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Gaining Weight


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Any of you guys have tips on gaining weight? I'm not looking for advice such as eat more. I already eat a lot just to maintain my current weight. I've always been underweight, but never this much. I lost 13lbs when I had mono, so I'm nearing 20lbs under my goal weight. I'm frustrated because it seems like a losing battle. I'm drinking Pediasure and Ensure Complete along with protein when I can stomach the taste. I also eat right before bed per my doctor. Instead of eating three big meals, I eat 5-6 small ones throughout the day.

Probably not eating as much as you think. Weigh everything out and give that a go for a week! Why do you want to put on weight anyway? Just curious

I've always been underweight, but never this much. I lost 13lbs when I had mono, so I'm nearing 20lbs under my goal weight.

OP: Do you exercise or over-exercise regularly? That's one thing that could be effecting it.
Also, by eating 5-6 small meals you are eating healthier than the 3 large meals. Eating small portions more often will effect your metabolism speed. Maybe try upping the portions for a while, just to put a bit of weight on. I wouldn't suggest taking the junk food route; although it may aid in weight gain, it'll have negative effects on your skin and health.
Perhaps try eating more carbs?

I've started putting on a lot of weight and all I do is eat constantly xD

I'm the exact opposite for some reason I can eat loads and never put on any weight? I do lift 20kg-25kgs boxes at work now though so I guess I can burn some of it off however that's the only excercise I ever do.
I don't promote vegetarianism regularly but it is great for weight loss/ staying at a healthy weight. At least it was for me, I lost quite a few pounds and I believe you lose a lot more if you're quite bigger. This isn't because the diet is unhealthy either, it's because you're eating less fat in general and vegetarians generally eat healthier.
I couldn't do vegetarian at all. My body craves meat too much. I wouldn't be able to give up steak or pork roast. LOL.

I don't exercise at home at all because I get a good amount of exercise at work. I work on the sales floor at Target so I'm always moving/lifting and I'm on my feet all day.

Doctor suspects something may be up with my thyroid, but I haven't been back to get blood work yet.