What's new

Fall Cleaning 2011:

changed the sheets and made beds

cleaned the bathroom

shower and almost ready

prep for dinner

trash day

wash clothes

put clothes up

i need to vac. the ceilings....
it's nice to have a clean home, right?:cartwheel:

Yes, it is but it would be nicer to have someone else do the cleaning. :surrender:

I got all the inserts sorted this morning.
Cleaned a bunch of useless crap out of the boiler room and have it ready for garbage that goes out tonight.
Did a bit of dusting/wiping with Windex.
Have a load of laundry going.
make the beds

pick up clothes

clean bathroom

shower and dress

prep for dinner

start clothes

clear old mags, mail, etc

y'all up and moving?
made the beds
started the laundry
cleaned the bathroom (scoured shower,sink, toilet, washed mirror, organized one shelf)
ate breakfast
showered & kids showered, dressed, & fed

I have a list I printed off some site on cleaning stuff to do each day. I got a lot more to do today!
wake up

make the bed

shower and dress

get ready for a b-day party for bil & sil

blow up balloons!

prep for dinner

clean bathrooms

hide the clutter!

light some smell good candles
I had some errands and shopping to do this morning but I'm almost ready to start cleaning.
Stop drinking the Koolaid!!!

I told you - I don't do much cleaning during the week so I have to do lots of it on the weekends.

So far I've -

  • vacuumed upstairs & entryway
  • cleaned all mirrors upstairs - including the mirrored shower doors which are a pita to clean :surrender:
  • did a quick straighten up upstairs
  • have one load of laundry in the washer
  • quick clean in the bathroom
DH has...
Washed dishes and cleaned top of stove
Completely defrosted big freezer, organized and rotated all stock
Cleaned pantry, organized by date (I have 54 jars of speghitti sauce)
And is currently making a yummy sprimp dip

DS has...
cleaned living room
washed laundry

I have shopped at Jewel and taken a nap :)
wake up

make the beds

make some coffee

clean the bathrooms

shower and dress

prep for dinner

wash clothes

empty dishwasher

y'all up?
Yep and waay too early:

wash up and dress

wash sheets

fold laundry

make some coffee

prep for dinner

load dishwasher

jewel and wags shop

put away groceries

get ready for work.... ack!
Wake up at 5:30 with DS1, feed him breakfast
Empty dishwasher
Make bed
Shower and dressed
DS2 awake, feed him breakfast
Clean up kitchen
Start load of laundry, only one to do today!
Feed baby
So far, so good!
School starts tomorrow for 2 hours... basically, its take your crap to school and dump it off day. Wednesday, they are gone for the full day :cartwheel: :snoopy: :dance:

I mean so, Wednesday I will start "fall cleaning".

Today, its get the rest of laundry washed, dried and hung/folded. (So No One can complain I have nothing to wear, which will receive my reply of "my ****! find something!")

make the beds

clean the bathroom

shower and dress

prep for dinner

clear the kitchen

just take small steps to get your home in order...

y'all have a great day!!

clean the outside door of the dishwasher....and clean the junk from the door seal.
wake up

make the beds

clean bathroom

shower and dress

make coffee

prep for dinner

clear the kitchen

y'all up?

make the beds

shower and dress

prep for dinner & pack lunch stuff

make coffee

clean the kitchen

empty trash cans & lysol

recy. old mail and mags

organize stockpile stuff so you can add more :)

organize coupons & shopping list for sept.

make a list of all baking supplies needed for the fall/winter season

wash towels

empty dishwasher

time to change vent filters?

sweep and mop kitchen floors

shake those front door mats and sweep around them

hang rugs outside in the fresh air

do a quick wipe down - pictures, mirrors, sinks, etc.

pull out a fall tablecloth for the table

stock up on tealight unscented candles to burn during dinner (you can even put them in a wine glass, jar, or anything you have on hand)

gather your family around the table and turn off the tv for dinner

Hope you all have a happy cleaning day!

You're up and at 'em early Coach!

Lots of cleaning planned for this weekend - with the crappy weather it will be good excuse to stay inside and get lots done.