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days of our lives - 2day

I think I'm two episodes behind but I have to admit - I'm glad Sami's with EJ. I just wish they'd keep them together for more than a few days. :giggles: I've always thought they made a great couple - sure it would have been fun if she could have ended up with the nice guy but I think EJ is a better match for her. They just have to stop having her go back and forth from EJ to Rafe to Lucas and round and round again. :surrender:

Most of the other storylines are boring me to death.

The Chloe/Dan/Jen triangle is just same old same old.

The Kristen/Brady nonsense is just that - nonsense.

I'm somewhat interested in the baby-daddy storyline.

Anyone else still watchin'?
I'm still watching! Still can't stand Nick -- I don't want Jen and Daniel together -- and doesn't Parker really look a lot like Daniel?! Kristin and Brady are sickening and she is just so old and ugly! I want Sonny and Will back together! The whole storyline of John and Marlena separating is so bizarre to me. After all they have been through, he's gonna leave because she didn't tell him about Brady and Kristin's affair!
Have I mentioned that I absolutely cannot stand Nick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????
He is so creepy. I am so hoping that Gabby ends up losing this baby. I was shocked when the writers let Nicole lose her baby. I really wanted her to have a little happiness. Gabby, not so much!

Don't like Kristen... can't stand chloe hording in on... anyone ... so over her and daniel... jennifer seems to screw everyone.... don't like nick as he does seem so creepy....

Love Victor and wish they'd put him and his old snarky self on much more!
Haven't watched more than 5 min here, 10 there. Today, I catch the last 5-10 mins of the show.... some things can not be unseen.... YUCK! Both hims and hers.... whats old is new again AND are ya serious... that is a good idea?!?!?! YUCK!
Who are these writers?!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was going to barf when Kate and Rafe started kissing! YUCK!!!! She is old enough to be his mother - if not his granny!
Who are these writers?!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was going to barf when Kate and Rafe started kissing! YUCK!!!! She is old enough to be his mother - if not his granny!
I am so so glad I missed DOL yesterday. ICK ICK ICK
Who are these writers?!!!!!!!!!! I thought I was going to barf when Kate and Rafe started kissing! YUCK!!!! She is old enough to be his mother - if not his granny!

As usual I'm about 3 episodes behind but I read that on a spoilers board recently and thought they must have been kidding. At least Rafe and Nicole had a little chemistry but him and Kate? Seriously?

I like Sami with EJ so I really don't want to see her back with Rafe.
I think pairing him up with Nicole again wouldn't have been a bad thing but she's too busy being torn between Fr.Eric and Dr.Dan.
Agree, joanmarie.... Since everyone now seems to have seen it or heard about it.... not a fan of kate and rafe.... ICK!
I watched the Rafe/Kate episode of Days last night. :surrender:
Not even an ounce of chemistry between the two. Yes, they were both drunk but come on, Rafe should have just slightly higher standards than that.

I knew it was coming, but was still hoping when he stopped into the rectory and bumped into Nicole all ****tied up that they would have gotten together instead.

I think the only good thing about this pairing will be seeing Sami's reaction when she finds out, and you know she will. :sheep1:

I'm still liking the Sami/EJ pairing.
I'm glad EJ and Sami are together too! Wonder who's gonna screw it up first! And then for Rafe and Kate to do the deed again the following morning, when sober, barf!! She looked very uncomfortable in bed the next morning, I'm betting she doesn't exactly relish the thought of showing the old bod at her age.
! And then for Rafe and Kate to do the deed again the following morning, when sober, barf!! She looked very uncomfortable in bed the next morning, I'm betting she doesn't exactly relish the thought of showing the old bod at her age.

Waiting to see her get knocked up !!!
Right! Knocked up at 60!! I am so hoping Gabby has a miscarriage. To take that storyline farther, would just be repeating the Sami, Austin, Lucas, Will saga for the next 20 years!
Ok, so I'm all caught up on this show - well aside from today's episode. (and not really sure why I keep watching, yet I do)

Rafe & Kate - just dumb - not a single ounce of chemistry between the two. I really like him with Nicole.

Nicole lusting over Eric - Thorn Birds revisited?

Jen is starting to annoy the hell out of me

Sami needs to ****-slap Nick

Did they ever answer wth happened with Bo? They were hinting at it with Hope/Rafe but they seem to have just dropped it.
Ok, so I'm all caught up on this show - well aside from today's episode. (and not really sure why I keep watching, yet I do)

Rafe & Kate - just dumb - not a single ounce of chemistry between the two. I really like him with Nicole.

Nicole lusting over Eric - Thorn Birds revisited?

Jen is starting to annoy the hell out of me

Sami needs to ****-slap Nick

Did they ever answer wth happened with Bo? They were hinting at it with Hope/Rafe but they seem to have just dropped it.
I know nothin :) only what I read on reviews. Kate & Rafe just ICKY :) and weird Nick needs to go
I think the writers are hoping we forget Bo ever existed! Maybe they are waiting for a good amount of time and then bring back another person playing him. NICK MAKES ME SICK!!!!! Cannot stand him, period. I wish he'd go back to prison already.