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Do you ever spare change to the homeless?

I can't recall exactly where it was, but I remember seeing a series of news stories about water pumps and such installed in third-world countries to help them, but they didn't like them/didn't understand them so they just left them to fall into disrepair. Stories like that make me think why bother. They've survived this long, they can survive some more.

I've heard/read about this myself somewhere, and I understand what you're saying; in that case then yes, I would also have a feeling of "Why bother", but we've also got to be careful not to label them all as having the same mindset and try to help those who are indeed wanting/needing of assistance. :)
Lets be honest here, they can't really be fussy with who they hire to sweep streets or work in waste disposal. And if they don't have a single friend or family member who is willing to take them in or give them an address to use, they can't be much of an asset to society.

They can and they are, you need X paid courses on health and safety, plus a whole bunch of ****.

If they asked for gas money

I'm not sure you fully understand, most homeless people don't have cars, the ones that do live inside them, but it will eventually be stolen.

Some of you are showing some really ignorant sides in this thread, I know when you're a teen/young 20's anything is super easy and anyone whose plans fail must have have been retarded or didn't try hard enough, but it's not quite like that, once fantasy land ends(college) real life hits a lot of people in the face, some manage to never get a taste of things going wrong.

And like pandemonium said, many people became homeless after having good lives, I don't know if you remember the "Man with the golden voice", sure, he was taken by drugs, but he studied and invested to get somewhere and it didn't go as planned, it mostly never does, if it wasn't for his youtube video going viral he probably would stayed that way for quite some time.
Though if you want to be honest, you have to admit that losing everything by divorce, by losing job, they lose everything AND everybody. Not all are junkies and lazy people.

Specially in the world's current situation (world crisis), you should remember that it could happen to anyone, even you. That's what you have to keep in mind. I'd be cautious about being so high-handed.
I talk of personal experience (in the way that my father became homeless after his divorce with my mom), my own father (who's a heavy smoker) found himself having to smoke from cigarette butts he found on the streets. So yeah, seeing homeless smoking does not always mean they bought it.

I was talking about Ireland. The government will shower you in benefits if you try to find a new job. I don't know the situation in Portugal.

They can and they are, you need X paid courses on health and safety, plus a whole bunch of ****.

The government pay unemployed people decent money to do those courses here. More than enough to live comfortably if you don't waste it, like many homeless do.
I was talking about Ireland. The government will shower you in benefits if you try to find a new job. I don't know the situation in Portugal.

The government pay unemployed people decent money to do those courses here. More than enough to live comfortably if you don't waste it, like many homeless do.

Sadly that isn't the case down here in England. I am currently stuck on ~?55 a week benefits while trying to find a job, after my previous employer went into administration because she had the business sense of a dead gorilla. Sadly everything I've applied for has turned me down, despite having a good wealth of experience (5 years of retail, plenty of computer tech experience, etc). That may change soon, I hope, as I'm beginning a firefighter training course.

It's quite tough to find a job currently, despite having a stable address, no criminal record, and ok qualifications. Sometimes I wish I was foreign, I'd get more benefits that way lol
It's being forced upon me by the job centre, so I'm unsure of exactly what it will entail. I know it provides a first aid qualification, but beyond that I haven't been given any information aside from if I don't do it, I don't get JSA for 3 months. With any luck it will be useful, though.
I have no idea what it's like in the UK, but since I live in the hills and Portugal is very forest fire prone we have a lot of forest fire training.

So I'm guessing you would have more training in common occurrences in your area, floods, accidents, etc.
I always give food and not money. I don't give money because you never know what they're spending it on, but I have no problem giving someone a meal because I wouldn't want to go hungry.
I have no idea what it's like in the UK, but since I live in the hills and Portugal is very forest fire prone we have a lot of forest fire training.

So I'm guessing you would have more training in common occurrences in your area, floods, accidents, etc.

Yes, the only things I know about it are the first aid qualification, and that we will be "apprentice firefighters" so I presume it will be dealing with fire combat to some degree. I just hope I don't have to rescue any cats from trees, heights don't really agree with my stomach.
If I have change to spare, yes. I'm more often to give them food. I know what it is like to have to beg for survival. The economy is poor and finding jobs is hard. I'll help anyone I can.
I have before. I don't make a habit of giving money to the ones that beg, but I do every now and then give something to one that doesn't do the grovelling. Usually a chocolate bar or something that isn't money, there's a lot around my way that only spend the money on cigarettes or booze and I'd rather make sure they got food inside them instead.
People get it twisted...helping a person out is always a good thing regardless if their homeless or not. I give change to the homeless if i can spare it because you never know what that person could be going through. Granted...that same person could be using that change for cigs or drinks, but if it puts a smile on the face of someone less fortunate so be it. Weather or not they want to use that money to improve their situation is on them. As human beings we have to realize that we all are dealt different hands in life. Just because you may hold an ace doesn't make you the winner.