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Had a mammogram today.


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This is very personal but need to talk about it because I'm worried, hubby is gone for work and I really don't have anyone to call. I know your all here for me and I thank you for that.

So my doctor has been telling me to have another one for awhile. I had a baseline one done at 35. Everything was ok.

Had my gyn checkup couple weeks ago dr saw some redness around the right nipple. Said that's a concern. Gave me a rx cream. Didn't seem to me it was working so gave me a different rx cream. again it seemed to irritate it more and dried it out but still red.

Anyway I had the mammogram and blood work done today, not just for the nipple but because it's been a long time. quick, easy, painless $150 bucks (discounted self pay no insurance) tech said my dr would get report and contact me in a week. About 4 hours later he called. This is not good!

He said they saw something calcification (sp?) between 11 and 12 on the right....I think....whatever blah blah blah and I need to have a more detailed mammogram done. Also heard could be nothing need to check it out or could be something and may need needle biopsy & second opinion & surgeon. Not good again!

I'm trying hard not to get ahead of myself with worry and think the worst. It's not working. I don't even know what's going on and I feel like this might be it for me. I'm old but not that old.

Can I now go out and eat all the potato chips and chocolate covered custard donuts I've been not eating cause they are bad for me. Oh I so want the chips. Then maybe some chocolate.

Just please keep some good thoughts for me.Test might be next week. They are suppose to call.
I vote for the doughnuts. And most definitely the chocolate. And not just because of the other stuff. ;)

Hang in there. Good thoughts for ya. :huggy:
Thank you for sharing that personal stuff babe. Try to relax.:huggy: What did the doc say is the next step?
sorry you are going through this. Praying for good results, but in the mean time, have the chips and the chocolate. You deserve to spoil yourself.
:huggy: I'm so sorry. The not knowing part is very scary. Try to take it one step at a time, if you can.
This is very personal but need to talk about it because I'm worried, hubby is gone for work and I really don't have anyone to call. I know your all here for me and I thank you for that.

So my doctor has been telling me to have another one for awhile. I had a baseline one done at 35. Everything was ok.

Had my gyn checkup couple weeks ago dr saw some redness around the right nipple. Said that's a concern. Gave me a rx cream. Didn't seem to me it was working so gave me a different rx cream. again it seemed to irritate it more and dried it out but still red.

Anyway I had the mammogram and blood work done today, not just for the nipple but because it's been a long time. quick, easy, painless $150 bucks (discounted self pay no insurance) tech said my dr would get report and contact me in a week. About 4 hours later he called. This is not good!

He said they saw something calcification (sp?) between 11 and 12 on the right....I think....whatever blah blah blah and I need to have a more detailed mammogram done. Also heard could be nothing need to check it out or could be something and may need needle biopsy & second opinion & surgeon. Not good again!

I'm trying hard not to get ahead of myself with worry and think the worst. It's not working. I don't even know what's going on and I feel like this might be it for me. I'm old but not that old.

Can I now go out and eat all the potato chips and chocolate covered custard donuts I've been not eating cause they are bad for me. Oh I so want the chips. Then maybe some chocolate.

Just please keep some good thoughts for me.Test might be next week. They are suppose to call.

That's the trouble with sound advice, Summer! Sometimes it's easier to give than to take. :pout:

I guess that explains why you're resisting the call of the chips/donuts. :faint:


PS I'll trade you a :huggy: for one of those donuts?!
:huggy: Try to relax. No reason not spoil yourself a bit, but do not be afraid of buying green bananas, :huggy:
:huggy: It could be nothing. Just keep repeating that to yourself.
So sorry to hear your news, summer :huggy: If it's any consolation at all, calcification is fairly common, from what the doctors told me when they spotted some "funny" areas on my mammogram a few years ago and wanted to do a biopsy..... we were scheduled to go on vacation and the docs said that was fine.... it didn't look like anything much, appeared to be calcification, but should be checked out. I was totally freaking out the whole time,..... the waiting and not knowing was very hard..... I can so understand that. Turns out that it was only calcification. Prayers that your situation will also be something simple and insignificant. Keep reminding yourself that and think positive thoughts. :huggy:
Breathe in and out, pray and talk to your husband ( I assume you tow get along) - you need support. But realize many women get called back for more tests, and even, GOD Forbid, if it is cancer....they can treat it. I am so sorry you are stuck in this worrying stage. It is awful. I will pray for you. :)

From Mayo Clinic:

Breast calcifications are calcium deposits within breast tissue. They appear as white spots or flecks on a mammogram and are usually so small that you can't feel them.

Breast calcifications are common in all women and are even more prevalent after menopause. Although breast calcifications are usually noncancerous (benign), certain patterns of calcifications — such as tight clusters with irregular shapes — may indicate breast cancer.

On a mammogram, breast calcifications can appear as large white dots or dashes (macrocalcifications) or fine, white specks, similar to grains of salt (microcalcifications). Macrocalcifications are almost always noncancerous and require no further testing or follow-up. Microcalcifications are usually noncancerous, but certain patterns can be a sign of cancer. If calcifications are suspicious, further testing may be necessary.
Prayers for you,
I too had the same kind of thing--told to me--and it did turn out to be calcifications--which is so easy to take care of--we did the needle biopsy with out patient surgery (the doctor actually told us he thought calcification and not to worry-but hubby said he is not taking a chance--and wanted the needle biopsy--he said he wasn't going to go with just that diagnosis to find out it was something else)
The needle biopsy was a simple procedure--so if you go that route--don't worry

I have heard from numerous people their mammograms have come up with something wrong--and all of them have turned out to be calcifications.

Prayers that all it is will be calcifications (I know the wait time makes it very hard--we were lucky and got into the surgeon with being put on the cancellation list--so we got in right away--and had everything done soon)
So if you don't get an appointment right away--ask to be put on the cancellation list

Keep us posted and thanks for sharing so we can pray for you
I haven't been for my mammogram yet (bad Liz, bad, bad, Liz), but I have calcifications in my uterus and had fibroids (have since had them surgically removed). I can remember the doctor telling me during my annual exam that something was wrong and that I needed additional tests right away. That was on a Thursday. Had the tests on Friday and then had to wait until Monday for the results. I was a wreck.

From diagnosis to surgery it was three months and then a couple of weeks for recovery. That was three years ago and every year I hold my breath that everything is still well. Not what you asked, but I understand your mind going "worst case scenario".

From what you've described it sounds like it will turn out to be nothing and you'll laugh at yourself. In the meantime, I concur with the prescription of chips, chocolate and donuts.
Thanks for all the very useful info, kind words and hugs. I feel a little bit less worried. Ok still worried and scared but I'm trying to keep myself calm.

I still didn't get the chips but I did eats some chocolate. I made hubby a carrot cake for when he gets home later tonight or in the morning.

Thanks again! :hug:
Try not to worry and enjoy you holiday you will soon find out that everything is fine. If you don't mind me asking where did you go that cost you only 150.00 I have crappy ins and need to get one done but don't have to money right now.
Try not to worry and enjoy you holiday you will soon find out that everything is fine. If you don't mind me asking where did you go that cost you only 150.00 I have crappy ins and need to get one done but don't have to money right now.

If I remember correctly, October is mammogram month. Most hospitals in the Chicagoland offer discount mammogram in October for under a $100.00.
:huggy:Sorry to hear your news. Keep you head up and try not to sit and dwell on all the possibilities. Have a donut, some chocolate, a drink and then get out and do something and try and keep busy and keep your mind occupied.:huggy:
Please don't worry. Whatever it is, you are catching it early. Chocolate helps. You're allowed to worry and stress and cry but do it and get on with enjoying the weekend. You can deal with whatever it turns out to be.
I'm sorry you're going thru this. It's so difficult not to think the worst while you're waiting. Especially with all the information available via the internet. I had to go for a ultrasound several years ago because he said one of my ovaries was "slightly enlarged". It was 2 weeks before I could get in. Of course I get online and start looking at "enlarged ovary" stuff and I swear I had myself convinced I had ovarian cancer. Stay away from google and just wait for the results. You don't need anymore fuel for the imagination.