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What's strange is that, for once, I almost agree with Buster. Everyone has gotten their views out on the table, and this forum has turned into a yelling match. It saddens me too, Harry, that there are still people who beleive some of the things people in this forum have said. Unfortunately it will be quite a few more years before Society can even come close to accepting anything.

I guess it's ok, I mean it's been 50 years since the end of segregation (supposedly) and there are still plenty of racists. It will be a long time before people actually understand genderism. Unfortunately it has to take the shape of what we have witnessed in this forum, but I only hope education will help everyone understand.

Whileit may be the majority that rules, it is not the majority that is pandered to. I think we should all remember that the United States is built on the idea that all people are equal, which means you have to take into account the minority. Speaking of, it will be interesting to see the change in politics and "common" thought in 2008 when "minorities" will actually outnumber the "majority".
Meh, genetics.

BTW, if you're so proud, use this:

No offence of course. I just saw it, and thought of this thread.
That's funny, actually. I don't think I would ever use it just because I don't really flame at all, but it's still funny.

Takes all kinds, doesn't it?
I don't care about sexual preference. I know a lot of gay and biseuxal people. They're all cool. I'm not freaked out by them at all. I also don't see it as a disease -- it's a choice. (Mr. Miller -- codePhoenix -- knows why... and feel free to tell). Religion is pointless, though, IMHO. I'm sacreligious.

Of course, may I remind you all that these are my personal views.
I really don't think that is a choice... I mean who would CHOOSE a life where you were constantly persecuted by society? I don't think you can choose to be attracted to one gender instead of another.
well you can't always think of it as, "what would society think if i did so and so." you'd never really get anywhere, because there's always people that disagree with something that you do. let's say i suddenly became sexually attracted to women. my feeling about women would become so strong that i wouldn't care what other people thought, i just care about me and what i like to do, and i know there are other people in the world that feel the same way i do -- enter the lesbians.

personally, i can see why men choose to date other men. i think girls are really annoying, i wouldn't want to date them.
I just have a genral question for falsharm (since his the only person on this thread who has admitted his gay) and if anybody else knows feel free to anwser. I want to know how one gay person knows that another person is gay?
Like if you were a homosexual guy and you saw another guy who was really attaractive to you how would you know if he was gay or not. I mean would you just come on to him and hope that his gay, that could be really bad if the other guy wasn't gay.
Please enlighten me on this subject.
Here's more everone, Enjoy

Most people will quote about Sodom and Gomorrah but here’s what went on. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of their entire failings. The Bible never specifies they performed homosexual behaviors. It said the crowd demanded the two angels be brought out so they might “know” them (King James Genesis 19.4-11).

ok that is the king james version. i know the bible very very well. and if you must know its called the New World Translation (that means its not old english) of the Holy scriptures. its translated from the Hebrew scriptures. and yes sodom and gomorrah was destroyed bc of the fact that the city was wicked and yea they were very gay. and what do you think getting to know someone meant?? do you think they wanted to pull the two men out of the house to talk to them. yes a huge mob wanted to TALK to them and get to know them in that way. do you understand how dumb that sounds. and you can actually look up more scriptures that condemn men that lie down with men. that obviously also includes women that lie down with women. it also condemns beastilality. and even fornication and adultery.. the list could go on. you obviously need to do more research.
I thought they proved it was a lack of testosterone, with the whole WWII test. When the mothers are under extreme amounts of pressure / stress the baby lacks some of the genetic makeup they need, predisposing them to the lack of testosterone that leads them to become "homosexual". Not sure about the female group though, wasn’t ever brought up.

Anyway, where I stand with the whole issue. If you’re gay, great it's no ones **** business. We all portray a gay as the "fairy" or "butch" of the group. Why? The same reason why "the white people" view the "black people" as druggies and drug dealers; by actions of others. I believe that **** should go back to the way they were - kept inside the closet. Not saying, they shouldn’t expression affection to their lover, but why not get it out of everyone’s face. That’s one of my biggest pet peeves. When you see someone walking around all funny, talking all funny and explaining to the whole world how they are SO homosexual; and you know **** well they can walk just like everyone else, they can lose the moronic hand gestures and start talking about other things than their sexual preference. I've grown up in the "freak" group. I've found that several people do it purely for attention, which I find sick and extremely twisted.

I’m sick of this whole ideal with the “90’s expression”. You’re gay and proud? How about you keep it to yourself. The world doesn’t need to know your personal business and when they find out, drop the subject. Plain and simple, they don’t want to accept you they don’t have to. How many straight people have parades to celebrate the fact that they are straight?

A question I have, and I probably have the answer but I’m simply asking. What makes girls so attracted to homosexual men? I mean they sit there are talk about how they can have “girl-talk” with them, well isn’t that what the other girl down the road is for? Or the idea that they can’t have them, um… call me an idiot, but if I can’t have something I’m moving on with my life. You look at these people (the one’s that girls find attractive) and they’re everything the “ideal man” isn’t. Please don’t take this the wrong way; I’m not pushing this towards all gay people. I’m taking about the ones who are “fairies” (not my words, simply a description). Normally they are tiny, are extremely opinionated (why throw rocks from a glass house?) and won’t shut up about being gay.

...and that's my 2 cents
lol, since when did white people think that black people were druggies and drug dealers?
Since its a typical sterotype of african americans.

And Josh bro you told it better than anybody else on this thread. That is the best post I've seen on this thread since the thread was started.

The whole thing about if your gay keep it yourself don't have to tell everyone your proud and use the hand gestures and all, that WAS PURE GENIUS!

Man I just loved what you had to say. I know this thread has been the most controversal, but you just struck gold with your points. Support all of that.

good points josh. and i'll try and answer your girl-liking-homo question. i have a couple of gay friends that used to live below me, and they were both nice guys. they didn't flaunt they were gay, which was cool and everyone appreciated it, and they were open to talk about being gay and didn't take gay jokes the wrong way. they were the "cool" gay guys. but i never went to them to talk about "girly" things. i'm probably not the right person to answer, because i don't really have girl talk with other girls, but my only explaination could be that the girls can say feminine things to a guy that is perceived as feminine, but also get a masculine point of view.

and as a side note, i don't care if you're gay or straight, PDA is more annoying than you could believe! i dont mine hand holding or maybe a kiss on the cheek, but when you're grabbing your partners **** in public or practically making out or hanging all over each other, please stop!! if you're not going to have respect for yourselves, then respect the people around you. (sorry, with josh bringing it up and seeing it at the movies tonight, it's become an issue)
seriously. thats a pretty lame comment, Josh. not every white person thinks every black person is a druggie. you need to think before you type or speak.
man I must be a druggie/dealer to a TON of people then lol :) however i can understand that josh meant that in the 'stereotypical' sense (in other words, the people that still live in the dark)...granted, there are still a LOT of people that do feel that way (g0ober and I can relate to this due to practically anytime we go somewhere we get stared at cause of me)... but it's not true that 'all' think that way... just a select chunk...

To further clarify why we get stared at it's because we stay in the rich cities so the people think I don't belong lol... they have no clue that not only did I live in torrance (recently moved to Long Beach, but will be returning to Torrance) but I'm also pretty wealthy... but, that's our little secret ;)
i think throughout this thread, every time someone says that someone sees a group of people a certain way, they mean the majority or as a stereotype

did that make any sense? 0_o i think you guys know what i'm trying to get at
Yea, but people stereotype gay people everywhere you go; black people are only stereotyped in rural and suburban areas.... in other words, areas where the majority of the people there are white, if not all white.
Originally posted by Harry
Yea, but people stereotype gay people everywhere you go; black people are only stereotyped in rural and suburban areas.... in other words, areas where the majority of the people there are white, if not all white.

not necessarily... black people stereotype each other all the time... for example, the 'ghetto' lingo/language, clothes, etc. Everywhere I go I'm expected to speak like a **** (ala the ghetto lingo) and like certain things, etc... because I'm actually PROPER other black people usually 'cast me out of the club' so to speak (like it matters! lol) or say that I'm wannabe white... pretty funny stuff... i usually just take it as a comment seeing as how what they really are saying is that i'm not ghetto and stupid like they are...

sorry guys (speaking to other ghetto people), but I'm actually making something of myself... so there

Thanks for the support (all of those who have agreed with what I have said)

As for the black people being considered "druggies and drug dealers". It is a wide known stereotype, whether or not you believe in it or not it's still a wide known stereotype. It's most because they were the ones in the early 90's standing on the street corners selling, while the little white kids sat at home and the cops couldn't get in the house. Not every time I see a black person do I instantly think "drug dealer!" but a lot of white people do believe that stereotype and a lot of black people too. (not trying to create a black white issue out of this thread in the least - simply defending what I said). Also too add, idealy I try to treat everyone of any color, race, sexuality the same.

I’ve been trying to post, Buster, to answer your question but my posts all seem to be disappearing, almost like someone is taking them out. I dunno, but it sucks.

Actually, Icequeen, after the many years of Biblical study in three different languages, I do not think you can say you have the experience to tell whether a text is mistranslated or not. I suggest you go talk to your local rabbi. You might also note that, while I did quote NKJ version once, I also quoted other versions other times.

Josh, the whole theory about hormones during WWII was proven wrong a few years back. Also, you are working on the societal stereotype for gay people. You have identified a few behaviors you don’t like and those are what you object to. Basically you want to tell everyone else how to act, right, because that is what you are doing. Perhaps we could all use Josh’s Code of Non-Gay Conduct when living our lives. I like that idea.

I think it is great everyone has started talking about this as a stereotype that should not be believed. At least I think that’s what I started to hear and was hoping a correlation between black stereotypes and gay stereotypes was being drawn (about how those stereotypes are almost never right anyway).

It’s too bad then that most of you don’t have any problem with gay people as long as they don’t act “gay”. So what this tells me is that as long as gay people act like straight people, instead of being free to act however they want to, then they are tolerable. It is interesting to see a lot of you write how you “don’t mind” gay people or anything. That’s great. It is very reassuring to know that as long as I act exactly the way everyone wants me to act then they “don’t mind” me, but as soon as I actually act how I want, or say what I want, then someone objects to the “loud gay man in the corner” and I get shut out. Interesting, wouldn’t you say?
I am a Hispanic and an African American (my mother is Hispanic and my father is African). I lived in Jamaica, a city in Queens, New York. I am a huge rap fan and I grew up in the midst of what people call "ghetto."

Not every black guy is a "drug dealer." Many of us have made a life for ourselves, like d2alio for instance. It is horrible that even people of our own race, as in d2alio's situation, are offending Dameon because he does not look or speak "ghetto." People who are black do not need to. It does not make you look better. A word that I personally hate hearing (although it is in many hip-hop songs) is "n.i.g.g.e.r." or "n.i.g.g.a." I find it just as bad when a black person says it as when a white person says it. It will always be remembered as a word that was used in the period when blacks were not at the same level of appreciation as whites.

As for the BET contreversy, I think it is a way for black people to keep up traditions. Hip-hop is a tradition of mine. I get a lot of what I hear from it.

It is still contreversy on whether homosexuality is a gene. You cannot tell people that it is yet. However, that proves that it is just as bad as not liking someone because they are black. As one of the early posters said, it is not under their control.

Josh: I second Buster on his opinion of your post. If your gay, that is good for you, nobody cares! Keep your ****in' business to your ****in' self!