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Do you sleep naked?

I like to sleep topless so I can enjoy my soft sheets ;)
I share a room with my older sister, so I usually can't. But when she travels to see her boyfriend I grab at the opportunity and sleep naked the whole time she is gone. Other than that, I sleep in at least my panties and a light shirt. I can't sleep in bras, they are too uncomfortable for me.
I sleep in a t-shirt, bra, underwear and shorts/sleep pants. I live with my parents, brother, and his gf, so I prefer to sleep almost fully clothed. That and we keep our house cold at night! :) I feel naked without my bra on and I feel really uncomfortable walking around where you can see my nips. Most of my t-shirts are white. You can see right through them!
I sleep in like green swimming shorts and a grey hoodie.
I'll usually go to sleep in whatever I'm wearing before bed because I'm lazy, lol. If I'm wearing jeans I'll take those off because it's uncomfortable, but that's it. I've slept naked a few times, but it's just too weird. It's too distracting. I always wake up halfway through the night. It's almost like I'm too comfortable to sleep.
I sleep with my jammies on, haha. No bra though, those are awful to sleep in. :/
Yes I do. Every night, regardless of the weather.
I will sleep naked after sex as it's far too much effort to put underwear back on and with the body heat it gets hot. Other than that I'll sleep in my bra and undies.
My room gets far too hot, that even sleeping naked doesn't make much of a difference. But because I can't sleep without some sort of cover I use a silk throw type thing. XD
My quilt has been folded on the floor at the end of my bed since the last Saturday of June XD
I don't I'd feel too paranoid D:

I don't have any pyjamas so I either just sleep in my underwear or just what i've been wearing that day :p
I'm scared my mom's gonna come in one summer morning and wake me up, especially now since she's taking two weeks off of work. Awkward!
I sleep with pj's on. A nice baggy shirt, and bottoms :) sometimes socks if my feet are cold!
When it's hot I do, or if it gets too uncomfortable.
Some days whatever I'm wearing will get all twisted up and becomes extremely irritating, if that's the case the clothing goes. However, I can barely go 12 hours without a bra before I feel the need to put one on.
I'll also sleep naked if I'm with a partner, far too much body heat for me to be clothed.
No, I do not. Basically, I live with my parents and I sleep with my door open because the dog gets upset when doors are closed (he's an emotional little guy). Also, I am just afraid my parents will barge into my room for no reason or to wake me. Mom used to come in and borrow my laptop (back when I let her), or to get the laundry. Dad is the one who usually wakes me because he's very gentle in waking me unlike Mom who's like "Linda. Wake up." Not that she's shouting, but she does scare me out of my sleep.

Also... I LOVE JAMMIES! I absolutely adore pajamas! I almost always wear pajamas, unless it's too hot, then I wear an oversized t-shirt and undies. But oh Lordy! I LOVE PAJAMAS! Sometimes I wear jammies with no underwear on, but that's as far as I'll go. At least until I move out.
i sleep with shorts and beater! and if not that then boxers and no beater!
As I live with my fianc?, other than the TOTM when I naturally wear panties, I prefer to be as naked as the day I was born. :)

However during our somewhat cold winters here in the UK, I have from time to time slipped into either my lovely satin nightie or pyjamas.