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Boy Scouts May End Ban on Gay Scouts, Leaders

DGS had to sign a contract for basketball...I had to teach him how to sign his last name in cursive...he had no clue...his mom has a beautiful signature...his dad's is basically first initial and a squiggly line...no way anyone could read it (but easy to forge, when necessary)...
It's useful if for nothing else than writing a thank you note. That seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur, too.

The same argument could be made for spelling. With spell check & autocorrect, you really don't *need* to learn how to spell correctly. But you should.

We may not use cursive, but it would be weird not to know how to write in cursive. For me, anyway. I don't really write very often, either. It's just an odd thing to give up to me.

I use print for my thank you notes. :hides:

I have heard that schools are getting rid of spelling and that is crazy. I am a horrible speller and still see the benefits...especially when spell check doesn't recognize the words you are spelling--I've had that problem on numerous occasions.
I know you will find this shocking but I have no strong opinions either way about breastfeeding. :lol:

Do it, don't do it, do it in public, don't do it in public, makes no difference to me :)
I'd heard of this before, and as I was writing in my yet-to-be-born daughter's baby book last week, I wondered if she'd be able to read what I've written if she never learns cursive.

That reminds me of when I was a kid, before I'd learned to read cursive. My Aunt Peggy would always write in my birthday/Christmas cards in cursive. I would get so upset because I couldn't read it. A couple of times she would take the card back and write in print underneath it so I could understand it. :giggles: Yeah, I was a bit of a brat.
I'm sorry, but if they can talk & say, "Yo, Mama, give me the booby!" they are too old.

:lol: :snicker: :giggles:

I am totally cackling silently to myself.

Atheism, anyone?


I will never, ever forget my mom's friend's son walking up to her, unbuttoning her shirt, TAKING THE GUM OUT OF HIS MOUTH & taking a swig. ROFL!

Nor will I ever forget my mom's other friend coming over after I had DD18, seeing that I was bf'ing & saying to me, "Are you out of your ****ing mind? I TOLD you NOT to bf! It's torture!" When I started crying & told her of my bf'ing troubles, she put me in her car, took me to Kmart & bought me nursing pads, bottles & formula. Love that woman. Saved my sanity. I won't get into my ordeal because I don't want to freak KG out. :lol:
Totally in favour of BF, but if the munchkin can walk up to you, lift up your shirt, loosen your bra and latch on, while you are standing, then you need to let it go.
I know you will find this shocking but I have no strong opinions either way about breastfeeding. :lol:

Do it, don't do it, do it in public, don't do it in public, makes no difference to me :)

But what about a 4 year old? Anderson asked her if there was an age when she planned to stop. She said something about mammals wean themselves so that's how she would do it with her daughter.
Um, ok.
Yeah, Lawson is starting to wean himself.

At 8 months, not 4 years!
Who is Anderson?

I really have no opinion on bf being better or whatever. I do not care if people do it in public and I'm positive if I was in a restaurant or another public place & people were "outraged" I would definitely defend the mother. I have way more of an opinion about people not wanting mothers to bf in public than I do about the act of breastfeeding.
Who is Anderson?

I really have no opinion on bf being better or whatever. I do not care if people do it in public and I'm positive if I was in a restaurant or another public place & people were "outraged" I would definitely defend the mother. I have way more of an opinion about people not wanting mothers to bf in public than I do about the act of breastfeeding.

Anderson Cooper - he's got a trashy show on at lunchtime - I sometimes watch part of it when I'm home for lunch.
But what about a 4 year old? Anderson asked her if there was an age when she planned to stop. She said something about mammals wean themselves so that's how she would do it with her daughter.
Um, ok.

Honestly, IDK...is it bad for them? No...it's just evolved in this country to become socially unacceptable and nutritionally not necessary at that age. However, there are countries all over the world where a 4 year olds main source of sustenance is still breast milk. I guess I'd rather see a 4 YO still breast feeding instead of walking around sucking down a can of pop and eating cheetos. :hides:

Do I think from a socialization stand point in order for the child not to be ridiculed that it is probably time to give it up...IDK...I guess I do.

I don't like the moms who do it at that age because it is something THEY need, vs. what is best for their child. Don't saddle your kids with your emotional/attachment issues. :)

****. I guess I do have some opinions. Thanks Joan LOL
Your thoughts on Summer's Eve, Massengil, vinegar jug please....
No, I'm saying I think you should try to dial down the sanctimonious "I'm shocked! :faint:" BS about people here who have said they do their kids projects. Your way isn't always the best way. :)

I am not saying that your perspective is invalid if you don't do those things, but you DID post that parents should get together blah blah blah (paraphrasing until I can go back and quote the post), so I'm asking why then didn't you do what you said other parents should do?

She didn't say that the parents should get together, she said that if enough parents spoke up. She did her part and spoke up and told the teacher how she felt.
Gloria Vanderbilt's son. Who happens to be gay. The circle is now complete, thread is over.

OMG what if Anderson was a boy scout....this thread....full circle

Gloria Vanderbilt's son. Who happens to be gay. The circle is now complete, thread is over.


I had no idea that he was her son, or that he is gay.

What a fitting end. Lock the thread, please. I AM NOT saving this one for posterity on the new board.

Gloria Vanderbilt's son. Who happens to be gay. The circle is now complete, thread is over.

And she WANTED him to marry his partner.