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Can you draw?



I've been trying for years to draw or to learn how to draw and I just can't do it. I can't get what's in my head on a paper. So my question to you is can you draw? Do you enjoy drawing? If you do draw, how long have you been drawing for?
I wish!
I try and I practice but I never get any better. I'm pretty awful, especially with pencil drawings.
I can kind of if I have something to look at. I suck at trying to draw something without some sort of guide :p
I wish!
I try and I practice but I never get any better. I'm pretty awful, especially with pencil drawings.

I find I'm better at pencil drawings than I am with paintbrush or anything else. Have you tried different types of pencils?

I can kind of if I have something to look at. I suck at trying to draw something without some sort of guide :p

I'm the same way, if I have a picture in front of me I am much better at drawing then if I don't have something visual in front of me.
Drawing is my passion. It is my main ability and probably the thing I like best about myself.
My mom tells me how I could sit and do that for hours when I was little. I was far from being a sedentary child, mind you. I was always moving, although I was very self-sufficient and calm. But drawing was something I took very seriously since a very early age, more precisely, since I am 2 years old. Only nowadays can I see how early that is, having raised my little sister who is now 6 years old. Honestly, my sister's drawings from today look like my drawings from when I was about 3, so I guess that means something?
Drawing is an outlet, it has always been a way for me to express myself, and it's still an ongoing thing. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawing.
Today I am 19, and my ambition is to live off from my art. It is a huge leap of faith, but I sure as hell know what I want; because honestly, I might have a lot of insecurities about my art, but I sure know the potential I have. I do not mean to sound arrogant when saying this by the way; I know I have still much to learn and that is why I am in Fine Arts afterall. And also enjoying it very much!
I have already made a little exposition in Lisbon and sold half of my works (Made like, 500?) It was very stressful though, but an experience I want to repeat, for sure.
Drawing is my passion. It is my main ability and probably the thing I like best about myself.
My mom tells me how I could sit and do that for hours when I was little. I was far from being a sedentary child, mind you. I was always moving, although I was very self-sufficient and calm. But drawing was something I took very seriously since a very early age, more precisely, since I am 2 years old. Only nowadays can I see how early that is, having raised my little sister who is now 6 years old. Honestly, my sister's drawings from today look like my drawings from when I was about 3, so I guess that means something?
Drawing is an outlet, it has always been a way for me to express myself, and it's still an ongoing thing. For as long as I can remember, I have been drawing.
Today I am 19, and my ambition is to live off from my art. It is a huge leap of faith, but I sure as hell know what I want; because honestly, I might have a lot of insecurities about my art, but I sure know the potential I have. I do not mean to sound arrogant when saying this by the way; I know I have still much to learn and that is why I am in Fine Arts afterall. And also enjoying it very much!
I have already made a little exposition in Lisbon and sold half of my works (Made like, 500?) It was very stressful though, but an experience I want to repeat, for sure.

I think you have the motivation and the drive to be able to live off of your art. You seem really talented and if you continue to keep drawing and to keep yourself passionate about drawing you can go really far. A thing my friend used to do (and this made her some pretty good cash too) was she would put up posters and advertise that she would do drawings of people for so much money and then one day she would spend the whole day in the park drawing people and making portraits. It was pretty successful and people really loved it. Perhaps you can try that to get some extra cash? It might even help you make your dreams a reality!

I wish you all the best of luck in the future and like I said above, you have the drive and motivation to make your dreams come true. Don't give up and don't lose hope, keep reminding yourself that you are a talented artist and that you can make it really high in life =)
I love drawing. I have never been fantastic but I love doing it n_n
I find I'm better at pencil drawings than I am with paintbrush or anything else. Have you tried different types of pencils?

Yeah, I've had a few different sets of drawing pencils, but I'm no better with them. I get tend to frustrated too easily for pencil drawing.
I did a pencil drawing of me and [MENTION=29]Poontang[/MENTION] which was okay. I'll maybe ask him to post a photo of it somewhere, since he's got it at his house.

I ususally just use my tablet if I want to draw now, easier to get rid of the mistakes :p
I used to attempt it when I was younger but I'm just awful at it. My sister on the other hand is amazing at drawing and arts so I must've just got the wrong genes for being creative.
I draw decently. :eek: Been doing it on and off since I was really little. I used to use mostly pencil, but now I lean more toward inks.
i've always been into drawing and doodling thing in my notes. i'm really good at looking at things and drawing them a bit more than working solely from imagination though.

i <3 charcoal
I can draw.
I haven't done much drawing lately, I have to update my dA.

But yeah. I can draw.
Well, this skill is one of my greatest frustrations! Hahahhaha. I wished I could draw but I could only draw stick figures. I really suck at drawing.
everyone can draw; it's just a skill that takes a lot of time to develop, haha.
if you can write, you can draw. it's just a bunch of lines on paper 8)
i draw quite a bit, i find it more a hobby than anything. i just wanted to have the skill under my belt.
i suppose i'm okay at it. i think i'm like... intermediately leveled. still not quite 'there' yet to my goal level, but i'm decent enough to not frustrate myself endlessly.:)
I am okay at drawing but I certainly would not say I am professional at it. I am much better at graphic design on the computer though, and this is one of my main hobbies :)
I guess that maybe my portrait picture will give you some idea....Although this one I did several years ago, and I haven't picked up a pencil/paintbrush for about the same time either!

I just never have the time to sit down and concentrate any more. :(
Drawing is the only skill(some say talent) that I'm proud of. I usually paint by watercolor but I loved using oil paint(tried it once but we moved and left my oil paint huhu). I started with doodles in grade school and realized how I love it when I took multimedia arts in college. I had to stop going to school after half a year in college tho coz we had to move here in Tokyo.
I don't think there is someone less qualified to draw than me, to be honest. I can't even get a biology lab drawing sent in so that it gets a better grade than a C. I guess it's a talent some are born with more than others.
I think it's possible to learn how to draw. My parents and my boyfriend say I can draw. A couple people in high school said I could draw well. My artwork seemed to be graded higher than others (despite my art teacher always putting me down, saying I wouldn't get higher than a C but got a B overall and my artwork was on display in the school) so I thought maybe I had some kind of artistic ability. I draw quite rarely but I do get urges and ideas to draw. I've been drawing ever since I can remember! I might post some artwork in the gallery soon! :) I want to finish my most recent piece but it seems pretty challenging for something I deemed quite simple! It has a sweet message though :aww: