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CW is awfully quiet.....

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LOF started a new one. It just needs re-stickied by someone....anyone who can?


I saw that. I just take issue with Barb deleting the thread because she had an issue with what was said in it, as she told us all to f off.

She could have removed her posts. She decided to take out the whole thread.

As I said before, this is on the assumption that Barb deleted the thread on her way out the door. I assume this based on the timing.
:roll: the guy who said that special education students are retards and don't belong in public schools with the 'normal' kids says I should be banned because I'M bad :lol:

:ha: that little bit of humor will carry me through the day!!!
I don't think we know what Barb did or didn't do. Did you ask her? She has posted her email multiple times since her PMs don't work. If it were me and I were a moderator, I probably would have deleted it too. It's a good thing I'm not a moderator anywhere, I am impulsive and a **** and that's just not a good combo ;)

Anyway to put the issue to bed, I asked the administrator of another forum I visit that uses the same software. There is no evil Matrix dashboard where a mod can sit and view personal PMs streaming live. There are hacks that allow it, but I doubt any of the mods here have the skills or desire to use them. I doubt Tazz has uploaded a PM crack to this site, and it would have had to be Tazz because if Barb can't for example approve new members (which it is clear that she can't), then she certainly doesn't have the permissions necessary to upload a PM crack herself. There is nothing inherent in the software that allows it, it is only available via a crack. I am surprised none of the other moderators here haven't said something to let everyone know reading of personal PMs by mods isn't possible, since they know it's not possible. That would have averted some serious problems yesterday.

Anyway, PMing someone about 4000 bottles of pop then having probably the most active person on the site find out about it 10 minutes later is a total non-event. That's actually a painfully slow game of telephone by CW standards.

Nothing that went on here the past few days was pretty, on either side. And that's an understatement. It would be a shame to lose such a valuable contributing member. Without contributing members, this place is pointless.
Anyway, PMing someone about 4000 bottles of pop then having probably the most active person on the site find out about it 10 minutes later is a total non-event. That's actually a painfully slow game of telephone by CW standards.

It DOES seem to me that gossip is a better explanation than any sort of technical wizardry on the part of Barb. I'm trying really hard not to find out what happened, but that much seems pretty clear to me.
:dunce: I have read in several posts now how mean this thread is..really? Have you read other threads? Make a conservative statement on this board and then tell me how mean this thread is. I'm a bit lost here and wish to stay that way, but this is a ridiculous statement. So is it only "mean" when it happens to someone who contributes lots of deals? or a mod? Give me a break.

Ban the meanies? really? well, I guess you would be one of the first to go...

Funny how things look so different depending what side your on...maybe people on this board should think about posting mean **** to anyone or about anyone in the future or shut the hell up when their head is on the platter....and yeah, privat pm's should be private..but if you don't privately talk smack about others I guess it's not really a problem...yep, that's all I've got. Have at it.
This to shall pass.

Ya know what they say to every fight...
there is this side and that side and somewhere in the middle is the truth.

I don't know what caused all this I just know that at times ALL OF US, all of us, go a little to far. And my hope is that we can all get past this.
I don't think we know what Barb did or didn't do. Did you ask her? She has posted her email multiple times since her PMs don't work. If it were me and I were a moderator, I probably would have deleted it too. It's a good thing I'm not a moderator anywhere, I am impulsive and a **** and that's just not a good combo ;)

Anyway to put the issue to bed, I asked the administrator of another forum I visit that uses the same software. There is no evil Matrix dashboard where a mod can sit and view personal PMs streaming live. There are hacks that allow it, but I doubt any of the mods here have the skills or desire to use them. I doubt Tazz has uploaded a PM crack to this site, and it would have had to be Tazz because if Barb can't for example approve new members (which it is clear that she can't), then she certainly doesn't have the permissions necessary to upload a PM crack herself. There is nothing inherent in the software that allows it, it is only available via a crack. I am surprised none of the other moderators here haven't said something to let everyone know reading of personal PMs by mods isn't possible, since they know it's not possible. That would have averted some serious problems yesterday. :shesaid:

Anyway, PMing someone about 4000 bottles of pop then having probably the most active person on the site find out about it 10 minutes later is a total non-event. That's actually a painfully slow game of telephone by CW standards.

Nothing that went on here the past few days was pretty, on either side. And that's an understatement. It would be a shame to lose such a valuable contributing member. Without contributing members, this place is pointless.and again :shesaid:
:dunce: I have read in several posts now how mean this thread is..really? Have you read other threads? Make a conservative statement on this board and then tell me how mean this thread is. I'm a bit lost here and wish to stay that way, but this is a ridiculous statement. So is it only "mean" when it happens to someone who contributes lots of deals? or a mod? Give me a break.

Ban the meanies? really? well, I guess you would be one of the first to go...

Funny how things look so different depending what side your on...maybe people on this board should think about posting mean **** to anyone or about anyone in the future or shut the hell up when their head is on the platter....and yeah, privat pm's should be private..but if you don't privately talk smack about others I guess it's not really a problem...yep, that's all I've got. Have at it.

I've done both and still feel this thread is mean. Not saying lots of folks weren't wondering what was going on and talking about it is one thing. But ganging up on someone who is a valued member of this community is quite another thing. As far as I'm concerned, it got ugly. Sure, lots of issue threads get ugly but this just seemed like everyone was ganging up on one person.

I don't look at Barb as someone who provides all the great info - I don't have a Jewel so it doesn't really make a **** bit of difference to me. But she's someone I've "known" for about as long as I've been couponing. She was part of the AOL couponing boards way back when and I feel we've become friends over the years. It's not a nice feeling to see a friend treated the way Barb was treated here yesterday.

As far as banning - that was one fool's idea. I doubt anyone agrees with it.
This would have been one small misunderstanding in one lost thread, until it got bigger and then the bigger part was deleted....actually without this thread or the big stickied I quit thread 99% of us would be oblivious to what happened.

If it was mean or not (and I do think there have been far more mean things done and said that were ignored or laughed off) it would have never been this big if it was not made into something this big. Many misunderstanding occur on here daily, but the steps following the misunderstanding that are now gone from the eyes of most is the part that lit the fire and those who responded to the sparks arent alone in taking blame for what has become. This thread didnt start off talking about PMs and the last one didnt end talking about them, there is far more to the issues at hand than that.

2 months from now it will all be over and I think that overall we have gotten to know each others trigger points pretty well, we know what thread title by what person will lead to this argument or that, we know who the main "players" are and how to bring them out and we know when they have their times of being upset, angry, sad, etc and we roll with it. Give support, curse someone out, send a PM saying you support them but are too scared to say it outloud, send a PM that you hate someone but are to scared to say it outloud, thank the people you support while never saying a word, that is what we do. This would have been one of those "just go with it" situations if only if
I only posted on the PM issue (and researched it) because it was pointedly brought up, it is not true that mods can read PMs, and a number of members were getting disturbed by that idea. That fire did not need any more fuel and some needed assurances that PMs are not being read by the mods.

As to the other stuff, it is what it is. Moderating any forum is a mainly thankless job. Couponers in general are weird people that do fringe things. Is it that unrealistic to think someone might go off the deep end when they begin to feel irrelevant or can't do their mod job?

Overreaction? Maybe. My thought is just that it would be nice for all that energy poured into hatred to instead be directed at something like the CW sharing efforts. It's a shame.

I'm not without sin, I'm not judging what anyone did. Just trying to correct the most outrageously incorrect inflammatory comments.
I can't believe this is 11 pages long (for me at least)
I think ill go back and start at the beginning again.
1. The fact of the matter is that Barb was participating in an exchange in the Target printables thread. And she (too) was showing her ****. But the minute Tazz got here she wiped the whole **** thing (and a lot more) out. WHY? Because by her own admission once a mod deletes something it can't be retrieved not even by Tazz. So where does that leave us? With Barb pretending she was a victim of some malicious ganging up on.

2. No one has to ban icoupon2, if Tazz wants me to leave I will do so as an adult of my own free will with my head held high. What I've said might make unpopular, but it sure as hell doesn't make me a liar. Go run around to other boards and ask all the questions you want Kathy, perhaps what you should read is where other members said they also suspected it was true. And maybe the reason no one else here has backed up the idea that they can't be read is because they can.

3. Banning? Seriously? I've had to endure mocars having a picture of MY car in his signature with the words "I BOUGHT THIS CAR WITH GIFT CARDS I STOLE FROM JEWEL" plastered over it, even though JEWEL READS THIS BOARD and none of the moderators or site owner will do anything about it, but I SHOULD BE BANNED? Puuuuhhhleeeze. There are worse creatons here than me.

4. Bob, how dare you? You said horrible vicious things about mrsmelton and her child and I should be banned? Puuuuhhhhhleeeeze.
Have we ever known KG to be a mean person? Barb said f you all after her post, But I took it as her joking. I didn't think she was trying to be mean towards Barb, as she just doesn't strike me as a mean spirited person.
Have we ever known KG to be a mean person? Barb said f you all after her post, But I took it as her joking. I didn't think she was trying to be mean towards Barb, as she just doesn't strike me as a mean spirited person.

Since I am not one to EVER keep quiet here is what I have to say (This is not in order of importance, totally randome...

I appreciate all the wonderful things that Barb has contributed to this board, of that there is no doubt.

Members sharing is essential for any couponing board no one person does everything. Many of us post the deals we find, some are thanked some are not it is what it is..

There was an incident a while ago when the blow up with equallyyoked happened. I had sent her a pm of support because I felt in this situation she was being ganged up on here over what I believed to be a misunderstanding between Barb and her. Barb confronted me over PMing with her. Luckily I say nothing about people I wont say to their face. If mods cant read (which honestly I too have suspected) then they can certainly see who is pming who. Under the circumstances above I became very uncomfortable ever since.

There was also a time, when Sati was being Psycho that Barb gave me very kind words and supposedly betrayed Sati by doing it. This was at a time when many were still all up Sati's **** (yall know who you are)!!

This board shows just how easy it is to be a E-gangter. All the **** talk that goes on here sometimes, I KNOW yall wouldnt be like that in person. One day you will pop off to the wrong one karma is a ****.

This board has a lot of "mean spirited" folks. Some of the biggest one are also the most butt hurt when the tide turns on them.

Mrs. Melton - I feel for you hun, this too shall pass e-hugs. You know you have always been one of my favs.

I agree with other that obviously Barb is going through something. Have folks ever heard of something called compassion. If folks ganged up on one of your children like this yall would have a problem with it, and yet look how ya act here. Everytime someone has has some ignorant or out of line stuff to me I have been going through MAJOR **** in my life. Just because someone don't share everything they are going through does not mean everything is hunky dory. When suicides happen the folks let behind often wonder could I have done something different. The answer many times is Yes. You dont have to comment on everything, should never post out of anger and remember there are real people typing on these keyboards. Even if sometimes they are the bully don't make it right to then bully them.

I have no "side" in this MESS. You dont gotta like everyone but treating everone respectfully would probably go a long way into bringing CW BACK to the great resource that we all joined.
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