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Being under pressure sucks

Ewww old BF just posted that his kids are his world. Yeah, I love my kids to death but I am my own person and so are they. All we can do is nurture them, love them but to make them your world I think is sad. Because once they grow up and move away, if you don't like yourself or your wife/husband you are seriously ****ed.
Sorry, this doesn't sound like a good situation. I think it's selfish to marry a dude just to have a kid because your clock is ticking and he'd enable a life home with the kid(s) until they were school aged. I'm totally a product of "the clock is ticking" syndrome and I resent it (and therefore I feel like I can give my opinion). If you're not madly in love with him, I doubt that your relationship is something that you'd want as an example to your kids... after all, you'd want the best for them. Dating is a lot of effort, but it's worth it if you find the love of your life. This sounds far from it. I know for myself that I need to be fully happy and satisfied with my life before I bring any kiddos into it.

ITA. I had a friend who was going through a divorce. She had been with her husband for 18 years. She met him when she was 18 divorced him at 36. I asked her why did you marry him? SHE COULDN'T GIVE ME AN ANSWER.

Why because she just stuck with him and was expected to marry him. She was the "rebound girl" because once the divorce was underway, her husband found his true love from the past and is with her once again. This is the second person I have experienced this with.

So he is not the one, move on.
Set aside all of the other stuff, kids/house/careers/wills. Do you want to marry HIM? Him in the morning with morning breath, him in the bathroom stinking it up, looking at him mowing the lawn (quiet down you dirty girls, I'm talking the green grass outside), him napping on the couch on Sunday afternoon with a football on TV. Him next to you in bed each night, him at the dinner table each night, him putting a sweet baby to bed each night, him cooking you dinner or coming in the door after a long day at work. Him telling you he loves you every day. Do you feel good thinking about all of those things or does the thought of it make you want to run the other way?

Look at ALL of it, all the flaws and all of the GREAT things about HIM - not the "man of your dreams" that doesn't really exist b/c that man is only in a fairy tale - Look at this man for all he is. If you still have to talk yourself into marrying him after REALLY looking at it all, he's probably not the one.

do you seriously want kids?? Think about it!

Do you love him? Do you see you and him being together forever? If you aren't ready to scream it from the rooftops, might not be in YOUR best interest.
I vote for don't settle. I settled because i felt pretty much the things you are feeling and besides my 4 sweet little boys...I totally regret it. The little things that bug you now will become super magnified over time. There is just something to be said about having someone that still makes your stomach drop when they walk into a room. I had that once but his drug problem broke us up. It was just bigger than we were and I couldn't do it. Just my two cents. Good luck!
How come you don't look for guys that have the same goals as You?

They r out there.
When you hear that clock ticking, it can be deafening and drown everything else out. I have friends who heard the ticking, still hadn't found Mr Right and made the decision to have a child anyway. They were all mostly sane and financially secure. It can be wonderful or it can be selfish, depending on the situation.

One used a sperm bank to have the child of her dreams. She later married and had another with her dh. He adopted her first.

Another had an arrangement with a gay male friend to have a child. The friend is involved in the child's life, and is his dad.

Another went the adoption route, adopted an older child, and then adopted a second child. She had been married previously, but hadn't conceived and then her DH died an early death. She couldn't give up on having children in her life. She is now having some health problems, her widowed mom and 2 sisters are helping her and her two now teenage kids.
I married my first and only love so I'm of no help here. We have been married 31 years now. Wishing you the best in whatever decision you make.
Sorry Tazz....That **** Biological Clock ticking sucks! I was ok until this last birthday, now I keep seeing babies everywhere. held 3 of them yesterday!
How come you don't look for guys that have the same goals as You?

They r out there.

good luck finding them! and as you get older, it really gets harder to find someone without alot of baggage, which really sucks big time.
I'm 99% sure that I don't want children, but I'm terrified that I'll change my mind when that clock starts ticking.
are you open to the option of just living in for now ~ more likely he will have to move in with you. have you toyed with the idea?

relationships turn either for better or worse when 2 people live in one roof. so wouldn't that be an option for you so that if you're not compatible housemates, it is easier to just say game over.

regarding having kids, I understand your apprehension on ticking bio clocks BUT just keep in mind it would be a lot worse to pop out a kid whose dad turns out to be a whacko.

I'm not saying all trial living together will result in marriage (or divorce) for that matter but relationships are tested more under a "home setting".

does he snore? can you stand it? does he have smelly feet? does he throw his socks on the floor expecting you pick it up all the time? does he fart in bed? these are just some of the things we never know if we can tolerate UNTIL we live with a person. our tolerance level will also determine how much we're willing to stretch our tolerance or bend over to put up with them.

you still got time to think Tazz :bee:
good luck finding them! and as you get older, it really gets harder to find someone without alot of baggage, which really sucks big time.
that is so true.

it is hard to find either a man or woman w/o "baggages" in their 30s or older. when a guy hasn't been married at 30, makes you think, is he gay? HOWEVER, baggages shouldn't deter one from pursuing a relationship with tons of baggages. let's say one who has been divorced 4x, sounds bad eh? but you have to find out why did he get divorced that many times? dealing with one's kids also is a big factor especially if a guy's income all goes to child support.

will you fall for a guy paying thousands of $$ in child support to different women, because you love him? is love enough to sustain such relationship?
NoHio, you're only a baby. I HATED children when I was your age, couldn't see having them, would probably have made DCFS mother of the year! Had my first at 37, figured if it didn't work out I at least had a down payment on a house (kidding - I already owned my house).

Tazz, Most people go through life looking for the perfect person, the half that will complete them. Let's face it, you're not perfect, I'm not perfect, if there is a perfect person out there, why the hell would he be looking for me? Ken would be looking for a Barbie, not a Beula.

If there is no spark, not even a desire to jump his bones, it's not going to work at all and you'll start to blame him for the failure of the relationship. Staying together for the kids isn't a pretty thing to do: therapy is costly. If you really, really want a child you can figure out a way on your own (I did). Work part time, work from home, take in a female roommate, sell from your stockpile! If marriage is in your future, it doesn't have to be before a child (or children), it can be after. end of sermon...
How long have you known him? I'd date a year before even considering anything. Seems fast and that's not usually good.

Sometimes. I had a ring on my finger at 7 months of dating. Been married 14 years in October. :)