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High School Lunches and Sports questions

Back when I was in school the lunch ladies actually cooked our meals in the school...
Back when I was in school they cooked everything in the school kitchen as well. It was not great, wasn't even good. 99 percent of the time I brought lunch from home, usually a tuna sandwich packed with peppers and lettuce, and sometimes a small bag of chips or piece of fruit. I only bought when they served something I liked, maybe fried chicken or the once in 2 years pastrami sandwich.

My brother bought lunch every single day, from maybe 4th grade through med school. He loved the hot soup, terrible entrees, fruit, desserts, all of it. Heck, he still eats institution food now, when he gets hungry at work.

I remember complaining about the horrible lunches, why did they serve pizza with potato puffs instead of salad? Why so many starches? I just checked my hometown's school menus, they still serve pizza & potato puffs! Although they do finally have better & healthier menu choices like salads every day, brown rice, more steamed or baked fish.
Back when I was in school they cooked everything in the school kitchen as well. It was not great, wasn't even good. 99 percent of the time I brought lunch from home, usually a tuna sandwich packed with peppers and lettuce.

Just went and made a tuna sandwich, after reading your post I was craving tuna.:lol: I add dill pickles, onion and green peppers. It is delish!
Oh My gosh how we would cringe when Chicken a la King was on the menu.
mmmm....school lunch pizza

mmmm....school lunch pizza


OMG, that was our school pizza. Nasty rectangles with no crust on any edge to anchor the tomato & cheese. If you didn't hold it just right, the entire topping would slide right off onto your lap or all over the lunch tray.

I grew up with real NY/Boston style pizza, round 'pies' cut into wedges that you folded gently to eat. Hadn't seen that rectangular nonsense until the school cafeteria.
Ewww! Pizza day at my elementary school, which is the school all of my kids have gone to, was normal round pizza & it still is today. The "hot lunch" moms come in & distribute it to each kid. :lol:
When my oldest was still in public school he didn't always like what I sent in his lunch so he would throw it away and ask other kids for their lunch or go 'in debt' with his hot lunch account... The school nurse called me to ask if we had enough food in the house or if we needed to apply for free/reduced lunch.... I just laughed and told her to stop by anytime to see if we had enough food in the house.

Because of food allergies, the kids in DS's school aren't allowed to share or trade food.
When I lived in Ia in a tiny town...the lunches were made by the lunch ladies, and SOOOOOOO good!!!

I remember the peanut butter rice krispie bars. mmmmmm...

BEST school lunch I had in 13 years of pre-college education.
Back when I was in school the lunch ladies actually cooked our meals in the school. The aroma's filled the school and the food was good. We actually ate lunch at lunch time. I think the issue is not the amount of food but the quality that is served nowdays. In our school system the lunch hour begins at 10:15 and the last one ends at 1:30. Either to early or to late IMO. My boys don't like to eat the lunch served there. They have always taken their own lunch. They are not picky eaters, they just like their food to taste good. Outside food vendors bring the food in.

My son has 8th period lunch. There are 9 periods in the day.

Sometimes I think it would be better to just finish school 8th period and come home for lunch.

8th period? He finishes lunch, has a 40 minute class and comes home. (well, goes to his after school activities)

He lost the coin toss on that one:keeper::keeper:
I liked the school lunch rectangle pizza! Also they had the best nacho cheese sauce. I still dream about the Friday steak fries. And we had something called wiener winks.... A hot dog wrapped in white bread and cooked. You could see the finger indentations on the bread. I tried to make them once! :lol:
Baby eats lunch at 1040 in the morning.

All the teachers at his school are pretty forgiving of kids having a small something to eat in class because of the wonked lunch hours.
My son has 8th period lunch. There are 9 periods in the day.

Sometimes I think it would be better to just finish school 8th period and come home for lunch.

8th period? He finishes lunch, has a 40 minute class and comes home. (well, goes to his after school activities)

He lost the coin toss on that one:keeper::keeper:

That's ridiculous!!! Poor kid..........isn't he starving by then?!!! I know my DS13 would be. Can he snack earlier than that?

Baby eats lunch at 1040 in the morning.

All the teachers at his school are pretty forgiving of kids having a small something to eat in class because of the wonked lunch hours.

That's also redic! I'm glad the teachers let them snack.

My kids eat at noon. They get to have a snack to take outside during morning recess. (they still get two recesses) :)
Our lunch times are spread out like that, too. With nearly 3,000 students they can't a eat at the same time. I doubt there's more than 200-300 kids eating at once. It would be chaos & they'd be asking for trouble. I have no idea what time DD14 eats. :hides: I do know that she picks at her lunch throughout the day & that most (maybe all) of her teachers don't care if the kids eat in class.
Our lunch times are spread out like that, too. With nearly 3,000 students they can't a eat at the same time. I doubt there's more than 200-300 kids eating at once. It would be chaos & they'd be asking for trouble. I have no idea what time DD14 eats. :hides: I do know that she picks at her lunch throughout the day & that most (maybe all) of her teachers don't care if the kids eat in class.

:faint: I just can't wrap my head around that!!!
That's ridiculous!!! Poor kid..........isn't he starving by then?!!! I know my DS13 would be. Can he snack earlier than that?

That's also redic! I'm glad the teachers let them snack.

My kids eat at noon. They get to have a snack to take outside during morning recess. (they still get two recesses) :)

He won't. He spent 5th and 6th grade getting fat kid jokes and doesn't eat at school other than lunch. Last year between school and after activities we used to bring him something and he would throw it in his backpack and bring it home.

He is now all stretched out and NOT the fat boy....but the years of teasing made him uncomfortable.

:pout: :pout:
He won't. He spent 5th and 6th grade getting fat kid jokes and doesn't eat at school other than lunch. Last year between school and after activities we used to bring him something and he would throw it in his backpack and bring it home.

He is now all stretched out and NOT the fat boy....but the years of teasing made him uncomfortable.

:pout: :pout:

That sucks............bullies suck! I've thought about Adil several times as my DS is I think similar to yours...............he used to have a few extra pounds...............now he's very healthy looking..........sports have helped. I'm sure Adil has a better body image of himself which will eventually help him to get over the years of teasing (I hope). :huggy:
I am sure he will eventually get over it. He is on the 8th grade basketball team and a member of the National Jr Honor Society (they meet twice a week after school).

He takes Freshman HS math in 8th grade...they took the same final as the Freshman HS students and he got the top score in the district.

He is doing REALLY well in lots of things and I (think) is mostly a happy guy now. He is upover 200 pounds....but 6'2". So, he is about the same weight as 6 inches ago and really slimmed out through the torso.
He's 6'2? wow. He's still so young!

I know you are a tall family but yikes. I'm 5'1-2 and my DS is 6 foot-ish at 17. I think/hope he's done growing.
Dang Barb that's one big boy you have there!!! I bet he's got mamma's back wherever you go..............don't you just love having a boy?

How is he liking b-ball? My son is also on his school's team and today scored his first ever 2 baskets today...........he grinned from ear to ear lol. I think b-ball is giving him a lot of confidence which can go a long way.
He is loving b-ball.

I am thrilled because I was hoping he would find some sport/activity he enjoyed...and we have LOTS of hoops around in the parks etc..

I see guys hanging out and playing in the evening and I think what a good physical guy thing it is. And I am VERY happy he is now (on his own)...growing to become that guy, kwim?

He likes to meet some guys at the park and play some 2-2 or 3-3. They meet at the Field House in the winter.

Doing great as far as I can tell.

He is more of a Center/defense guy-although he loves to shoot. At his height at 14 no smart coach is going to not pick the guy that can at least keep the hoop protected ;-)