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Hey, C'mon- At Least The MINUMUM equipment, Huh?


Chief Talker
PF Member
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Bergen County, NJ
So I host karaoke - a lot! However, sometimes The Goddess wants us to go out for karaoke TOGETHER, when I'm NOT working... sigh.... OK.

Now, this is the fourth time I have seen this in 3 months, and it really P's me off- not as a host, but as a customer.:

Big breath::::::::: OK:

1) Laptop based show, which is fine. However, The lappy can PLAY the files, but that's it. No mixing software. The lappy is hooked into a CHEAP DJ mixer. No digital keychange, or even pitch change. No vocal effects at all. Again, we're talking about a mixer that's close to a toy.

Well, I know my singing limitations, and if nothing else, I NEED that keychange ( I sing around G- Older Elvis, or Mongomery Gentry area). This severely limits any song selection from his files.

2) Can't play my discs. This would normally be just annoying, because with extra effort on my part, I would normally be able to go into his book and find my versions- IF he had them. However.....

3).... The book (singular) didn't list mfr. numbers, only his own as his software generated them. No way of knowing what was gonna come out of the speakers. Every mfr. is different- timing, lyrics, music quality and background vocals, etc....including key.

Unless you are dam near pro talent, the above makes the show almost worthless.

As a Karaoke Host, I love it, because these are "quick death " shows. However, they do leave a bad taste for the venue owner, and they may not hire another host so quickly.

As a singer, I was REALLY irritated. Again, this about the fourth time I ran into this.

If you're going to run a business-any business- do it right, or why bother???!!!:sqmad:
Feel better now after venting? ;)

I can't say that I've had any of these types of experiences, but I'm sure that my brother, a karaoke and open mic night enthusiast, has probably run into lousy hosts. Sorry this happened to you. :(
ok Joe calm down now.its becoming more and more prevalent for many businesses to just offer what i would call half **** service or goods in whatever they do.its sad many want to make the $$$$ but they dont want to go the extra mile to do what it takes to offer better goods or service.i personally will spend the money if i'm getting quality service or goods for my money.
Not taking issue with your assessment at all.
Just wondering, how was the rest of the crowd taking to it?
Did the host have a crowd or was he playing to a near empty room?
Were most (some) of the singers having a good time?
Just curious.
Sounds like you picked the wrong venue. Usually the shoe fits the foot wearing it.
There are a LOT of shows like that around here. As in all of them. In the bars anyway. I have talked to a couple of the bar owners about upgrading to a higher class set-up. Namely me, and they all thought it was great as long as I could do it for under $100 a night and free drinks.

So it's crappy Karaoke for all.
I think this is a universal problem... as much as it helps us pros look better it also hurts just as much, because we are viewed in the same light as if we are all alike...

In cases like this it will take salesmanship to change a jadded bar owners mind and then we have to perform 110% better than we even promise we can.... just to overcome the damage done by these hacks.
dumbing down of the industry like the Ipod DJ effort will leave a mark. Conquering this will take serious work.
I think this is a universal problem... as much as it helps us pros look better it also hurts just as much, because we are viewed in the same light as if we are all alike...

In cases like this it will take salesmanship to change a jadded bar owners mind and then we have to perform 110% better than we even promise we can.... just to overcome the damage done by these hacks.

Thats a true sentiment. It is something of which I have been acutely aware for many years now. This is why I always rant and rave about being different that the regular DJ. Lots of Venues, clients etc view DJs as all one and the same.

In a way, I do think that personality and choice of equipment can separate the pros from the wannabes. For instance, take the price of the Bose setup that you and others have, not every wannabe would have that kind of funds available to buy a system like that. If they did, they would not be undercutting prices because they would realize its a serious investment and would want to recoup their money.
ok Joe calm down now.its becoming more and more prevalent for many businesses to just offer what i would call half **** service or goods in whatever they do.its sad many want to make the $$$$ but they dont want to go the extra mile to do what it takes to offer better goods or service.i personally will spend the money if i'm getting quality service or goods for my money.

Though you are correct, isn't this self-defeating? These types of shows DO die quickly. Where's the benefit?
Not taking issue with your assessment at all.
Just wondering, how was the rest of the crowd taking to it?
Did the host have a crowd or was he playing to a near empty room?
Were most (some) of the singers having a good time?
Just curious.

An excellent question, Bill, because that's the way to know whether my opinion was strictly subjective.

If there were a lot of singers of all talent levels, and the crowd was having a blast, I probably wouldn't have gotten so worked up. I actually prefer people watching to singing anyway.

This last one had 4 singers, all semi-pro, and all seem to be of a clique that included him. I'm only guessing, but I don't think any of the venue REGULARS were singing at all. Also, there was virtually no crowd reaction to the singers. It was almost as if he wasn't there.

The whole thing just seemed to be a waste. This show WILL be another "Quick Death", and I suspect that afterward, there won't be any new karaoke hosts in the near future.
I have known for a long time you wouldn't like my shows.

But anyhow addressing 2 of your issues.

Keychange - I think even with the best software and player it makes songs sound terrible.

Can't play disc, this is an added headache to us pc based host. I have my cd-rom disabled just for this reason. I haven't carried a cd+g player in over 7 years, I don't have the rack space. I sorry if people don't like my version but I have over 35,000 songs, I have had anyone that couldn't find something to sing.
Its like Steve is always saying - this owner will have a bad taste in his mouth, but will eventually realize he needs to pay a professional rate if he wants a professional provider. And if he went with this guy in the name of saving a few books as does the fabled owner in Steve's numerous accounts, he too will see the error of his ways.

I'm glad you were pissed. Shows you care!
I have known for a long time you wouldn't like my shows.

But anyhow addressing 2 of your issues.

Keychange - I think even with the best software and player it makes songs sound terrible.

Can't play disc, this is an added headache to us pc based host. I have my cd-rom disabled just for this reason. I haven't carried a cd+g player in over 7 years, I don't have the rack space. I sorry if people don't like my version but I have over 35,000 songs, I have had anyone that couldn't find something to sing.

1) A quality digital keychanger - not pitch changer- (and unfortunately NOT virtual- software versions ARE usually pretty bad- you need the REAL thing) should not have an effect on music quality +- 1.5 octaves. Admittedly, after that there may be degradation.

Without a digital keychanger, most ( not all ) singers are limited to a specific set of songs in their range only. Yes, they should be able to find SOMETHING to sing, but why limit them? For instance, I love singing old Drifters tunes, but it can only happen if they are dropped 2 ( one octave). Why give up singing what I LIKE to sing simply because the KJ isn't fully equipped? ( No offense meant Cam- I just feel the keychanger to be standard karaoke equipment, and no show goes by without it being used by a few singers.)

2) Yup, with 35,000 songs one should also be able to find a version of a song they like.

The problem in this case is that the KJ didn't show the versions in his book (of which there was only one, BTW). This means that a singer is going up kamakaze, since there is no way of knowing what will come out of the speakers.

Since there is no way of knowing what version this KJ had, the logical alternative would be to carry one's own discs and ask that they be played.

Not being able to do one or the other isn't great, but being able to do NEITHER ( show mfr. versions OR play discs) is a show killer. The singers are just to limited in what they can do.

What does an "A/B" switch and an inexpensive CD+G player cost? ( One shouldn't really use the lappy's drive for shows- just not made for heavy use.)
Brother Joe,

This guy may be a DJ who's hosting karoke as a side dish. If memory serves, Steve Miller has a tale or three to tell about DJs trying to run a karaoke show with their DJ equipment only.
On my CDG player I can easily change the key 2 full steps, up or down, with no discernible distortion

The same is true for using Winamp on my PC

Using Karafun on the PC provides much poorer results.

I am anxious to see how Compuhost performs when I get
Without a digital keychanger, most ( not all ) singers are limited to a specific set of songs in their range only. Yes, they should be able to find SOMETHING to sing, but why limit them? For instance, I love singing old Drifters tunes, but it can only happen if they are dropped 2 ( one octave). Why give up singing what I LIKE to sing simply because the KJ isn't fully equipped? ( No offense meant Cam- I just feel the keychanger to be standard karaoke equipment, and no show goes by without it being used by a few singers.)

2) Yup, with 35,000 songs one should also be able to find a version of a song they like.

The problem in this case is that the KJ didn't show the versions in his book (of which there was only one, BTW). This means that a singer is going up kamakaze, since there is no way of knowing what will come out of the speakers.

Just out of curiosity, just how many people that attend karaoke shows actually know the products and manufacturers? or for that matter care.

And out of the hundred or so karaoke shows I have seen around the country, almost without exception, it was just the person singing without effects. Most of the time at the audiences expense.

The only truly high quality show I have ever seen was at the Salty Pelican in Hawaii. And that I believe was mainly accredited to the quality of the singers.

So I guess what I am wondering is, all the extra equipment as nice as it may be, is it the exception or the rule.
Joe it's almost funny about the differances between differant areas .In my books (note plural) I show duplicate songs (differant manus ) and I get asked why I have the same song listed more than once .I tell them that they are differant versions and I get a deer in the headlight look then they tell me they want the better version I just got to the point where I put any version in and tell them "this one is the good one "
Is Pacemaker a good Plug In to control Key and Pitch? This is what I use. I hardly get requests for Key/Pitch Change but then again I don't do Karaoke on a regular/weekly basis. So what are the thoughts on Pacemaker in conjunction with Winamp/Sax & Dotty?

If you don't mind I'd like to split this off of this thread into it's own...