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Gardening Tips, Advice, Successes...

I certainly can't help you out Mrsmom, the one I planted died. Gonna take it back. I think the soil has too much clay though. The rhodadendron (?sp) I had in there before died too. So I'll probably have to redo that bed. That's gonna be a HUGE pain in the butt as it's got pea gravel down that I'll have to get out first.

My veggie garden is doing GREAT. We had fresh lettuce for salad all last week, bowl full of strawberries and I got a small handful of sugar snap peas the other night. And one of my cucumber plants had a little bloom on it. Course nothing will happen there because it was the only one, but everything is coming along. I just love being able to pick stuff straight out of the garden for dinner.
I was moving my herb plants last night for the severe storm that never came and I noticed these very tiny red spiders on all my plants. Does anyone know what these are?

thank you! It does look like them and it says that they are hard to get rid of. Looks like I will be throwing the herbs out. It says that they just keep multiplying and at a rapid rate. If I have to use an insecticide on them all the time, I really don't want to consume the herbs. I would be a little skeeered then!
My roses have little white bugs. Anyone know how to get rid of them? Thanks in advance.
my mom's the flower gardener in the family and she told me to use ortho max. It's always worked real well on my roses. If you're wanting something organic, I can't help.
used coffee grounds will chase bugs off of roses. Plant garlic.. that works also.
Yeah, I think I'm going to do beans. My garden is a bit of an experiment, since I'm not sure if I'll get enough sun. Hollyhocks grow very happily there, though, and are always self seeding, so I'm hoping veggies will do OK. In any case, no reason to throw up another obstacle by planting at the wrong time. Thanks for the responses!

Have you done anything special to get your hollyhocks to bloom and re-seed?
Walked out this evening to go to kohl's and saw TWO rabbits in my front yard. Grrr....might have to pick me up some moth balls for those front flower beds. Unless someone knows where I can pick up some foxes or dog hair. :giggles:

No shortage of dog hair in Naperthrill.... are you local? I can hook u up!

P.S. Just catching up on this thread = lotsa posts LOL
Have you done anything special to get your hollyhocks to bloom and re-seed?

Nope. They must be pretty resilient plants, b/c our house is a new build and they survived from the teardown. And this spring, we had someone come and do a basic spring cleanup....the guys pulled a whole bunch of them, thinking they were weeds (a perfect example of why I am so territorial about doing yardwork myself!). I was disappointed, b/c I look forward to them....but they just popped right back up and in more spots than before!
Here are some garden pics from prior years.... since we have big oak trees in back, I go kinda crazy with my deck planting :)









Wow gorgeous flowers and home cookie! Let's see the front of your house. :bee:
Mrsmom is right, it's all beautiful! Is that bump out a dining area or do you have a sunroom back there? I've always wanted a sunroom filled with plants...then I could have all the vining and tropical plants I'd like and have a good place to winter them....and a good reading and morning coffee spot, too.

Hey, what's with the old coffee pot that's hanging? It looks kind of cool. I have a friend who's an interior designer and he does all sorts of stuff with vintage objects...we have 3 old cake tins suspended above our kitchen sink.
Thanks, tavogels! The bump is half of the family room..... with fireplace and skylights. There's actually a small, and I think, useless, deck, on the other side of the bump..... peeps before us built it. We looked into enlcosing it and doing a sunroom thing, well, I guess a shade room actually :lol: , but it doesn't have the proper support and cost more than we wanted to spend.

I bought the coffee pot mobile thingy on vacation in Washington. Pretty much the only kind of souvenir I ever get for myself..... something to set out in the garden as a reminder of a great trip :huggy:

I love old-fashioned stuff like that... several friends have helped me add similar things to my collection :)
ooooooh one more.... look at this beautiful hummingbird..... thank goodness for digital cameras with endless pictures :lol:

Oh, I'm jealous! I rarely get hummingbirds. I used to have a few regular bird feeders out, but my neighbor's cat has developed a bit of a bloodlust...she killed two bunnies and 3 birds last week. And that's just one week. I can't in good conscience fill the feeders anymore. I'd feel like an accomplice, setting up her kills.:giggles:

My lilacs were all in bloom a few weeks ago. I went out one morning to walk the puppy, and about 10 baby butterflies all scattered away from the bushes. No clue what kind they were, but they looked like monarchs. Beatiful. They spent the entire day feeding on the lilacs. I had so much fun watching them.
:faint: WOW! in ONE week?!? What a BUSY kitty

See that baffle thingy on the bird feeder in the background??? My dad built it because the squirrels kept climbing the pole and eating the food..... when i smeared vaseline all over it, they would climb the oak tree and dive bomb down onto the roof of the feeder ...... then I cut away the access branches..... we're good now :)
Beautiful cookiemom.

Took a quick pick of my veggie garden. It's coming along. Even got a couple cucumbers this week. They were only about an inch long...but they were tasty.
