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High School Lunches and Sports questions

Barb do you and mistah go to all his games? Our school doesn't have any buses for anything so us parents have to drive each child to their game.
I went to the home games and one away game last season. He didn't want us to go...he worries too much about what other people think. But there are lots of parents and Emmalee and I love to go, so, after the first one we went anyway and I think he enjoys we were there.

For middle school there is only 6 games and a tournament day. They do get bussed to the away games though "away" is only in Waukegan (one game last year in Zion but this year Zion is a home game for us).
He is (unfortunately) one of those kids that thinks it is uncool to have parents around or saying anything to him.

He likes to pretend he is a pod person that erupted from the Earth parentless.

Emm and I love school functions and shatter his image :rolleyes:
I went to the home games and one away game last season. He didn't want us to go...he worries too much about what other people think. But there are lots of parents and Emmalee and I love to go, so, after the first one we went anyway and I think he enjoys we were there.

What does this mean? :pout:

Our away games are further.............Caledonia, Elkhorn, IL (I don't remember the name), etc.

ETA: oh I saw that second post after mine. Mine still likes to give me big dorky hugs in front of everyone saying (in a super dorky voice) "MAAAMAAAA!". :rolleyes: I'm trying to get him to be more cool. :lol:
I don't know how to explain what that means. He doesn't want to walk to the school with us (prefers to sprint ahead if we are going for a school function).

I THINK he thinks he is WAY too cool to be seen with his parent(s)....and many of the kids come without theirs.

So, when Emmalee said "oooh! I want to go to your games!!" last year he said "NO!!!!" He may have been under the impression that most/many parents wouldn't be there and didn't want to be embarassed that his famliy came, I am not sure.

But once the games took place and he saw how many people WERE in the stand...I think he was happy we went (he never fussed about it after).

They had an awards ceremony during school last year in the last week....Emmalee and I went. He got his award and refused to wait a sec for a pic to be taken....as a matter of a fact, when it was over, he huddled with his 6-7 guy friends and left the auditorium without speaking to us (I was a little hurt).

He just seems to think he is toooo cool for us (at school, at home he is momma's boy...and would DIE if anyone knew) @@
BTW, I just asked him about last year and why the strong objection. He said that most parents only go to home games and don't bother with away games and he thought he might miss out on the "bus experience" riding back from the game with the team.

He also said "I didn't say you can't come this year. You can come" LOL
I'm sure it hurts Barb, but lots of kids are like that and the important thing is he's still your boy at home. :)
Actually makes me worry he is insecure.

But likely, this too will pass.
**** my DS13 gets pissed that I don't stay and watch his football and b-ball PRACTICES!!!!!!!!!!! He tries to tell me that most parents stay..............um............BULLSHIT!!! :surrender:

He's all "You don't care................!" blah, blah, blah.
That...was Emmalee.
When Emmalee had physical therapy it was like 1 mile from Lake Forest Jewel. An hour of just sitting and waiting. So, after she was WELL ACLIMATED with it, I started dropping her off and going to Jewel (she LIKED the female therapist). She would do her therapy and they chatted comfortably etc..

and...quite honestly, she was EIGHTEEN (and a half, lol)....so, no reason to NEED me there.

She would have a FIT the days I wanted to drop her off and pick her up. "MOOOOOoooom, you aren't going to COME?!?!?"

ummmm...no. "You are 18. You know the therapist. I have come several times and we both know you don't NEED me, you WANT me there"

She always wanted me at whatever it was (practice, game, meetings, etc...)

She would PREFER I go into college with her on days she is just running an errand. I frequently wait in the car or shimmy over to Grayslake Jewel.

Course, then I probably should because it is my company she wants. But, she needs to get used to doing things.
Barb don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Lots of moms of older teen girls would LOVE their DD's to want to be around them. ;) I know at that age, I RAN away from my mom (she's a wonderful Mom, but I had teen tude).

ETA: You two will prolly always be great friends! NOW me and my mom are. :)
My next issue...this boy needs to drive his own car now. I am exhausted. He went out with the team yesterday after the 8PM game, then they went to one of their homes and I picked him up at almost 1. (I secretly love that I know each and every kid in his class and when he says I am going out with the team, I have no worries. If you must do school, small schools ROCK- only 6 others in his Junior class). He got to sleep in, I had a prayer breakfast this morning. I come home at 1 to him JUST waking up (dishes still not done). He had his first game at 3 today. I managed through the JV game, went to take the DD home during the girls game and next thing I knew I was in the bed and the phone rang and I missed the Varsity game. DH has some knee swelling so I had to go pick him up and although he has put off going back to take the permit test again, I told him as soon as he got in the car he will be going on Wednesday because at least I wont have to drive him back home when I get there after he gets his Indiana permit.

And I though homeschooling was exhausting, at least we got to nap when we felt like it :lol:
Mrs. Melton................1 AM?!!! Oh Hellz to the NOOOO FARKING WAY!!!
Mrs. Melton................1 AM?!!! Oh Hellz to the NOOOO FARKING WAY!!!

That is all part of my letting go...lol. And a very smart DH who reminds me that when he is at college in 16 months you very little control over anything going on there. But like I said there are only 6 in his class, 8 seniors and they were at the captain of the teams home, who is also the lead pastor of the church most of the boys go to. Honestly, as he has more and more friend who are now adults (2 of his closest friends he grew up with graduated high school last year and one was home form the marines and the other from college over Christmas) I am trying to have more control over who the friends are, but allow more freedom with the friends. For me, knowing he is with a group of boys who in the middle of their video games and stuff are also talking about where they are going for their mission trip this summer and what is going to happen at the church youth group means that they get to give POSITIVE peer pressure and I am at the point where I am going to use it to my benefit.

Honestly as I was going to pick him up half sleep last night, my real thoughts were of thanks and peace because the main reason we homeschooled was because of Christian character development and I feel blessed that when we did go to schooling that he has great friends who have been in homes where those same principles have been taught. Plus my son is such a social butterfly, I often think of how awesome it is that they have mostly known each other for life (its a K3-12 school) and he fits right in without skipping a beat.

all that to say this has been a year of really reflecting on me and my purpose in being his parent and realizing that he is about to be a man and I have to let go and that honestly God loves him more than I ever can and that regardless of where he is (especially for that short stint with his dad) if I cover him with prayer and use discernment regarding who I allow him to interact with God will take care of him and teach him in ways I never could in my natural flesh.

That was long and if you arent "religious" it might seem like garbage to you reading this, but I really believe that teenagers and spouses really bring you closer to Jesus and allow you to really see how it must be for God to look down and see you constantly do wrong and still forgive you.
That was long and if you arent "religious" it might seem like garbage to you reading this, but I really believe that teenagers and spouses really bring you closer to Jesus and allow you to really see how it must be for God to look down and see you constantly do wrong and still forgive you.

I don't want to know anyone who thinks that sounds like garbage..........just sayin'. Sounded quite natural to me. :9: And quite beautiful............you're a wonderful mother MM. :foryou:
It's hard to let them go. I am constantly telling myself "x amount of time until so-and-so needs to be able to survive in the wild..." I think giving them a little freedom, then a little more freedom & then a little more freedom along the way helps with OUR transition, too. I was devastated when DD18 left, but I knew she would be ok. I can't imagine having kept her on a super short leash in hs & then sending her 3 hours away to figure it all out.

But 1am MrsMeton?! YAWN! You're a better mom than me. :lol: I'm usually awake at 1, but I don't want to be out in the cold. :giggles: