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Originally posted by i¢eqüeen8
seriously. thats a pretty lame comment, Josh. not every white person thinks every black person is a druggie. you need to think before you type or speak.

Josh is 100% on target. Don't get ****in' mad at him! Looking at what people see black people doing on TV in things like music videos, and what they hear on the radio and on the news, people get the impression that black people are bad people. It is the sad truth, and Josh told it how it is. Good job on his part. i¢eqüeen8, you gotta **** off and realize a few things.

Just as a note, sorry for the harsh language. It is just that some of you people say great things, some of you, however, should be quiet. You all, however, are stating your opinion, which is A OK!

I want this world to be a better place.. My opinions are strong.
Actually, Falsharm you need to go talk to your rabbi or whoever you see. I have been studying the bible deeply for more years than you ever have or probably will. I know my bible very well and what you took out of what happened at Sodom and Gomorrah is not accurate. Since you have been studying the bible for so long I'm sure you read the part where it says that God detests people who get together with the same sex. Or as the bible puts it, " men who lie with men."
Originally posted by XxQuEeNzNaZcHoxX

Josh is 100% on target. Don't get ****in' mad at him! Looking at what people see black people doing on TV in things like music videos, and what they hear on the radio and on the news, people get the impression that black people are bad people. It is the sad truth, and Josh told it how it is. Good job on his part. i¢eqüeen8, you gotta **** off and realize a few things.


OK, I live in L.A. I do see many many many black people that would rather be a thug or a gangster shooting people up or a drug dealer. So guess what XxQuEeNzNaZcHoxX, that is really how it is. Yea that is what i mostly see. But, since thats some of my world I try to give every person the benefit of the dought. Whether they dress "thuggish" or not. Sometimes black people just like the look and arent even bad. It's very hard to not stereotype black people because most black people really are drug dealers or something worse. And besides XxQuEeNzNaZcHoxX why do you think rappers or some other black entertainers act that way?? Why?? so that they can relate to the audience they are targeting so that they make more money. They dont act that way just because.

But guess what! I get stereotyped too! Yea, black people think that just because I'm white I must be incredibly racist. I even knew some black kids from my school who thought that its impossible for a black person to be racist. But they were racist against me!

Just to make sure that everyone knows, I dont believe every black person is a thug. Thats why i give every person the benefit of the dought. Just ask Dameon. He can tell you. He can also back me up on this.
i give everyone the benefit of the "dought" too, hehe (it's doubt, for future reference) oh boy, anyway...

when did this become a debate on black stereotypes? i thought we were talking about ****? nevertheless, who gives a ****. i don't care if you're gay, straight, bi, black, white, asian, hispanic, alien, purple, whatever. there's gonna be people that don't like you based on skin color or sexual preference. get over it, that's just the way life is. there are also people that don't care, and people that march for it, and people that love you, and people that would rather see you die. it's just a fact of life, that's the way it is, can't change it no matter what the story books say.

and i'm with icequeen: blacks aren't the only ones that get a bad rap. if i go into DC, there are all these black people that will stare like "hey, what's this white girl doing here?" it seems white people get stereotyped with "they have a better life" or "they hate black people" or "they don't understand what we've been through." come on people, this is so stupid! you don't think my ancestors had to go though **** like yours? sure, it wasn't slavery, but i'm sure the italians went through some kind of crap too (i didn't pass history, what can i say)

moral of the story: everyone is stereotyped. not everyone likes you. quit *****ing about it, it's not doing anything. the end.

and stop double/triple posting, there's an edit button for a reason
Is this really the end? No.

Gina, you seem really cool! But..

Originally posted by GINA
i don't care if you're gay, straight, bi, black, white, asian, hispanic, alien, purple, whatever. there's gonna be people that don't like you based on skin color or sexual preference.

You say it's a preference. :rollseyes If it were in fact a preference, then that means that it is a choice. But how would one be able to differenciate between heterosexuality, homosexuality, transsexuality, or bisexuality? If it is a preference, I would just like to know: at what age did you choose to become heterosexual, assuming that you are from previous posts? I speak for myself, but I feel that it is a sexual orientation not preference. Even the Dictionary agrees. :delight:

Hope that didn't sound to harsh. :|
not harsh at all...this is a debate after all. here's why i call it a sexual "preference:" when we're born, we learn from what we see around us. in society, the norm is being hetero, not homo (at least what we see, i don't know about statistics). as we grow up, we get to make more decisions and choices, but once again, we remember and (for the most part) follow what we see around us. babies and children grow up seeing boys and girls together, not boys with boys or girls with girls. (please remember i'm talking about normal or usual circumstances, don't say "what about people with gay parents!") anywho...

as people get older, they discover that some people get it on with their own sex. i know some people will say "i was always attracted to men" or vice versa, depending on their gender. whatever. i'm not sure how it works. i just know i am sexually attracted to men. sure, i can look at a girl and say "she's pretty" but not have it turn into "i wanna get in bed with her". boy i'm way off track here...my point is that people grow up and learn who they are attracted to and what they prefer. i know a lot of gay people have said they're experimented with the other sex, but they eventually settle down with either boy or girl. there is no set age that you "choose" what kind of person you want, you go through life experimenting until you become comfortable with whatever. that's just my opinion though

i kinda lost my train of thought...but i hope i sort of explained myself. and thanks jethro, you're cool too :)
For some people, the 'norm' is being **** (meant in a nice way to include homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and transgendered). I feel that you are born according to your sexual orientation. At a young age you wouldn't know what to expect or how to make of any feeling that you may have regarding any interaction seen between heterosexuals or homosexuals. Basically, normal is defined differently for each person.

I also fail to understand how any of what you said makes it a preference. :sure:
because you choose what kind of person you want to be with, or you "prefer" to be with one kind of person
Originally posted by Jethro
For some people, the 'norm' is being **** (meant in a nice way to include homosexuals, bisexuals, transsexuals and transgendered). I feel that you are born according to your sexual orientation. At a young age you wouldn't know what to expect or how to make of any feeling that you may have regarding any interaction seen between heterosexuals or homosexuals. Basically, normal is defined differently for each person.

I also fail to understand how any of what you said makes it a preference. :sure:

Gina - I didn't choose anything. I was born who I am. And since you prefer men over women, how was your experience with women? You must not have liked it since you decided to be straight?
Icequeen, I find it interesting that we have broken down into our own personal debate. If I can ask, how many years have you been studying your bible, and in what languages? I know for me I have been studying the original Torah, that's the beginning of the old testament for those who aren't sure, for over 27 years now. I suppose I should also inlude over 16 years of study in new testament in English and in Aramaic. Somehow I think spending that many years of study in not only the letter of the writings, but also in ancient culture and philosophy qualifies me to actually say something about it. Also remember, no translation will ever retain 100% of the original's meaning. It is an impossibility.

I have to chuckle a little at the last page of debate. I think few gay people would ever readily admit they chose to be gay. Perhaps they chose not to fake being straight, and I think there is a difference between the two. I don't beleive there is enough evidence on either side to state conclusively homosexuality is genetic or social. Too much evidence is being discovered every day on both sides. What concerns me more is the reaction people have to gay people. People need to understand that even if homosexuality is caused socially, there isn't much the child can do about it. They really don't have a choice. If it is genetic then they really don't have a choice.

Somehow I think it is more a combination of the two that really decides.

Falsharm you have beaten me in how long you have been studying since i havent even been alive that long. I have been studying the bible for my whole life. I say that because i use to debate with kids at my elementry school and i would say things that they didnt even know about. I'm 19 right now. But my bible is called New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures. It is called that because it is in modern english not old english, and it is also a direct translation of the original languages, which are Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. I guess it would depend on why you are studying the bible for what you get out of it. I study it because i want to know the truth about things and about God and why everything is the way it is. I know why everything is the way it is too. Like the world conditions, and if we are all going to die, and about the end of the world. About what Gods kingdom is.
Society's norm, which is what the majority are, is to NOT be homosexual or bisexual.
Society's norm, for homosexuals or bisexuals, is to NOT be heterosexual.
i think what matt meant was the majority of people are hetero, not homo...which means its the "norm"

i think it's near impossible to tell if **** are gay genetically or socially. that's like arguing about how the world was created. maybe not that extreme, but it's **** hard. and how come some people turn gay halfway through their life? or vice versa? did they just then realize they like the same sex?

touche jethro...i have not personally done anything with women. i just don't like the way they act or look. i want a man. but good question/observation ;) you got me there
I don't think they realized that they were gay halfway through their life. I'm sure they would have known about it from a younger age and maybe didn't know how to handle those emotions. I don't think the "turned gay" either. It's not like one day you walk into the house, see your wife and two kids and all of a sudden you say 'Honey, I got some bad news. I've turned gay. It all started when I was walking down the street and BOOM! It hit me! The gay just hit me out of no where! '
ok well don't take it to the extreme. i meant that some people, let's say men, date women for a few years in their life. but they gradually get an interest in men; not in one day, but over however many days/weeks/months/etc. now i can't say if they always had hidden feelings for men, and i don't think you can either because you don't know (unless you had that experience). but that's what i meant when i said they "turned gay halfway into their life."
I don't think that happens either. I'm sure that if they dated women they were trying use that to cover up their homosexuality or change who they are, which isn't possible.
I think I have stated my positions on Christianity earlier in this forum. Let me just say I can't agree with it in most of its forms. This isn't the place for a religious debate, however. I do think it is too bad that society can't decide on the value of a person by their merits, or even that they are people to begin with.

From a gay man's point of view this "majority" you want to talk about is like looking up from the bottom of a well. Having grown up looking white I never realized the minorities point of view, someday I hope some of you will.

It is that "majority" who have decided all gay people are "sick", "deranged", mentally incapable (gay people used to be put into insane asylums in the US not too long ago), spiritually disturbed, and basically not worth anything. Sounds like how the "majority" in the United States has treated just about every minority in its history doesn't it? Does the fact the "majority" in the United States treats its minorities so poorly have something to do with the Christian sects that started invading North America? Could it be that Christianity has historically looked at anybody not like itself and considered them inferior?

On the other topic; It may be that men, or women for that matter, try so hard to fit in with what they think is normal that they don't come out to themselves until after they are married and have children. I don't think it's that they turn gay halfway through life.