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Have you ever built a website?


Mastermind Talker
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If so, what with?

I personally have; I tried using Dreamweaver once, but it confused the hell outta me.
I have made a website before, a few actually. But there was one which I put the most time into and I was making a nice sum of money for about a year before I got hit by the Panda updates by Google which was disheartening in my opinion and internet marketing hasn't really appealed as much to me since then.

I used Wordpress to create my blog through my hosting provider, its a pretty simple process and ALOT easier than dreamweaver in my opinion because you don't actually need to know how to code HTML or CSS.
I spend a large amount of my free time making websites and have done some freelance work here and there. More of a developer than a designer but I've got a lot of room for improvement with both.
I have made plenty of forums years ago; but they were roleplaying ones, and in french. Hosted by forumactif. Ah, the good times :D
I've made forums by the bucketload. I also made a website based around a game I developed in college, and I dabble with Dreamweaver now and again. Not to mention the like, 12-year-old Geocities website I still have for some reason.

I work with HTML and CSS frequently, and mess with Javascript a fair amount. Looking to improve my PHP skills. My go-to program for writing up code is Notepad++.

I'm hoping to go into freelance web design and development someday.
i did as it was required to pass ICT subject in high school
I've built several community/forum websites. My latest is powered by SMF, but I've used phpBB, myBB, and drupal before as well. All of them are great software options. :D
I also made one for ICT :)

It had a luminous green background.
Spent hours after school perfecting it and I genuinely thought it was fantastic, but then I scraped a C for it so I guess it wasn't as good as I thought >_>

I think it was like Dreamweaver or something idk?
I used Yahoo Sitebuilder back in 2005 for my silly fansite. XD Nowadays I do CSS on websites like Tumblr.
Oh my god, Geocities, I remember making websites there! I was really young though and they were rubbish :p Made a few using Frontpage, and then some more using Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver's probably my favourite, it's a nightmare at first but once you're used to it you can make some cool things.
I tried to create a forum once. it sucked horribly
then I downloaded v-bulletin and well that was confusing as hell so I just gave up
I have ages ago, just on those free to build websites then do some light HTML work.
I tried to make a homepage for a blog-type website I wanted to do. It failed so badly.
I've only made a HTML web page template from scratch, for the fun of it and to see the capabilities. I randomly remembered making one in high school so I re-taught myself within an hour and built a decent one relatively quickly, based on my dad's business. It was never put online though.
I've made and administrated several forums, but I just did the free ones. I don't have the time or the money to build my own from scratch! I'd like to one day, though. Forums, free or not, take a long time to build and tons of maintenance and diligence to keep alive. Some of mine have been successful and some have failed.
I've made website to introduce myself to ESL students. It was too complicated so I just stopped and decided to make a blog.
I've done plenty of custom built sites, from design to databases