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Hair Washing Regimes| Would you give up shampoo/conditioner?


Chief Talker
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I'm here to be all wishy washy, ha, and discuss your activities in the shower. Not the naughty ones.
What I mean is, how do you care for your hair?
Personally, I now only use shampoo. I used to use both shampoo and conditioner however I found the conditioner, whilst doing its job in making my hair feel silky, made it feel quite flat and oily? I didn't really like using it as it made my hair seem to feel greasier faster too. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?
I personally use anything my mom buys, usually Dove, Head and Shoulders or Herbal Essence.

Anyway, it then brings me onto another question, have you ever thought about the none-chemical washing method? I was reading about how horrible shampoos and conditioners can be for your hair and that you are practically massaging harmful chemicals into your scalp however many times a week. It got me thinking, could I go the long route of no chemical washing?
We're all used to the fluffiness that hair products give to our hair and it's now become what's socially acceptable and clean.

Do you think you'd try none chemical washing?

For those of you that don't know what this is, it's basically not using any hair products but instead using water, a bit a talcum or baby powder and other less harmful products that are far softer than hair products used for washing. It is not unclean, but it does affect the way hair looks and feels although many swear that their hair is better looking and healthier.

What do you think?
I use shampoo and conditioner. I don't think I'd be willing to go without; I like my hair quite well how it is. :p

Plenty of people forego deodorant too because of the chemicals/aluminum it puts in your body... but that seems to end in disaster for other peoples' noses. I view it similarly with my hair. :'D
I just use shampoo, conditioner makes me hair really greasy really fast.
I just use whatever's in the house, the brands vary a lot.
I think I'd try none chemical washing, I like the idea of it. Shampoo and conditioner change the pH of your hair, get rid of natural oils, and they're just generally bad for your hair when you start researching into it.

It's tempting to try not washing my hair for a while to let the oils balance themselves out. Your hair's meant to get really beautiful and healthy once they do. I don't think I could handle having greasy hair until it evens out though.
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I have to use organic shampoo and condition because I have extremely sensitive skin, i also shower in cold water because it helps out your hair.
I use a lot of different products on my hair.
I currently use Suave because I like the way it makes my hair feel. I've been meaning to switch because the sulfates aren't good for my hair, so for a while I used Pantene's Relaxed and Natural for women of color and that worked just as well as Suave... but it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to find at certain stores. So I just go with Suave sometimes.

I have heard that it's good to just use conditioner and no shampoo on ethnic hair, but I couldn't stand the idea of having my hair not be washed out. So, I'd never give up shampoo. :p
i use shampoo and conditioner, a brand called Perfect 10. then i always have to use some kind of smoothing cream on it too. i don't necessarily have dry hair, but it takes like 4 days for it to look greasy, so yeah.

i've heard about a method of washing your scalp only with baking soda and then using vinegar as a conditioner. supposedly, its really great for your hair. i may try that out this summer when i'm not seeing anyone to see how it works.
No, I wanna use shampoo and conditioner. For whatever weird reason my hair starts falling out, more than usual I mean, if I don't. My hair falls out a lot anyway, no matter what I do, but if I don't shampoo, condition, and use seabreeze, then a good 2/3 of my shower time will be spent peeling wet hair (and a Hell of a lot of it) off my body after it falls from my head - so you know, the drain wont get clogged 10 minutes after I got into the shower.

Basically my hair falls out in clumps if I don't keep doing what I'm doing now. Doesn't matter what shampoo or conditioner I use either. And like I said, it's even worse if I wait too long. Once I waited over a week to shower because life kept throwing **** my way and I actually ran out of room to put all the hair that fell off of me - and that's not including what already went down the drain. You see what I do is, I just stick the hair to the wall of the shower so I don't have to stop showering every 2 minutes to get out of the shower and throw it away. And if I put it on the edge of the tub, it just gets splashed down somehow. So point is I shed a lot anyway, but I shed way the **** more if I'm natural as far as hair goes. Also my bangs clump together. Also I'm really, really, really oily in general. So whatever natural oils a person normally produces, trust me I produce way more of it. Hell, by the next day after a shower I already feel like I have more oil on me than a salad bar has stocked up on oil.
But I've grown used to that, more or less.

Should be noted, it's always been this way for me. My hair just falls out way more than average... no matter what the flying **** I do and no one can grasp that it's not my fault. Ugh.

Point is, no. I like shampoo and conditioner. I don't care if it's bad for my hair, although I don't truly believe that it is... no more than soap is bad for your body at least, or that modern medicine is bad for you, or that wearing a bra is bad for you, or that swimming in chlorinated water is bad for you, etc.
Lots of things are "bad" for you really. Staring at a computer screen for more than an hour is bad for you, but if you claim to have never done that then you're lying. Point is, "bad" is subjective in these cases. To me, if it makes my hair feel clean, makes it look nicer overall, and stops my hair from falling out as much then I'm good.

Plus I use seabreeze, which basically washes it all out after the fact anyway. I use it when i first get in the shower, then when I'm about to get out. It removes excess conditioner from my scalp, also it helps with my scalp and all its issues (too oily, got some dandruff, itches a lot, got a lot of sores from scratching - or pimples, seriously who gets pimples on their scalp?, or dry patches, and one time I even had a scalp fungus - and where I had it is still a dry patch too). So the seabreeze washes away anything left on my scalp and the roots of my hair. Although seabreeze is multipurpose, as it's also used for cleaning and nail polish remover. Still, that **** works.

...and I'm sure this was TMI for most of you, but I got issues with my hair and scalp, okay?
i use champoo and conditioner... it's a must. my hair is very long and i do not take of it in any other way so i try to at least put some conditioner in it
I use shampoo and conditioner and it's really inconsistent. Half of the time my hair goes nice and soft, the other half of the time it goes horrible and flat. But I usually wait a couple of days until it's greasy to wash it properly, just wet it each day.

I may try using the natural methods one day for a while just to see if it makes any difference.
I use shampoo and conditioner and that seems to work well for me. I think it depends on the product and the needs of your hair and scalp. I have very dry tightly coiled hair that needs constant moisture, so I use a Body wash that has many oils in it. And I make my own body butter then add it to a cheap but good conditioner like Suave.
I don't much care what sort of shampoo I use; they all seem pretty similar and as long as I get really thick lather from it, I'm happy. For conditioner I use Pantene and there's no way in hell I could stop using it, or any conditioner for that matter. My hair is long and really thick and it tangles up into impenetrable knots if I don't use conditioner.
My sister uses only conditioner on her hair. She's got very short, fine hair and the cleansing agent in conditioner is all she needs to get her hair clean.
I don't think I could use the non-chemical ideas. If I don't have lots of lather then it doesn't feel like my hair is clean to me.
I never wash my hair 2 days in a row, though. That seems to strip the hell out of it, and it just doesn't feel nice when it's been punished with constant washing. I just tie it up in a ponytail if it starts to look a bit greasy.
I used to use shampoo and conditioner but lately I've only been using shampoo. My hair also gets greasy really fast, so I've been washing my hair everyday even though I'm pretty sure that is what's causing my greasy hair. I've looked into no-poo but I'm pretty scared that it won't do anything for me.
I started to consider avoiding chemicals but you have to go through a very greasy period apparently, where you hair gets used to not having all it's oil removed so strictly...
I use shampoo and conditioner. I wash my hair daily as my hair is EXTREMELY oily and I know I shouldn't wash it every day, but I'm OCD about my hair being clean, so I do. I switch back and forth between Loreal EverStrong and Aveeno Naturals. Both have no sulfates, so they're better for my hair than regular shampoo.

Trust me, I went for over a week without washing my hair once and it was so gross! It just jeep getting oilier and oilier until I washed it.