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Creepy..Crawly.. BUGS!


Baby, baby, baby ohh
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United States
Who likes bugs? Incests, aracnids..beetles? Anyone a fan of those creepy crawly little critters? If so, which are your favorite and why?

Also, feel free to say if you dislike these multi-legged critters. I do not like them myself. The only ones I will tolerate are ants, ladybugs, crickets, and butterflies. Otherwise.. SPLAT! ;)
Yep ants, ladybirds, crickets and butterflies are about it for me too, although I hate it when crickets fly around in your face.
I also don't mind ****roaches? Lmao? I always thought I would but there was the option to hold and play with one on holiday, so I did :p it was warm and heavy, I liked it. (But I would probably panic if I could see under the shell)

I have a big fear of spiders. I never used to but as I've got older its become an irrational fear I just can't shake.
Who likes bugs? Incests, aracnids..beetles? Anyone a fan of those creepy crawly little critters? If so, which are your favorite and why?

Also, feel free to say if you dislike these multi-legged critters. I do not like them myself. The only ones I will tolerate are ants, ladybugs, crickets, and butterflies. Otherwise.. SPLAT! ;)


I don't mind bugs at all. I used to be really into catching them and studying them as a child, especially the ones that were a little rarer, to me. ****chafer beetles and devils coach horses in particular fascinated me. And in the summer I made a colosseum from an ice cream tub, half-filled it with sawdust (my dad has a shed full of tools and made a lot of furniture etc. In fact about 90% of the wood furniture in the house was made by him) then I'd throw bugs in there and watch them fight to the death. Ants in particular were very entertaining.
I only like black ants and wood lice. All the others can **** off. :lol:

I don't mind bugs at all. I used to be really into catching them and studying them as a child, especially the ones that were a little rarer, to me. ****chafer beetles and devils coach horses in particular fascinated me. And in the summer I made a colosseum from an ice cream tub, half-filled it with sawdust (my dad has a shed full of tools and made a lot of furniture etc. In fact about 90% of the wood furniture in the house was made by him) then I'd throw bugs in there and watch them fight to the death. Ants in particular were very entertaining.

Did I seriously spell that wrong? Whoops... LOL
I like spiders. We have a pet G.Rosea tarantula and next week when I get paid since my sister moved out I am putting another enclosure in the spare room which will hopefully be home to a A.Versicolor. Normal house spiders not so much, usually put them outside but do occasionally just leave them alone as they keep out other less welcomed pests (flies, bees, moths, fleas etc).

Other than that I'm okay with most other insects. And some of them do look very cool while others just look outright stunning with interesting patterns and colors.
I like ladybugs and beetles! I hate ****roaches. They're so nasty! I never used to be afraid of spiders until I got bit by one that could have killed me. It wasn't even a big, poisonous spider. I had an anaphylactic reaction to it, though.
I'm hugely predjucticed. I'm fine with the "nice" looking insects; ladybugs, beetles, butterflies ect. but all of the other insects just creep me out. I know they don't look like that to creep me out on purpose, but just, yuk.
I'm hugely predjucticed. I'm fine with the "nice" looking insects; ladybugs, beetles, butterflies ect. but all of the other insects just creep me out. I know they don't look like that to creep me out on purpose, but just, yuk.

There are beetles which burrow into the flesh of living animals/humans and devour them from the inside.

Have fun :3

This thread makes me feel itchy ;_;