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Ok........ falsharm.......

I don't know how to even start with you, you just don't like when I express my views of anything. All you can say is that I'm uneducated, that were all uneducated.

Were too ignorant to understand what you have to say, well all I can see is that your too ignorant to understand God's plan.

His plan started with a male and a female not a male and male not a female and a female. Its all natural, its how its SUPPOUSE TO BE.

There is no use in argueing that. And don;t avoid the fact by saying people can bread for the sake of breading and still be gay or with your whole "I'm not christian so I don;t believe that," well we had to start somewhere and thats were I say it started.

When it all boils down to it, there is no way for you to be right you can not win this argument cause that is how it HAS to be. We are made up of two different sexes for a reason. To love and to cherish the opposite as our mates. Granted were suppouse to love each other but on a totally different level were suppuse to be attaracted and be phyiscal and breed with the opposite sex.

And stop with this whole a girl is going kick me in the balls and trying to downgrad breasts and insult it just because you don;t have it and your trying to make us feel like we shouldn;t apperciate it, thats just not going to work cause like I said before girls have "GOT IT GOING ON." And plus I think girls would like males to be attaracted to them and I'm just showing my attaraction and it doesn;t only exstist on a phyiscal level just in case you want to throw that in my face with all your crap.

Understand man we don;t hate you for being gay, we just think you have mis understood it all, and anyway this whole debate thing is for us to express are views and most of us know.......that we like girls.
So don't reply with hatered everytime, come on were all just trying to live on this earth peaceful. Were all part of the human race I know there are a few or actully a great many who don;t appericate the differences in people but also we weren;t made perfect. But to restate my main point, there are just some differences that I say were not suppouse to even be differences, if you can understand what I'm saying.

Its not natural its not the way its SUPPOUSE TO BE, but if it wasn't suppouse to be than why is it?

I guess we will never know until the end. But until then, lets get drunk and party!!! YEA!!!!! WIRED GAMERS ROCKS!!!
WOOOOO OOOH!!!!!:p :delight: :p :delight:
Not exactly keen on the last, overly-sentimental part of that post, but I can answer the question.

Because Homosexuality is a genetic error. No getting around that, matey.:sidestare
oh my god, i have been missing out. i don't even know where to start!

buster: you sound so immature it's driving me nuts. all this crap about "girls are hot man! boobs alcohol britney spears woo!" please. i think you're getting a little out of hand and being a little rude, not only to falsharm but to guys and girls everywhere. you're making girls sound like all they're worth are breasts and something good to look at. you're making guys sound like sh*t, when really they're not as bad as you make them out to be. you're talking about how falsharm has a smart mouth on him, but it seems to me like you think only your opinion is right.

falsharm: i feel so sorry for you. not your life in general, but it seems like all you're doing is defending yourself with people who live in a box and refuse to listen. not everyone that has posted, but many people.

i lost track of what i was saying, my dinner's here. i respect everyone's opinions, but it doesn't seem like a lot of people are open minded to people who have EXPERIENCE IN THE SUBJECT. that is all, over and out.

and btw: i'm so glad i'm not lesbian, i hate girls :|
That's just cack, mate. Refrain from posting any more nonsensical garbage in serious thread, aye? Otherwise I'm gonna haveta import my Smiting Scythe from another board, and it takes ages...
Originally posted by falsharm
Perhaps you misunderstand how gay people feel, wait, I know you do. Gay people only want equal treatment. I don't want to have to watch straight sex every time I turn on the TV. Should we have gay sex on tv? I don't know if that is the right answer, I just know I get tired of seeing straight sex everywhere I turn.


That in itself makes this an incredible issue, regardless of what causes it or if you think it is "gross" or not. Almost everyone here has said "I don't care if people are as long as I don't have to see it." I'm sure that makes the friends you have that may be going through these issues feel real good about hanging out around you.

Do I really have to point out the incongruity here, or can we all see it plain as day? Anyway, I'll go on assuming that we're all smart enough and wait for someone to call me out on the fact that falsharm is sick of watching straight sex, and yet thinks we are subhuman because we refuse to watch gay sex...
If I remember correctly (and I don't feel like rummaging through the last 35 posts), falsharm became angry and rude first. Sorry if this is not true.

Falsharm, I read those documents you gave me and both said that:

A. The vast majority of cases are of homosexual male-to-male contact.

and B. HIV is still predominantly contracted through anal sex.

Why does everyone even give a ****? Live your life.

Debate forums only lead to flaming, as I've witnessed at many. Mostly because people can't control themselves on issues they're passionate about.
buster, stop spamming

ash, i agree. i don't understand why people are so curious about gay people's bedroom behavior and why they like it. what if i said that even though i am straight, i enjoy being handcuffed and beated while having sex? i bet you all would question that as well. who cares what people enjoy sexually, which is ultimately what is happening as far as **** and straights. guys enjoy the company of other guys, but that doesn't make them gay. what makes a man gay is what he does sexually with another man, whether it's looking at them and saying "nice ****" or doing...other censored things. same with women, except for some reason, it's really "hot" to see a lesbian :rollseyes i say who cares if someone is gay or straight. really, why do you care? i'm curious
I believe it's safe to say that when I mentioned earlier that many religions imposed the fact that homosexuality was a defiance, if you will, of God's laws, that did not mean that everyone abided by this law.

Falsharm: You say that the Christian Bible has been revised in several editions, so that in turn had made homosexuality wrong. You used the example of Sodom and Gomorrah when showing that homosexual behaviors were never mentioned. Why then in KJV Gen 19:7 did Lot mention "brethren, do not so wickedly". He did not want them to commit to man. If commiting to man instead of woman was considered wicked, then what of homosexual acts?

I don't deny that the Torah was the original word of God, and I don't deny that there have been many versions of the word printed thereafter, but I do not understand where you got the information that the scripture was ever misinterpreted to that degree, when it states, indirectly or not, in the KJV (the version of the Bible you had quoted) that homosexual acts were considered wicked.

You definitely know what your talking about, but when it comes down to religion, you can't really debate on religious views, and what's misinterpreted or not, because everyone believes differently, and everyone has a belief in scripture. (What I said in my first post) Whether any of it is right or wrong is a matter of personal belief, faith and known proven fact about your religion. Thanks for your time.
Sodom and Gomorrah are bad examples in the fight against homosexuality. Their story can easily be construed as merely anti-rape. They were, after all, going to take the angel against its will.
*sigh, where to start.

Well, Buster, we give what we get. By the way, were people “supposed” to go to the moon, or were people “supposed” to be able to fly? These are both done through mechanical advantages, so perhaps a better question would be, are women “supposed to not be married? Are they “supposed” to not work so they can take care of children? In a world of such varying identities and ideas, how can anyone say what people are “supposed” to be doing?

While genetics can play a part in sexuality, again there is no proof it decides. If there is no proof, how can homosexuality be caused by a genetic error? Or are you just betting that they will come up with definitive proof, kind of like they came up with definitive proof that black people were inferior to white people.

I’m not sure where you got the subhuman part from, Advance. I was only trying to point out to you how often I deal with exactly what you don’t want to. You don’t want to see anything that looks like gay sex (except maybe lesbian sex because most straight guys hold this fantasy that they will get it on with two women) but I have to see straight sex in nearly every movie I watch and often on television shows. What’s fair in that?

Ash, I’m not sure you read it correctly. While the majority of HIV/AID cases in the US are in the homosexual category, there are other categories. If you add everything up to be gay vs. straight, you will see straight people actually outweigh the gay people. Also, worldwide there is absolutely no competition. Over 70% of cases worldwide are heterosexual. The contraction through anal sex may be the number one way of transmission in gay males, but with the other cases added up it is not the most common way of transmission.

Gina, I love the support you have given me during all of these posts. I really wish it could be left a bedroom issue. I agree, I don’t care what someone else does in their bedroom, but unfortunately this country does not let it stay there. Look at the recent debate over the Red Cross and giving blood. When a worldwide organization discriminates against perfectly healthy gay men because they are gay, the issue is brought out of the bedroom.

Ziroi, I think you have some valid points, but I wonder what you meant by the first one. You are reading into the scripture a lot if you think what you quoted speaks to homosexuality and not other things. Perhaps if you considered it meaning a lot more than you are using it for it would mean more.

Also, your last paragraph was great and I hope everyone read it. I really appreciate how you said that, because of the fact that scriptures themselves are different and reflect a huge array of views, that we shouldn’t consider scripture at all as a valid argument for the validity, or non-validity, of homosexuality.

And Advance, perhaps you are actually understanding what I was trying to point out about the Bible. It can be read a million different ways, and two parties can use the same Bible to justify opposite opinions. That in itself makes it impossible to use in an argument.
Just accept you're in the minority.
Everything in life panders to the majority.
Originally posted by falsharm
but I have to see straight sex in nearly every movie I watch and often on television shows. What’s fair in that?

Sorry if this gets slightly off topic but this bothers me a little; why do you HAVE to watch straight sex falsharm? Why watch the movie if you find it unfair that you HAVE to watch it in the first place? No one is making anyone do anything. Humans have choices in life. You can choose not to watch straight sex in movies or on TV.

And sex is not nearly in every movie unless you happen to be only interested in those kinds of movies...
Originally posted by ziroi

Sorry if this gets slightly off topic but this bothers me a little; why do you HAVE to watch straight sex falsharm? Why watch the movie if you find it unfair that you HAVE to watch it in the first place? No one is making anyone do anything. Humans have choices in life. You can choose not to watch straight sex in movies or on TV.

And sex is not nearly in every movie unless you happen to be only interested in those kinds of movies...

It seems like no one around here can read correctly.
Originally posted by falsharm

Perhaps you misunderstand how gay people feel, wait, I know you do. Gay people only want equal treatment. I don't want to have to watch straight sex every time I turn on the TV. Should we have gay sex on tv? I don't know if that is the right answer, I just know I get tired of seeing straight sex everywhere I turn.

I do believe that Falsharm is saying that it seems like every time he turns on the T.V. there is some sort of heterosexual sex on. He does not HAVE to watch it, your right. I feel that the bigger issue is that there isn't any homosexual sex, and if there is, it is used to be laughed at. It isn't funny. People who are laughing should be the ones laughed at.
gdo this is becoming more of an insulting contest than a debate over Homosexuality!!!

haha i agree pedestrian
lupus, why does it have to come down to who's a minority and who isn't? that's not very fair, and i don't think it really matters
I'm pretty sure this thread had overstayed its welcome, that is that I think everyone has voiced their views and everything that can be said about homesexuality has been said, or almost everything.

I mean you can leave it open and people can keep bashing each other and spamming or you could close it..............and stop all that.
Originally posted by GINA
lupus, why does it have to come down to who's a minority and who isn't? that's not very fair, and i don't think it really matters

It may not be fair, but it's how the world works.
i know...and that's not fair :sidestare haha nothing you can really do about it, but you're right.

buster, why close the thread if people are still talking? that would be silly. you're really off topic and you're spamming in this area (again) so once again, cut it out!
o m g, I didn't think people like this actually existed anymore..... I mean every now and then you will hear on the news that someone was killed because they were gay and stuff like that, but I didn't think there were people with 140 IQ's that actually agreed with these anti-gay opinions. Some of these comments are just so immature and brimming on the edge of something a southern hick would say. (no offense to southerners.) And to whoever was saying, "GIRLS ARE JUST HOT I LOVE **** BLAH BLAH BLAH,"...... are you 12 or just extremely unintelligent?