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Had a mammogram today.

i would say this warrants whatever foods you wish for comfort. i know i would be chewing down a 20 piece chicken nuggets on my own with all this going on.

most likely this is gonna pan out to be NOTHING more than a calcification. and i will keep you in my thoughts concerning this.

not completely the same but in a brain angiogram they have discovered i have a calcification of a major blood vessel. in and of itself its NOT a major thing. however if i ever get high blood pressure or a medication issue or use any street drugs that elevate my blood pressure i can stroke out. I had a mini stroke a few years ago thanks to some meds i was on. NOT FUN.

for you a calcification there will mean some occasional irritation . that isit. i pray that that is all it is
I think this is part of the reason I have put off having my baseline done. The doctors have to check out everything and we women get ourselves sick waiting on the unknown. Good Luck and God Bless, it's probably nothing. enjoy the sweets but also go for a long walk in a nice park or take a swim or ride a bike. the exercise will release the endorphins also and no guilt afterwards.
I went through a cancer scare in 2008. Understand the uncertainties you face and nerve wrecking experience.
My MIL has had calcifications and they turned out to be just that and nothing worrrysome. I hope the same for you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. In the meantime - eat whatever the hell you want to!! :) Chips, donuts, chocolate ......they all sound awesome right about now!
First of all a hug for you. I haave been thru something similar a few times........the first mammogram i had i t 35 they felt a few lumps in the nipple area and thought it was a major concern so i went for one they called me the next day and told me to come in for a ultrasound of both breats and nother detailed mammogram...... so i did all the time i did get ahead of myself and they told me dont worry.......yeah right....... long story short after alot of testing it was fluid filled cysts 10 on my left side and 5 on my right they hurt alot now 14 years later and every year i get worried for they dont want to take them out for there non cancerous.....try and eat a donut hell maybe 3 and dont let them push it off either....good luck and let us all now :huggy:

This is very personal but need to talk about it because I'm worried, hubby is gone for work and I really don't have anyone to call. I know your all here for me and I thank you for that.

So my doctor has been telling me to have another one for awhile. I had a baseline one done at 35. Everything was ok.

Had my gyn checkup couple weeks ago dr saw some redness around the right nipple. Said that's a concern. Gave me a rx cream. Didn't seem to me it was working so gave me a different rx cream. again it seemed to irritate it more and dried it out but still red.

Anyway I had the mammogram and blood work done today, not just for the nipple but because it's been a long time. quick, easy, painless $150 bucks (discounted self pay no insurance) tech said my dr would get report and contact me in a week. About 4 hours later he called. This is not good!

He said they saw something calcification (sp?) between 11 and 12 on the right....I think....whatever blah blah blah and I need to have a more detailed mammogram done. Also heard could be nothing need to check it out or could be something and may need needle biopsy & second opinion & surgeon. Not good again!

I'm trying hard not to get ahead of myself with worry and think the worst. It's not working. I don't even know what's going on and I feel like this might be it for me. I'm old but not that old.

Can I now go out and eat all the potato chips and chocolate covered custard donuts I've been not eating cause they are bad for me. Oh I so want the chips. Then maybe some chocolate.

Just please keep some good thoughts for me.Test might be next week. They are suppose to call.
When I was 20, I had breast cancer.

I wouldn't wish that journey on anyone, but that's because I had NO ONE. My ex husband had cheated on me and we were going through a divorce. My mother walked out on my father and 2 brothers, and I got legal guardianship of my youngest brother. I was already stressed to the max, and oh, I had cancer. It was terrifying.

Even after having it removed and having a complete overhaul on the girls, I am still scared when I find something out of the ordinary. I tested positive for the BC gene and BC runs heavily on my mother's side. My own mother had cervical cancer, and she still refuses to get a mammo out of fear they'll find something.

So props to you for being brave enough to get it checked out and for facing your fears head on. You are going to come out of this so strong, whether it's a malignancy or something completely benign. I have such a strong sense of gratitude for each day, and I revel in the deliciousness of my feminine curves and face no fear of losing them. We can rebuild them, we have the technology. ;)

Your situation is so much different than mine. You have friends, you have family, you have us. I had a 10 year old kid holding my hair back when I puked. I had a child I was supposed to mother, and he ended up mothering me. My situation was so ****ed up all over the place and I made it. So if I can do this and make it my ****, so can you.

Cry, be scared, eat whatever you want, call your friends and cry some more. That doesn't make you weak, that makes you human. But you're already staring cancer down in the face, and you're not blinking. You can take this. What doesn't kill us makes us awesome.

This was my theme song when I was sick, so I thought I'd share it with you.

Don't worry about a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right.

So sorry lovey. Indulge with whatever you like, but not too much... CAUSE... you are gonna be just fine and not gonna want big regrets for pigging out. :giggles:

You are gonna be fine as wine! So glad you know that you have all of us.

I recently had a similar experience. Mammogram, second mammogram, ultrasound and then a core needle biopsy. It turned out to be totally benign and nothing at all to worry about. Hoping that yours will be the same!

p.s. I don't know if I had the best doctor in the world, or what, but the biopsy didn't hurt at all. I don't even think I could classify it as uncomfortable (well...except for having my no so perky boob flapping around for about 15 mins!).
I hope you are feeling better after all the testimonials here. I have had LOTS of calcifications show up on my mammograms. Last surgical biopsy (I have had 3 of those) they put something in there so when they take the mammograms, they know it's a calcification!

I have had problems with different facilities with my mammograms, where I get it and then get the letter telling me to go back again for more and then it's nothing. That was at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove and CDH.

Now I take the trip to Chicago each year and go to Northwestern for my mammogram. They know right then and there if they need to take more and it's a great relief not to have to get that letter!
I had a lump removed in December, not cancer but really painful. My husband found the lump one night (TOTAL mood killer) and I called my doc the next day and was in for an ultrasound within a week. I had a biopsy the day after the ultrasound and got the results the next day. I was a complete wreck, even going to far as to start writing down who I wanted to help raise the kids and all our important insurance/bill/paperwork because DH had never taken care of any of that. I hope that everything turns out ok for you and yes, go ahead and indulge a bit! Oh yea, I tried to get the doc to do a lift while he was in there removing the lump but he said no..... ;o(
I recently had a similar experience. Mammogram, second mammogram, ultrasound and then a core needle biopsy. It turned out to be totally benign and nothing at all to worry about. Hoping that yours will be the same!

p.s. I don't know if I had the best doctor in the world, or what, but the biopsy didn't hurt at all. I don't even think I could classify it as uncomfortable (well...except for having my no so perky boob flapping around for about 15 mins!).

I know for SURE I had the hawtest doctor in the world do mine :drool:


I hope you are feeling better after all the testimonials here. I have had LOTS of calcifications show up on my mammograms. Last surgical biopsy (I have had 3 of those) they put something in there so when they take the mammograms, they know it's a calcification!

I have had problems with different facilities with my mammograms, where I get it and then get the letter telling me to go back again for more and then it's nothing. That was at Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove and CDH.

Now I take the trip to Chicago each year and go to Northwestern for my mammogram. They know right then and there if they need to take more and it's a great relief not to have to get that letter!

Great point! I also get all my mammograms at the same hospital where the biopsy was done, so they can compare quickly to my prior results. :)
Hang in there! I've been putting off a baseline test as well...anyone mind telling me how 'bad' having a mammogram is? And Summer, have a donut!!! ;)
Hang in there! I've been putting off a baseline test as well...anyone mind telling me how 'bad' having a mammogram is? And Summer, have a donut!!! ;)
The only drawback to getting a mammo in the summer is no deoderant until after the test. My old car had no working AC & it was one of those lovely New England summer days with 97º with humidity off the scale. I apologized profusely to the attendant for my ripeness. She was awesome, said "no sweat".

Everyone needs that baseline mammo by age 35. If there is a history of breast cancer in the family, get it earlier.

eta: I misread your question: a mammo isn't bad, just plop one girl at a time on the plate. They do a panini on it for a minute, that's it.
Hang in there! I've been putting off a baseline test as well...anyone mind telling me how 'bad' having a mammogram is? And Summer, have a donut!!! ;)

I was scare't to death to have my first one (many years ago) after hearing all the women at my work go on and on about the pain.

I've prolly had 10-15 mammograms, some with friendly techs, some with nighmare techs.

Pressure? Alway!

Uncomfortable? Sometimes.

Embarrassing? Only when I think about how goofy I must look with my breast flattened on a "platter" while my head's twisted this way and my shoulder's twisted that way. It's like a baaad game of Twister. :giggles:

Pain? Never!

Now go along like a good BF and get your mammogram scheduled today.
As far as the deoderant goes, most places have wipes for you to wipe your armpits before the test. So you can have it on and wipe it off. You can ask when you schedule your appointment.

I have had many mammograms and it's like anything else - getting your teeth cleaned, getting your pap smear, etc. You really hate scheduling it and going and doing it, but it's not really that bad.
Baseline at 35? Umm, what's that? I'm 40 and have never had one. Never been told I needed to before this year either.
Baseline at 35? Umm, what's that? I'm 40 and have never had one. Never been told I needed to before this year either.

I second this! My gyne said unless there is a close/direct (sister/mother/daughter) family history, baseline is at 40, annually there after, 3 in a row normal, every other year. But, every doctor is different in their recommendations! Good Luck...:huggy:
The only drawback to getting a mammo in the summer is no deoderant until after the test. My old car had no working AC & it was one of those lovely New England summer days with 97º with humidity off the scale. I apologized profusely to the attendant for my ripeness. She was awesome, said "no sweat".

Everyone needs that baseline mammo by age 35. If there is a history of breast cancer in the family, get it earlier.

eta: I misread your question: a mammo isn't bad, just plop one girl at a time on the plate. They do a panini on it for a minute, that's it.
Yeah, I heard about the 'no deodorant'...my regular dr. appointment isn't until January so I guess I'll go in the fall (she told me to go the year before but she seemed fine with my going this year b/c I'm only (only? lol!) 38).

I was scare't to death to have my first one (many years ago) after hearing all the women at my work go on and on about the pain.

I've prolly had 10-15 mammograms, some with friendly techs, some with nighmare techs.

Pressure? Alway!

Uncomfortable? Sometimes.

Embarrassing? Only when I think about how goofy I must look with my breast flattened on a "platter" while my head's twisted this way and my shoulder's twisted that way. It's like a baaad game of Twister. :giggles:

Pain? Never!

Now go along like a good BF and get your mammogram scheduled today.
Okay, okay. :37: But ya know, if it were some sort of test for men, I'd bet it wouldn't be so uncomfortable and awkward!!! (don't get me started).

And to the last two or so posters, my dr. says a baseline (ie: first, I suppose?) test should be done between the ages of 35-40 (or something - 40, anyway). SO...technically I COULD wait another year. ;) But I won't. Mammogram this year, skydiving the next. :giggles:
You all are making me feel so much better! Really! Donuts for everyone. :biggrin:

The mammogram didn't hurt at all. I'm not big at all not small either, hubby says just right. I say a good handful. Squish photo squish photo repeat on other side. Done. :)