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Looks like things get pretty heated around here. Maybe I should pack my bags and leave now, before I get attacked.
Yes, I would have to agree with you there. But I like that. Heated discussions give it more caracter, I feel anyway.
Golden Boy said:
Looks like things get pretty heated around here. Maybe I should pack my bags and leave now, before I get attacked.
Actually, personal attacks against other members are not permitted, and GoingNova does enforce that policy. Your ideas, however, are fair game, and there are some excellent debaters on this site with widely varying viewpoints.
Yes I saw that, must of been a full moon last night.
Sorry didn't mean it that way. I am an astronomy buff. Sometimes get too picky about stuff like that.
No worries, it was said with a lil humor!

I like astronomy, but don't know much about it.
BabyBuddha said:
Actually I prefer some of the older stuff.....like Facts of Life, is coming out on DVD May 9!!! I loved that show when it was on.....I had a big crush on Nancy McKeon (Joanna 'Jo' Marie Polniaczek). (She is the one in the back on the left (dark hair)!!


:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :eusa_clap Nice pick Budda. :eusa_clap :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Lil'Jeffery34 said:

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :eusa_clap Nice pick Budda. :eusa_clap :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

You a BIG fan of Facts of Life, Jeffery??? Or making fun of me....hmmmmmmmm.:p

BTW please call me Buddha (with an h) or BB. Thanks ;)
No problem Buddha.:thumbsup: I use to watch Facts of Life with my grandparents way back in yonder years.
Me too... I don't really remember it that good tho, but it was the show where there was some kinda store within the house right???
If I am right I really enjoyed that show... trying to remember better right now....
Golden Boy said:
Full moon was on April 13th.

Golden, don't be intimitated. :)

ALL views are welcome here, and NO ONE is allowed to insult any other members here. Once in a blue moon things get a little "heated", but by in large everyone abides by the "No Personal Attacks" rule. We are a family here, and just like real life families, sometimes we disagree. ;)
And just like a real family, here, there is a familial hierarchy that sometimes goes astray; just like real life families!

Sometimes family members don't carry their own weight; sometimes family members pass the buck and other inexperienced family members get innocently slammed for not knowing the answers to questions from other bashers.

Sometimes family members refuse to listen to the good advice of other family members; sometimes family members deserve a swift kick in the arse to remind them to smarten the hell up; sometimes male family members insist on arguing and getting in the last word when man can tell you that it is virtually impossible to get the last word in when you are arguing with women so it is best to drop it rather than prolong everyone's suffering.

Sometimes male family members are intimidated by the new kid on the block and feel the need to strut their stuff so as to establish a pecking order. The "we bad" twins, Chris and Nightshade are a prime example and thus the mini attacks. They are relatively harmless and I am sure will be teaming up with you in no time at all.
Like I said in another post, We are all friends here. Think of like a big extended family, each person with thier own views and beliefs. Though we all disagree on almost everything, we are all a big group of friends.