad he's out of surgery. Hoping for a speedy recovery!

You might need to sweeten the "free vasectomy" offer with something more than it just being free. I don't know too many men who would jump on that. :lol:
:flowers: :hug: great news. He can go home in a few days so you can wait on him :)
Thinking about you MrsM... hope things are going well for the Mr and your family :hug:
OKAY!!!! BUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTT you asked for it. I do NOT want to hear about it!

I told her she had three beautiful children. My mistake. She didn't have to get all pissed off
and threaten me with a bomb. It was an honest mistake.


Hey I did this for Mrs. Melton because she's good peeps and needs something to take her mind off things for a bit. :9:

the picture is not showing...............now I am curious....can u re-post?
So things are better...much better really, but a long road ahead of us. DH had a staph infection. They replaced his sutures since that was the cause and he has his knee left open WIDE OPEN to allow it to heal from the inside out and to "push" out any infection if it is still there instead of closing it and letting the infection get trapped behind the skin. There is nothing in the fluid of his knee, so that is good. But he has to have a pick (sp?) line put in and have a pump that will attached to him daily to deliver anitibiotics for 6 weeks. Also, 3 times a week he has to have the open wound debreaved (sp?) and the dressing cleaned. Hopefully he will go back in for surgery to get it closed up in about 2 weeks.

But the next 6 weeks will be spent daily at the hospital. DH is kinda apprehensive about the possibilit of running out of short term disability before he returns to work, but he has until the day after labor day so I think it will be fine. He should heal much faster this time since the doctor will be watching it better. Other than that, I am just preparing for him to come home. Thankfully, out new comforter set should be here from Kaohls tommorrow, so he can at leat lay on nice new sheets for the next few weeks while stuck in the bed.

There are a lot of people who keep telling us to go speak to an attorney about this whole thing, but we both agree we kinda think this wasnt purposeful by the old doctor, but it is disheartening to know it just took a few minutes for the ER to figure out something was wrong and this doctor saw him weekly and just kept saying it would go away. But honestly, I am not comfortable with 1 mistake ruining someones career...

So I have to be at the hospital first thing tommorrow and he should be home by afternoon. Thanks for your prayers and please keep them coming, we still have miles to go before we sleep.
God Bless you all!
and seriously, the copay vasectomy is a great idea! after our 4 beautiful children it was one of the best decisions we have made together.
So things are better...much better really, but a long road ahead of us. DH had a staph infection. They replaced his sutures since that was the cause and he has his knee left open WIDE OPEN to allow it to heal from the inside out and to "push" out any infection if it is still there instead of closing it and letting the infection get trapped behind the skin. There is nothing in the fluid of his knee, so that is good. But he has to have a pick (sp?) line put in and have a pump that will attached to him daily to deliver anitibiotics for 6 weeks. Also, 3 times a week he has to have the open wound debreaved (sp?) and the dressing cleaned. Hopefully he will go back in for surgery to get it closed up in about 2 weeks.

But the next 6 weeks will be spent daily at the hospital. DH is kinda apprehensive about the possibilit of running out of short term disability before he returns to work, but he has until the day after labor day so I think it will be fine. He should heal much faster this time since the doctor will be watching it better. Other than that, I am just preparing for him to come home. Thankfully, out new comforter set should be here from Kaohls tommorrow, so he can at leat lay on nice new sheets for the next few weeks while stuck in the bed.

There are a lot of people who keep telling us to go speak to an attorney about this whole thing, but we both agree we kinda think this wasnt purposeful by the old doctor, but it is disheartening to know it just took a few minutes for the ER to figure out something was wrong and this doctor saw him weekly and just kept saying it would go away. But honestly, I am not comfortable with 1 mistake ruining someones career...

So I have to be at the hospital first thing tommorrow and he should be home by afternoon. Thanks for your prayers and please keep them coming, we still have miles to go before we sleep.
Prayers stillling coming in for you and yours. And glad to see in this sue happy society someone can still call a mistake a mistake :)
I just saw this - sending lots of prayers your families way!!!!
...we still have miles to go before we sleep.

dear mrs m, boy that line says it all. im so sorry you are all going thru this. you will continue to be in my prayers. hang in there. God loves us all.
So DH never came home yesterday, but it was for good reason. Since we have hit our OOP Maximum the social worker started pushing the envelope a little and we were able to get him a "wound vac" and a home health nurse so that we do not have to travel out the house every day.

He is home now and has slept most of the day except a few moments where he read evening devotions with the kids. He missed them so much!

so he has to have an IV around the clock for 6 weeks..I get the joy of changing the antibiotic into his pic line 3 days a week...joy. He gets the wound vac tubing and wound cleaned out every M,W,F by the nurse. He is in a lot of pain and although I tried desperately to not see it, I got a semi view of the wound when the nurse was cleaning it today and OMGosh, it looks like something from a sci-fi movie.

So we have disability pay until August 24, and then he still has 3 weeks of vacation and 4 sick days he can use too. Hopefully he can be back at work by Labor Day. Worse case scenerio, I am willing to drive him around to work if he cant drive by September :) We can not afford for him to loose a job with such great benefits! And he has been out SINCE FEBRUARY! To think a 6 week out patient surgical procedure has now turned into 6 months, who would have thought.

I had some overwhelming moments today just trying to do everything for everyone and thinking about the fact that this is my life AGAIN for another 6+ weeks, but I am a bit better. Counting our many blessings and realizing that there is something that will come out of this for our good. We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, so please keep your prayers and warm thoughts coming, life is hard with 2 toddlers alone, add a teenager and a husband who is hooked up to multiple machines and fully dependant on me and wow!
So glad to hear that all is shaping up okay and I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. And it's PICC ;)
So glad to hear that all is shaping up okay and I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. And it's PICC ;)

ROFL...I am sitting here like "what's P.I.C.C., what can that stand for?" :lol:

I need to go to sleep!
You are amazing and you can do it!

read a sign today:
When we are in over our heads, the problems are laid at His feet

You have accomplished so much. keep up the good work.
We'll keep praying for increased strength, patience, and YOUR continued health.
:huggy: prayers for you and Mark and the kiddos. Wound vac and a pic line is WAY better than going to the hospital and for debreeding. Hospitals are very germy places....I worked in the physical therapy department at a hospital once and they had a wound clinic and they always said it was better for patients in situations like Marks not to have to come in there if they could get home health to come and do it.
