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Had a mammogram today.

I know all of this is so overwelming and hard to think. Take your time in diciding what is best for you. Remember we are all thinking and praying for you. if you feel the need to vent or cry we are here for you. Remember you will make it through this
Summer we love you babe. I'm continuing my prayers for you.
You are all so wonderful, caring, supportive and just a great outlet for me. Hi everyone...I'm still here. I was so tired last night.

Went to see the surgeon. He went over everything. Nurse from the women center was there as well. I still have a choice as to what I want to do. What to do what to do that is the question.

As far as he can tell it is still in situ which mean contained in the duct. Test showed it's undetermined or something don't know the right words as to if it may be not contained. Really can't tell till they get in there and see.

I can either have the lumpectomy with radiation or a mastectomy. At least I wasn't told it was so bad that I did not have a choice. With the lumpectomy they take out the lump and the surrounding area check the margins for any cancer cells. They also want to check my lymph nodes. This is done with some sort of dye into the breast 2 hours before surgery. At surgery they find the first main node and if nothing is there I'm good. I'm not good with the thought of a drain tube for up to a week after. Ok i'm not good with a lot of this.

test said this breast cancer is estrogen fed so no more birth control pills.Since I'm not yet in menopause I can still get pregnant. Wouldn't that just be the icing on the cake. Yes yes this is CW and I will say it....I still need my hubby's good loving! :)

Radiation starts 2-3 weeks later and is 5 days a week for 5-6 weeks. All I can think is $$$$$$$$$$. I'm already going to red tape paperwork hell. I have applied for HCAP threw the hospital. Not really sure what it will do but hopefully it will help with some of the cost. oh well it is what it is.

They want to do this in the next few weeks. They said I could have the surgery and go home in the same day. Might have to stay overnight. Have to see how I do.

I have now told my dad and sister. Both my kids now know.

Guess that's the update for now. Tried to call today to set the appointment. Lady was not in. I'm looking at the week after next. Just need to as they say get this party started. Hubby is trying to get a few extra loads in before so he can be home with me. Will try to do some short runs after at least for the first few weeks.

Thanks again for all your support. I really don't want to be a burden to anyone but I really like the thought that you are all with me.
Glad to see an update (you keep popping into my thoughts-lots of quick prayers)

As far as which procedure to do guess I would ask the Dr. what he would suggest, but if it was me I would have the mastectomy...think I would sleep better. And you need to stop worring about the money.

You are WAY MORE IMPORTANT that funny green paper.

You are a amazing woman, a wife, a mom and a grandma...that is what is important.
:huggy: my mom survived what you have a couple years ago (and had survived 2 other cancers before that). She went in (I went with her) for the lumpectomy early in the day, and came home the same day as her surgery. She had some lymph nodes removed for biopsy too, because of her history. The radiation came after she healed a bit, and that made her very, very tired. But she caught the cancer before it spread and she is still here. So glad you are taking care of this, and yes, the sooner you have the surgery the better! :huggy:

I'm sorry about all the paperwork. Unfortunately I guess that is necessary. We are here for you :huggy:
That is a lot of stuff to take in for you but it sounds like great news! I've been thinking about you and am happy to see an update. If I were close I would come over and help out...you need to move to Jewel land!! You will get through this and don't hesitate to ask for whatever help you need from us!!
Oh summer..... it's gonna be hard, but keep thinking about how you're going to beat this thing. :huggy: Whatever decision you make, it will be the right one for you. You're in my thoughts and prayers..... Cookie
Sending you big hugs!!
Summer,if you like I will get you some literature discussing lumpectomy vs. mastectomy.
I know it's hard to understand it all, but there's some good consumer lit out there. Always good to get a few opinions. Do you have the name of your cancer? Other than M-Fer. :)
Keeping you in my prayers. As someone mentioned before. "Stop worring about the money". Focus on beating this thing. You are going to beat it, yes you will!!
Surgery will be on August 9th. I'm having the lumpectomy. First procedure is at 10:30 am and the surgery is around 12:30pm. I have to call on Monday for an appointment for pretests. Office lady said it was for blood work and a chest x-ray, not sure what else.

I still can't believe this is happening. It must be for a reason, I just haven't figured it out yet.
Surgery will be on August 9th. I'm having the lumpectomy. First procedure is at 10:30 am and the surgery is around 12:30pm. I have to call on Monday for an appointment for pretests. Office lady said it was for blood work and a chest x-ray, not sure what else.

I still can't believe this is happening. It must be for a reason, I just haven't figured it out yet.

You didn't reply, so I have not provided any additional information - I don't want to be a PITA. Just letting you know, if you need anything - let me know . :)Hang in there.
Still thinking of you and praying for you, Summermay. And if you need anything please let me know. I'm not all that far away, and I could totally drive down there if you needed anything.
That is my son's birthday, it will be a good day!! :huggy: