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High School Lunches and Sports questions


Part Of The Furniture
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NW Indiana
So DS is no longer being homeschooled and is going to a small private school. They do not have hot lunches available and it is all brown bag, but they have a microwave.

Besides leftovers (which we will do when available) what does a high schooler take for lunch because a sandwich is a snack for him.

Also, he gets out of school at 3:30, has JV baketball at 4 and then Varsity at 6 and wont be home until 8:30 or so 4 days a week. (Wednesday no practice), what can work for after school snack/meals too. (only 2 kids on both teams so this isnt a problem for most)

I am trying to get up and make him breakfast to make sure he eats it, but he is out early and I am not a breakfast person so it will not be anything big.

Bottom line he is 16 and was STARVING yesterday and I am trying to figure out something
Not kidding...microwave popcorn?

My BIG 14yo can eat the entire bag.

That and a sandwich with a drink?

Not tooo bad on calories and gets him full
When my kids did sports they told us to send granola bars or something like that for a quick snack. My high schooler told me that most just have sandwiches, chips, drink and a snack in their lunch. Some do fruit --but it is all what ever they will eat.
I also know of one Mom who went way out of the box--and she made pasta right as the child got out of school---brought it to school--he ate it and then went on to his sports. I was shocked but it did work for her and her child. I of course never jumped on board with it--I sent fruit and granola bars---raisins things like that!
Have you asked him what the other kids around him are bringing?

Maybe make his sandwich BIG...at my Jewel they have Telera rolls that they make fresh each day. They are BIG round rolls (tasty) and if fully loaded would be a MUCH more satisfying sandwich than regular bread. (reasonably prices at 3/.99 too!)

Can he take snacks for his bag/locker in case he gets hungry after lunch?
There are some days that my DD has school, conditioning & then practice and on those days, she is pretty much gone from 7:15am-8:00pm. She's starving, too. :lol: She eats a big breakfast & then I pack her two sandwiches, two water bottles, fruit (apple, banana or grapes), those cheese or PB cracker snack things, a granola bar and then chips or cheez-its. When I pick her up from school to take her to practice, I almost always bring her "dinner" to eat on the way...after she ate all of the above. And she's still hungry & I still have to stop on the way home & feed her an entire 4th meal every time. :lol: Even funnier, she is 5'2" & weighs 100 pounds. She's a peanut, I think she has a wooden leg. Good luck with your DS...I don't think I can afford a big, athletic kid. He probably eats 5x what my DD eats.
If he is skinny and burning calories, you don't need to feed him popcorn. The body does not digest corn in an efficient way.

I send hardboiled eggs, sandwiches, i have sent a half roast chicken, etc. LOTS of veg and whole fruits.

And for before practice for all the kids I have always sent a snickers bar. I do not approve of candy as a rule but nearly all coaches and fitness trainers say in lieu of an actual meal, a snickers bar is about the most nutritionally complete workout food there is.

And make him eat breakfast. He will thank you when he's 40 and his metabolism still works. I make all the breakfast for the month at once. 12 breakfast breads, 100 pancakes, 50 french toast, 20 egg ****ins, 48 cupcake size ****ins. It all goes in the freezer, then they nuke what they want that day, add a juice, and they're good to go. Only one kid eats cereal.
There is a long running joke about the mod from HCW suggesting a Snicker bar is a good meal....

that made me laugh (although I don't doubt it as a snack before sports!) But the post made me laugh because of the history with that.
Another thing all the boys like in their lunch is fried rice. Like, an ice-cream bucket full of it. :lol:
I do the cooking of breakfasts ahead and freeze them too (though not that organized) and the kids love it - they do take the time to eat it too. When the weather gets warmer mine also like the overnight refridgerator oatmeal.

My oldest is in marching band and a ton of other activities. Frequently she is out of the house from 6:30am - 8pm I encourage her to overpack. Sandwich, apples, carrots, cheese stick, salad, pasta salad, granola bars. And when it is an exceptionally long week, I do allow a single V8 Energy drink http://vfusionplusenergy.com/FAQ/ I mostly do this because many of the kids are walking to the local convienence store and buying Monsters and Red Bull, which I really don't allow her to have.
Have you asked him what the other kids around him are bringing?

This is just his 2nd day, on Thursdays the mom rotate bringing in lunch for the kids to have a hot lunch so yesterday he had chic-fil-a. I didnt think about the snack between school and practice honestly and the other kid who plays JV and Varsity homeschools so he is home all day like DS was last year and full when he gets there.

There are some days that my DD has school, conditioning & then practice and on those days, she is pretty much gone from 7:15am-8:00pm. She's starving, too. :lol: She eats a big breakfast & then I pack her two sandwiches, two water bottles, fruit (apple, banana or grapes), those cheese or PB cracker snack things, a granola bar and then chips or cheez-its. When I pick her up from school to take her to practice, I almost always bring her "dinner" to eat on the way...after she ate all of the above. And she's still hungry & I still have to stop on the way home & feed her an entire 4th meal every time. :lol: Even funnier, she is 5'2" & weighs 100 pounds. She's a peanut, I think she has a wooden leg. Good luck with your DS...I don't think I can afford a big, athletic kid. He probably eats 5x what my DD eats.

I will stock up on some of this stuff and then hide it so he wont eat it at home. Since everything is at school and school is 20 minutes away I wont be driving to make it there in those 30 minutes though...nope. There is a Walgreens right next door and a Stracks around the corner, I think I might get some gift cards for him in case he forgets food or something.

Today he has a game at 5, so he just called asking if he can run a tab at the concession stand until we get there because he is starving because he left his lunch in DH's car
For those with kids who are not very organized or careful what do you put all this in? I am imagining smelling something in a month and finding molded food in the bottom of his bag
I have made my DS a pasta roni in the morning and put it in an insulated lunch bowl..the whole thing fit and it was still warm enough to eat at lunch.

Maybe 2 if he needs more?

OR teach him how to make it if you aren't a morning person? DS 14 can make pasta roni
For those with kids who are not very organized or careful what do you put all this in? I am imagining smelling something in a month and finding molded food in the bottom of his bag

I use(d) lunch bags...but STILL end up being hands on and end up checking the book bag myself (for DS 14) at least once a week.

It annoys me to death to HAVE to do so...but not as much as it would annoy me to replace a ruined nasty bookbag.
For those with kids who are not very organized or careful what do you put all this in? I am imagining smelling something in a month and finding molded food in the bottom of his bag

Let it rot & mold. A stinky bag might keep the girls away. :snicker:
When Big played sports at high school, he literally took his lunch in an ice-cream bucket. By lunch I mean morning snack, lunch, before sports snack, after sports snack :lol: If he had a game at night I would bring him supper and he ate it in the car.

Now Big makes his own lunch (does not need so many calories as when in sports), also Middle makes his lunch. They started that this year when I went back to work. Big gets out of school at 1230pm, honestly a lot of the time he eats at home.

I have made Baby's lunch since first grade, and it's almost always the same (sandwich, chips, yogurt, apple, cookie). However the snacks I put in there for midmorning and before sports differ. He likes a big piece of roast chicken, also he will eat 2-3 pieces of whole fruit and lots of carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower. He will eat quiche-type pie if it is very firm (not watery). PBJ. He will eat a whole Avocado. Chips & salsa. ANY leftover meat type food in a tortilla with cheese (I often chop up leftover roasty type meat with a bit of mustard or mayo for this purpose). He will eat the no-mess tuna packs plain. If I remember when I am at the german store I will get him the big pickles, he likes those. I put his lunch in a grocery bag which he throws away, and he doesn't bring any food home. Snickers bar only when school sports are on; he has plenty of time for a snack before club sports here.

Big is not very organized OR careful but after forgetting his food several times and being hungry, he learned his lesson. They aren't going to starve to death in only a couple of hours. That is a "No" lesson moment opportunity for you ;)
I agree with Kathy about him forgetting his lunch. If he's hungry once or twice he will live & likely not forget in the future. I wouldn't give him the Walgreens cards "just in case." When he calls to say he forgot his lunch, you can tell him, "Yeah? Well, sucks to suck!" :p I've stopped running DD14 her lunch this year. She's forgotten it twice & figured out who to pilfer from. I make the lunch, I set it by her stuff...I shouldn't have to remind her to take it on her way out the door.

I am more concerned for him playing sports and not eating since early that morning or possibly the night before. The actual lunch he will survive, the game he will survive too, but playing both practices does take a lot out of him and equally playing 5 quarters of the game does the same on game days like today.
My son is in swim season now and is usually at school from 5:45 AM to 6:00 PM. If there is a meet, its at least 8:00.

For breakfast, he eats something small at home. Cereal or clif bar. I don't get up with him because he drives himself now.

I also make ****ins, usually chocolate chip/banana and freeze them. He takes 4 per day for breakfast after practice. Sometimes he takes cereal in a tupperware or a bagel.

I make him 2 sandwiches, one for lunch then one for after school. usually PB on whole grain. He also takes fruit, granola bars etc. Sometimes he buys a bowl of soup $1.00 or milk. .25

I won't pay for meals at school though. Even though they are not that expensive, it all adds up.
Yes, it will surely be hard to function on little to no food...but that's ok because it will help him be accountable for himself in the future. He can "live off the fat of the land" as my mom used to tell us. :giggles:

Another thing my DD likes is sandwiches on bagels...the big American Bagel bagels. Those are more filling than bread & she can eat it throughout the day. This is easier in the fall/winter/spring because it's not as hot as it is when school first starts & towards the end of the year. Those are the tough days because it's hard to store food long term in a backpack in the heat.
DD is playing both teams too and it is a looong day. Her lunch hour is at 10:20 am so by the time she's home between 6-8 she's starving too. She has a "pack-it" lunchbox that I love because it's compact and keeps her stuff really cold all day, but your son would prob need two of those size-wise lol. She's lucky enough that teachers in her last couple classes encourage them to snack knowing many of them are heading straight to sports. She always has a pretty big soup/sandwich fruit lunch and then a yogurt and some type of granola bar later for a snack in the afternoon.