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Favorite swear words?


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The Netherlands
If you are angry, what swear/cuss words do you use? I mostly use ****, kut (**** in Dutch, mostly used in same context as **** though), **** (Rarely) and godverdomme (****it in Dutch, my catchphrase XD)
****. Always or gago (Filipino cuss word. Means ****) And ****. I cuss a lot but ever since we moved to Tokyo I rarely got the chance to swear. Most of my friends are born again Christian so... Yea kinda gets awkward when I swear around them.
Caralho (there's no translation for it)
Foda-se (****)
Filho/a da puta (son of a ****)
****,****,**** sucker
I sometimes use the "N" word out of context
also ****,crap, mother ****er.....

there are alot......
**** usually, but I don't always use it as a swear word. It's a versatile word and works in so many contexts, as a good word or bad. I also find it funny how rustled some people get over it too.
Also use ****, ****, and **** when something goes wrong.
My language is cluttered with curses and slurs that really shouldn't be coming out of my mouth. :s As far as words I like, though- "****" and "****" and "****," haha.
****, but if i'm really pissed off and can't be bothered or tired my classic phase is **** it and throw what ever I have to the floor.
I tend to mix cusses with regular words to create unholy mixtures of phrases that sound awful but make people around me laugh.

**** biscuit
****nosed cumfucker
****, ****, ****, etc.

Also kurwa (Polish for "****/****" and perkele (Finnish for "the devil" but used as an expletive)
**** is my favourite. I like the word ****got too. Mainly because people are still iffy when they hear it used, but I like it.
****, and **** are my favorites. As well as my ever creative, ****ing ****. I swear even when I am not mad. ^^;